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Everything posted by locrian
I just submitted a support request...let's see how long it takes to get a (useful) response. This has been a truly painful experience.
Actually I think you may have identified the problem. Thus far I've been concerned exclusively with my license for 10.5 Pro. However, the update I bought in July is specifically for 10 to 10.5, and currently I do *not* have a license for 10.0 (I applied an update last year to bring that to 10.5). And so that's probably why this keeps failing: the e-licenser has not found a 10.0 license to upgrade. I do however have an old 9.5 license, so maybe I can somehow reactivate my 9.5 to 10.0 update and then apply my 10.0 to 10.5 update (in order to get 11). This system is absolutely riduculous! Anyway, thanks for shedding light on this issue. I have a hunch that's the problem. To see if I'm correct, would someone who has successfully updated to 11 please let me know if they were able to do it *without* a license corresponding to the update they purchased? If this has been done successfully, then what I wrote above is likely wrong.
All entries in my online account match those shown in the e-licenser. So it appears that, for me, the problem isn't a matter of syncing but rather of accepting the activation code and proceeding to download it to my e-licenser. Yes, that's about the only option left to me at this point. Thanks again for your help -- it's greatly appreciated!
The only Cubase Pro license shown in my e-licenser is my *current* license for 10.5 Pro. I have not been able to activate my 10.0-to-10.5 update license (purchased in July), which should be converted to 11 given that I'm just activating it now. The problem is that I'm not able to complete the Enter Activation Code process: I enter my activation code, the e-licenser CC correctly identifies it, but then I get that error message that I posted above. From what you've written, you must have got past this step but then had to wait to complete the activation (via the actually syncing, as you mentioned). I'm beginning to think that something more serious is wrong, but am not sure what to try next.
Thanks for providing me with some hope. Unfortunately, no success yet. I'll keep trying. Cheers...
Still no luck here...
During the annual summer sale.
Hmm. I guess Steinberg just doesn't like me. ?
For those of us unable to update to version 11, I thought I'd share my particulars (in the hope that we can figure out why we cannot update while others can): - I purchased an 'update' license in July of this year: Cubase Pro 10.5 Update from Cubase Pro 10 ($35.99) - I have both 10.5 Pro and 11 Pro installed (both function perfectly; I'm using ver 11 in grace-period mode) - I was able to successfully perform the Maintenance Tasks in eLicenser CC - When I enter my update activation code into the eLicenser CC, it's recognized correctly; however, after continuing, I receive this error message: "Currently there is no license avaialable which can be upgraded by your upgrade license. Please connect a USB-eLicenser which holds an appropriate upgradable license" - I have unplugged and re-plugged my eLicenser dongle into my USB hub - I have rebooted my computer
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll try agian tomorrow. Cheers...
Has anyone been able to update to version 11 by activating a 10.5 license? I've had no success after many attempts. When I enter my activation code into the pop-up box it's correctly recognized. But after clicking the continue button I get the following error message: "Currently there is no license avaialable which can be upgraded by your upgrade license. Please connect a USB-eLicenser which holds an appropriate upgradable license" I realize that there's a lot of traffic on the Steinberg site, but this seems more like a local rather than network problem.
I need to type faster...?
I wonder how functional SpectraLayers One will be (and which version will be added to Pro)?
See attached PDF... Midi Map.pdf
No. I'm not familiar with this VI. I justed posted it because I thought someone else might be interested in it. I did skim the first video and remember the author talking about some of the details, so maybe the answer to your question is in there.
Overview: The Organic Calfskin Kit (OCK) is an acoustic drum VST3 ROMpler plugin for both Mac and Windows. This is a comprehensive and easy-to-use solution to working with the thousands of multi-track/multi-velocity samples. This specific download features samples from the Default-Dry kit. This kit is a moderately dry sounding setup that offers good punch for modern music styles and minimal sustain for easy mixing. Download & Videos: https://www.organicdrumloops.com/ogdl-plugins/ock-vst/
Has anyone successfully relocated the (>5GB!) IR files from the default Waves' folders (see below) to an external hard drive? Virtual Acoustics: C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Data\IR1Impulses Sampled Acoustics V2: C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Data\IR1Impulses V2
Analog Obsession has released BUSTERse, a freeware bus compressor effect in VST, VST3, and AU plugin formats for compatible digital audio workstations on PC and Mac. BUSTERse is the upgraded version of the previously released Buster compressor from the same developer. It introduces several improvements and new features that allow more control over the compressor’s behavior. https://www.patreon.com/posts/busterse-42658623
6.03 is not showing up in Native Access. It still shows 6.02 as the latest available version.
Hmm, just noticed something new in the TaskManager with V12: WavesLocalServer.exe. It's a background process that uses ~125MB of memory, loads when my DAW starts (Cubase), and stays loaded even after quitting Cubase. I don't like that! I wonder if it's for telemetry purposes (and if it can be disabled).
I went through the same steps you described above and, at first, thought I had to pay (WUP) to have all my "Group B" plugins converted to V12; I like the new resizing and prest browser options. But then I realized that everything in Group B could be updated for free (which, of course, I just did). I'm not sure if you, or others, realize this, so I'm mentioning it to make sure that no one who's entitled to upgrade for free misses the opportunity.
What's bad about the resizing? Omni Channel is the only one I own that has expired. I was planning to WUP it for the sole reason of being able to resize it larger, but after reading what you wrote may not bother.