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Everything posted by locrian

  1. While perusing the instruments I learned that "Banjo, [is] the most underestimated instrument in Hip Hop." ?
  2. Bought the Phoenix Orchestra Liuqin for $25 (total cost = $0). But I have to say, I really hate the Sine Player; the layout is so inefficient and such a PITA to navigate.
  3. That's what worked for me (normally I avoid salespeople).
  4. AAS seems to know that some of us have been naughty this year. ☺️
  5. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but if it's the little button that toggles between all / own / don't own presets, then that does seem to work in CS. Maybe I'm missing something... ?
  6. Have you tried toggling the following icon from this: to this: ? Also, if you're using Windows, you can just remove the folders corresponding to presets that you don't own (so that they don't even show up in the AT5 browser). They're located here: C:\Users\Anthony\Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5\Presets . Hope this helps...
  7. Thanks. Strange that it's not available for everyone; it's like a Microsoft phased roll-out. ?
  8. Just checked again ... 6.02 is still the latest available (Win 10). Very strange.
  9. Just ran Native Access, clicked on Guitar Rig 6 and it still shows 6.02 as the latest version. Is 6.1 just for Macs?
  10. Is this coupon only being offered to those who didn't get in on the buy 2 get 2 free promo?
  11. The link was blocked because it references rs6.net .
  12. Is there a direct link for this sale? The one provided is flagged by uBlock Origin.
  13. Mine came too. They must have read my post. ?
  14. Yes, I know. I've started receiving therapy. This is a very poor way to treat customers. You shouldn't have to jump through any hoops to get what you paid for. If the current buy 2 get 2 free sale lasts until after the January 15 deadline for us to pick our freebies, and I have to jump through hoops, I'm done with Waves. And damn my therapy! ?
  15. I kinda feel like we're being pinished for not buying directly from Waves. It's quite reasonable for those of us who purchased through a third-party reseller to have to wait longer to receive our 'free' plugins as the info travels to Waves. But more than a week? It's also a bit deceitful to advertise that we'll get our plugins after the sale is over, show us a giant clock ticking-down (with secods accuracy) and then, at the last minute, restart the clock and delay delivery. Twice! If Waves wants to extend the sale, fine. But they could also have allowed us to pick our freebies in the meantime. Some of us, myself included, purchased plugins with the intention of -- I know this is going to some crazy -- actually using them. ?
  16. Their website is like The Hotel California: You can check-out any time you like ... But you can never leave!
  17. Also in this issue is the AudioRealism ADM 606 Drum Machine.
  18. Well, that's for the best; we wouldn't want you skipping meals and going around light-headed. ?
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