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Everything posted by locrian

  1. locrian


    SPHERE is a new VST plugin designed to set the vibe to make a hit in seconds. ?
  2. I'm not sure if you're asking me specifically, but of the ones I have (Devastor2, Drumazon, Fazortan, Frontier, Sigmund, Syntorus), Frontier is the one I use the most by far (on my drum buss). Occassionally I will use Fazortan and Syntorus when I want that analog vibe. Both are good but neither are ever my first choice. I don't recall ever using any of the others (beyond demoing them). So, I guess I really can't make a recommendation. And after writing this I now think it's unlikely that I'll actually buy anything from them in the near future. I put D16 in the same group as Melda: I like the company and want to support them, but just don't find myself using their stuff enough to justify purchases.
  3. That's my sixth free D16 plugin. I think it's time to buy something from them.
  4. The search function on this site doesn't work that well (I looked through the first two pages of results).
  5. The Great Escape is a dynamic tremolo plug-in, made in collaboration with Thrilltone and modeling their original hardware all analog pedal. Instead of being just a standard but still very good sounding tremolo, the two of them feature an envelope detector which changes the speed and the depth of the effect with your playing. Indeed, tremolo is a great effect, but we must admit that in most cases, it has this mechanical and repetitive behavior, which leads us to use it in a very occasional manner, with pretty smooth intensity... Now, thanks to the envelope detector, tremolo can be a very expressive audio effect! Fully featured with tons of controls, and presets made by Francois Maxime Boutault from Les Liens Du Son, The Great Escape is simply the most versatile dynamic tremolo plug-in you’ve ever dreamed of! https://www.musicalentropy.com/TheGreatEscape.html
  6. Okay, so it's going to be Chris Lord Ambience (Clambience). It'll have all the set-and-forget presets from the outboard gear he talked about in part 2 of his course. And I guess you'll have to use one instance for each buss in your mix (drums, guitars, vocals,...) . If true, it seems like it would be easier and less CPU-taxing to just use one instance of each of the 11 ambience processors he mentioned (7 verbs and 4 delays), and then just control the send levels to these via automation to obtain the overal mix "landscape".
  7. Ha ha. Yes, I've heard about those new-fangled slidey thingees. ? But if it's just a simple plugin that you send to, and get a wet return from, that's not novel; especially if you have to instantiate it for each instrument. By that I mean I'm not sure how you'd get a unique buss configuration for drums, vocals, guitars, with just one plugin. I guess what's throwing me off here is his emphasis on doing this "economically". To me, it doesn't seem economical to use a plugin that contains four reverbs and four delays for each instrument. And so, I assumed we'd need just one.
  8. Just watched the video (which was quite good!) and at 8:47 he says "It's really not economically friendly to even attempt this in your DAW ... yet." (Cue epic music) So, I tend to agree with all those who say it'll be some sort of ambience plugin that (economically) reproduces his SSL-based setup in our DAWs. Though exactly how the routing will be handled is unclear.
  9. So, not worth all the trouble for one vanilla EQ. Thanks. I pass.
  10. locrian

    Virtual CZ

    Actually I was so desperate that I read (the very blurry) manual where I discovered that there are 'internal' and 'external' modes. The latter puts the plugin into a state where you can play individual notes from a controller. To get to the external mode you have to click the microscopic "Int Seq" button off. Sure, that was obvious.
  11. locrian

    Virtual CZ

    Yes, I found it too (thanks). But what I've not found is a way to just trigger single notes. I bought it because I liked the sound of the some of the kicks on the demo video and was planning to use it as a quick-and-dirty drum augmentation plugin. Oh well...
  12. locrian

    Virtual CZ

    It failed my "never-read-the-manual" and "just-start-turning-knobs" tests. ? Don't even get me started on those wretched devices. Cheers...
  13. locrian

    Virtual CZ

    Virtual CZ sounds great, but Drumazon is disappointing (not one of D16's better plugins).
  14. I think the other one was Berzerk Distortion. Last year was the year of distortion!
  15. Last year's freebies were actually pretty good: Abbey Road Saturator, the three MDMX Distortion Modules, and there was something else that I can't remember.
  16. Right! Just insert it, press the big "GO" button, and it mixes, masters, and uploads your track to all the major streaming services (and then routes the resulting income to your bank account).
  17. Yeah, I was thinking either saturation, reverb, or something novel like Brauer Motion (CLA CoMotion).
  18. Any guesses as to what it will be? The CLA line of plugins already seems fairly complete.
  19. If you hover over the top-right corner of the video, it will be flagged for later viewing. However, to your point, I couldn't find where these 'favorites' were saved (so I just dragged shortcuts from my browser to a folder on the Desktop).
  20. Just watched "Daniel Wyatt's Mastering Tips" and have to say that it was really good! I've watched many mastering vids before and most were vague, long-winded and more inspirational than practical. This one, in contrast, provided very concise, specific, and useful info that you could immediately and easily apply to your mix. Highly recommended!
  21. Hmm. I searched for "FL Studio All Plugins Edition" and "FL Studio" before posting and nothing came up. Strange.
  22. Black Friday Sale! Valid only until 30 Nov 2020 Turn 2020 around with an epic win - Get FL Studio All Plugins Edition for 55% OFF! Includes Lifetime Free Updates so you never have to pay to update your DAW again. FL Studio with all the native plugins you want and none of the hassles you don't need. Existing FL Studio customers get a huge upgrade discount too. Login to see your personalised offer. https://support.image-line.com/jshop/shop.php
  23. Every year I plan to buy a Roli Seaboard...but it never happens. Maybe Equator 2 will push me over the edge this year.
  24. Yes, it does run standalone. I'm using it that way right now.
  25. Matthew, what you say makes perfect sense and I'm now convinced that this is the reason why I have not had success updating to version 11. However, two things to note. First, I still have an active copy of C9.5 Pro in my Steinberg account (online, but not in the eLicenser dongle) despite having updated it to version C10 Pro (I still have the invoice). Second, I am able to run C10 Pro with the eLicenser that contains neither a license for 9.5 nor 10. And it's not running in demo/grace-period mode. So, it seems there's a disconnect between the formal license activation process and the practical side of using those licenses. Very strange.
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