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Everything posted by locrian

  1. I seriously doubt this option. MS has been a lazy, uninspired company from it's inception and will likely continue this strategy. Monopoly has enabled them to propser.
  2. Me too. I plan to stay with it as long as possible given it's rock-solid stability.
  3. The integrated pitch-shifter is cool. Not bad for just $9.
  4. I don't think so, but thanks for the suggestion. Cubase automatically chooses the latest plugin if more than one exists. If you don't want the one it chooses, you have to remove it (which is what I did for Omnisphere and Trilian).
  5. Not even close!!! Despite having the HDD plugged into my system and recognized by Native Access, I too had to download 120+ GB of content. And it was all the large 20-30GB libraries. So I too say, WTF is the point of making me pay for a HDD if so much content has to be downloaded anyway?!? Geeesh...
  6. Contrary to the two Spectrasonics' VST3 plugins, the new NI VST3 plugins *did* switch successfuly in Cubase 11. By that I mean, despite swapping my old NI FX plugins from VST2 to VST3, they're all still recognized in my old projects (which originally used VST2). This did not happen with the Omnisphere and Trilian plugins.
  7. They do what they're supposed to do -- compress and equalize -- but the sound quality for me was very poor; especially the EQs which made many things sound strident. They also caused stability problems in Cubase (back a few versions). But I haven't used them recently, so maybe NI improved them.
  8. True. The compressors and EQs are mix-destroying garbage! However, I have found very usable presets in the three Crush Pack FXs, the three Mod Pack FXs, Replika XT and Raum. They're all very stable, low-CPU usage, with simple, resizable GUIs. And effected-tracks sit well in most mixes.
  9. locrian

    Windows 11?

    Microsoft's roadmap for the next few decades: Windows 10: square corners Windows 11: rounded corners Windows 12: chamfered corners Windows 13: ??? corners (I hope I live to see this one!)
  10. locrian

    Windows 11?

    Two more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMHgM_hTzlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ehPsSn0Y4
  11. locrian

    Windows 11?

    And this too... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB9K03jQLyw
  12. locrian

    Windows 11?

    Also... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCtXAVZGjwk
  13. locrian

    Windows 11?

    The plot thickens... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3cMuyrlaKA
  14. In the past you could simply replace a VST2 file with the same-named VST3 version and Cubase would register the latter for a seamless update. Doing this after the current update causes existing projects, containing the older VST2 file, to generate an error message saying that Omnisphere/Trilian are not found. Oh well, back to VST2...
  15. locrian

    Windows 11?

  16. I'd be curious to hear what horn players think about the realism of these "Famous Horn Lines": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQVZbEFZx70
  17. I received my S/N this morning from T&S for K13 UCE. Now I'm waiting for a FedEx tracking number.
  18. Yes. That's what I do with the old ones. I gave one to my wife as an xmas gift a few years ago. She was not amused. ;-)
  19. I just tried this at Time+Space and they issued me a refund almost immediately after placing my order. I would not have thought to do this myself. Thanks for the great idea (and saving me $25)! Cheers...
  20. Looks like a nice alternative to Songbox (which I tried and gave up on after 10 minutes).
  21. Sounds like a Catch-22... Seriously though, where do I show that I'm a Waves' user to get Bitwig 8-Track (maybe that's what I'm missing)?
  22. BTW, how is Waves involved in this promotion?
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