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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. I’ve turned on 2FA anywhere I can that involves money. We dropped SoundCloud Pro and it was a hassle to stop the charges. None of these “We’ll Make You Famous” are worth it. Landr, BL, SC, etc. YouTube is one of places where you might get some valid likes.
  2. Right. What we are offered now is rental, not a subscription.
  3. I know some GUIs on some VSTs might benefit if they are animation heavy but I’ve never seen anything that appeared to be messing up or delayed. So I don’t bother.
  4. I believe the general consensus is that the graphics load is minimal and a card won’t really help anything. I’m using the built in graphics of the i7 12700 with dual monitors. Works fine. Getting an external card won’t do much of anything for me.
  5. Hmmm. Yeah. Clips but not the track in whole. Well, another reason to go back to the DOS version!
  6. I should pull my D110 out. Haven't used it in decades.
  7. I've copied tracks between projects. Isn't it going to the Cakewalk clipboard (vs the Windows clipboard)?
  8. Naw, it’s easy to get. For licensing reasons the two ROMs are separate but there with the VST. I’ve had 10 instances running at one time. And interesting aside is that it sounds like they undid the 15 bit audio hack and 14 bit reverb hack and this removed the decay noise the MT-32 had. It was terrible. My D-110 was better.
  9. Munt MT-32 is a good substitute if you can’t use TTS-1. It’s pretty much the same sounds.
  10. We will never know. I believe the Gibson dump scattered many (rightfully pissed off) users and the free (for a time) Bandlab version probably brought some back but I would suspect not many. Has the Sonar rental plan got more back? I doubt it but they probably brought in new users and that's what more important. Most people once pissed off rarely return to a product if they can at all avoid it. I seriously doubt Bandlab will ever tell us the bottom line but being tied to Bandlab gives them some leverage. I am not sure Bandlab expects Sonar to be profitable standalone. In the end, Sonar (and CbB) work well and if it's worth it to you, rent it. Has anyone list out the specific differences outside of the visuals? I know they've added some new features.
  11. Amazing how many people can play other people’s music either note perfect or with massive flair, but you never hear their compositions.
  12. I love the Who too but I consider Tommy to be their weak point and the god save me from the movie. And yes, the Sgt Pepper’s movie was competitively worse. But this bunch did an outstanding job.
  13. It’s the same in other DAWs. Use it at the clip/item level or regret it in the end.
  14. I had long hair until I married a barber. She’s been doing it ever since. And I don’t miss it. Mine was long mainly because I was lazy back in the day.
  15. Regardless of the number of different speakers and headphones I’ve used over the millennia, if I mixed in headphones, the mix balance is off on ANY loudspeakers. So I don’t. I might rough it out but I mix on my monitors and check on my dipoles. Those two agree.
  16. I think what throws people is that just clicking somewhere doesn’t appear to set the time position. You have to set the time up top first.
  17. I remember making sandwiches at 11pm for all the inmates. Boy, those were the days!
  18. I have both a normal strung and Nashville tuned acoustics and a 12 string and you don’t get the same sound and shimmer as the 12 string. But the sound is really sweet, just not quite the same. I use the Nashville by itself at times. It’s like a strange mandolin. If you have a spare acoustic, it worth the experimentation.
  19. I thought they reduced the activation window to one month from six months some time back. I assume it should do it automatically but maybe it doesn’t. One of the developers will be able to explain it. I pretty much get it whenever I fire up CbB but that’s because there is such a large gap between usage.
  20. And remember, if you can't drink sensibly, drink for impact!
  21. Often use of CTRL-s is your friend. No matter what the developers do, something will happen. Save yourself - save often.
  22. Good to hear from you! Blink twice if you are being held against your will.
  23. I get ripped off. And these days, I’m the one buying them!
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