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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Is this a cover? It's got a professional sounding structure and arrangement. Kudos if it's your original! Nice vocals! I like your effects treatment on the bgv's, although I suspect your harmony or main vocal on the word "sure" might be worth a tweak. Catchy tune! Might also bring kick and snare up front a bit more in the mix, to fully support the guitar groove. cheers, -Tom
  2. That 100% hold interest all the way through. Nice thoughtful proggy sections. Unfortunately I couldn't listen with volume cranked, but I got the feeling that the lead high synth introduced at 1:24 might be worth a check, a bit too much upper eq? Do you notice any icepicks? I'll try to come back later for a high-volume taste. Very inventive, creative, and very nice with morning coffee!!! cheers, -Tom
  3. Has anyone had a Danelectro bari guitar that lasted more than five years of regular use? I had one, it was fragile, the pots got scratchy, the body was made of some balsa/ foam combo? Loved the growly sound, however.
  4. This, exactly!!! I was going to comment on how the drums are pretty buried, I'm only really hearing the cymbal, but if you are aiming for the 1963 Ford F-100 mono speaker dashboard mix, so sweet, it's there. Your vocals are the perfect blend as well, excellent! Listen to your tune and stare at the dashboard speaker! My Dad had one of these when I was a kid. Very nice indeed!
  5. PhonoBrainer


    I dived into the first song and loved the instrumentation, and the mix. Cool use of rhythmic synthy stuff and the more organic instruments. Bass sits wonderfully in the mix. Her vocals are nice and clear, but definitely hit some sibilant spots. Don't know if it's too late to dial back some of her sssss's ? She has a great voice though. Overall, I really enjoyed that first song! cheers, -Tom
  6. Did you sleep? It was only a week. ?
  7. My consumption was not as conspicuous as previous years, and I felt quite happy about that! - upgraded an internal 1TB drive to 2TB. Can breathe now! - Nembrini "Cory Wong" amp - Cableguys "Shaperbox 3" bundle. Amazing value - DJ Swivel's "Spread" multiband eq widener - Gospel Musicians' "Splat to Clat" drums Had a decision to make about Reason 12 or just the subscription Reason + . . . I don't need any Reason synths or effects, most of which have a 20 yrs ago sound, like the AIR Xpand stuff. But Reason's new BVX Vocoder is da bomb, it sounds amazing. Almost thought about buying Reason outright to get it. That would have been around $420. Not worth it, as owning the rest of Reason 12 would be just too dumb, given what I already have covered. So I subscribed to Reason +, like 20 a month, that's lame too. A great vocoder though. A good savings season, so glad it's over!!!
  8. Fleer, you don't have the new cello yet, do you? I have both violin and cello purchased as UVI versions. Can I go get Gorilla versions for both now?
  9. Agreed, especially just a few tracks, keep it off the master bus if you can help it, YMMV.
  10. Appreciated the Baby Audio vid! So at least I'll check 'em out.
  11. Looks like DJ Swivel's Spread is $19 instead of $39. Other Swivel plugs are on sale as well. At Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/27-Stereo-Width/6761-Spread
  12. $349 instead of 499. Upgrades to R12 also 30% off. A bunch of add-ons are sale priced as well. Also the subscription based Reason + is 50% off if you prefer to bleed slowly. https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/browse/?product_type=music-software&sort=name Until 11/28
  13. Can anyone suggest the best cymbal pack for BFD? A long time ago I had BFD2 and BFD Eco had a Zildjan add on, I loved those cymbals!!! But then BFD took a dump and BFD Eco disappeared into 32 bit oblivion. I now use SD3 but the cymbals in SD3 are a bit lifeless by comparison. Thx!
  14. "You shure picked a fine time to leave me, Larscille" Welcome back, hope whatever rescue mission you had went well!
  15. Ah, there we go, thanks! Perhaps instead of "no results found" it might say "no current deals found". ? Just a refinement that ups the user experience for dolts like me ?
  16. From my phone, I searched for "Reason 12", got no results. I see on your manufacturer's list that you have Propellerhead, which I think is their old name, but no products under that, either. Unless it's a mobile phone search issue, you may want to add Reason Studios and Reason 12. ? Thanks, its a great site, especially for BF!
  17. Not their entire catalog, as I hoped before I had enough coffee this am. Just ebooks and a few plugins. None of the mixrooms.
  18. Does Reason ever go on sale? I don't want to bleed out $$$ for years for the subscription variant, "Reason +" . . .
  19. I'm a keyboard player, have been in rock bands. I prefer rock without keyboards, actually. Unless it's Rush, Pink Floyd, and a few select others. Too many keyboard lines in a song tends to turn it from rock into pop rock. Piano? Hey, some early Dire Straits had no piano. An album or two later, some tasteful piano. Later albums, lots synth. That's an evolution/devolution from rock to pop rock.
  20. For me anyways, deCoulda done better on this one, it's pretty MMeh. LE.
  21. Yes! The video concept was clever enough and very cleanly presented, great editing choices without being overly fancy, loved it. But the chorus was the standout, so well mixed, and lifted into prominence in the song like a good catchy chorus should be. Stellar! cheers, -Tom
  22. Well I thought it was great and a real treat to rehear this song. Great chords. Ideas? The nifty guitar solo is at times in front of the beat, which is certainly ok, but as the solo is note-perfect with the sung melody, I found it a bit rushed. You could get away with more rubato in a guitar solo if it weren't mirroring the vocal line. Perhaps. IDK. I liked your vocal, certainly a lower register than the original, but the original as I recall was gratuitously doubletracked, or maybe even triple tracked. super smooth up there he was. What a great project, it's come out very well. Your taste in covers is excellent. cheers, -Tom
  23. Can we "stickie" this thread to the top of the Deals forum? Like putting a step-on scale right in front of the refrigerator?
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