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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. PhonoBrainer

    Far Cry

    The lyrics have a killer emotional drive to them, and your sense of vocal leads and harmonies are truly wonderful in this song! You are getting good advice on the low end I think, so I would only add that you consider giving the hi hat a little interval or break. It's 8 to the bar for the entire song, and if it took a rest occasionally, it might be easier to bring other mix elements up and out, like the acoustic rhythm guitar which could step forward a bit I think. Luckily the vocals are 90% of the business, and you've got those worked out! Nice one, quirky and lovely. cheers, -Tom
  2. You guys need to work on your Anger Management problems, then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend.
  3. If you're talking the price range, $3800, sure ? sounds good! Them waterfall keys don't come cheap!
  4. I'll put in a vote for something I bought for around $700 Once you decide that the B3 patches on your gigging keyboard suck, and that the Leslie effect on your gigging keyboard sucks, and that your DAW-based Blue3's and Acousticsamples B5's and IK's and everything else kinda sucks too, like you're embarrassed to play it, then you consider this Italian thing. Which totally does not suck at all. I did have to buy an electric outlet adapter to make it work with U.S. outlets, which felt weird but hey it's a big, wide, wonderful, non-standardized world.
  5. Beware the one man band, no time for follow up support.
  6. Nothing wrong with that groove! I did notice you wait a full 8 measures before bringing in the next thing, which for the intro could be asking a bit much of the attention spans. Congas, more cunga lines, in the breakdown towards the end, more than the one cowbell hit before the 3. Just an idea! The "Keyscapetar" sounds pretty cool, would never have guessed! Playing that bassline on a keyboard live would be fun! Let's keep the song short! excellent jam! cheers, -Tom
  7. Well I hope more people get to hear this. A vibe of Gordon Lightfoot but truly original, with a really cool video. I have travelled that touristy but highly recommended White Pass and Yukon Railway https://wpyr.com/ is this the area that your photographs come from? The entire mix works very nicely but I found that fiddle / banjo towards the end particularly uplifting, they didn't sound like VSTi's! Very well done! cheers, -Tom
  8. I don't know what I just listened to; I only know that I liked it. And the more vocals you add in, the more interesting it gets. Just my vote for your future endeavors! cheers, -Tom
  9. Don't look back, those four bad hombres are gainin' on ya. Loved it. Spaghetti-western vibe - approved!!! Plus the video is a nice experiment in "change blindness" cheers, -Tom
  10. The arrangement is strong and the tones you've got for the bass and drums work nicely together. But the lyrics are stealing the show. I would also add to a slight lowering of the lead vocal volume, and maybe just a bit more reverb on them, they really are on top of the mix. Your cool tune reminds me that it's better to be creative than to slavishly adhere to the rules. Nice one! cheers, -Tom
  11. Eyeing the Korg digital delay sdd-3000 . . . . . . any feedback??? I'll get me coat.
  12. All the stock plugins that come with your DAW are free, if you're slow
  13. High pass eq every track except bass and kick, getting rid of everything below 300 hz
  14. Never heard of this song, or of Hawkwind, so that's my disclaimer. But I liked this song, super interesting arrangement! I obviously can't comment on the faithfulness of your cover, if that even matters. Great chops, and I liked the guitars playing off the synths. Or vice versa Mixwise, I heard a few things you might look at. 1) the intro's increase in volume at the beginning of the song takes too long, I had to reset my volume three times to get the right listening level. 2) two thirds in, it's guitar solo time, quite nice but the lead guitar while soloing is actually lower in volume than the rhythm guitar that's supposed to be supporting it. and 3) if you ask yourself "can I always hear the vocals? can I always make out the lyrics?" I think the answer would be "no", in spots, the instrumentation is a bit loud, some other element like snare is masking the vocal intelligibility, or the reverby wash is a bit uncontrolled, maybe more predelay might help? Some of my ratty little observations might be inherent in the original production of the song! So kudos if you have been faithfully authentic, warts and all! I do wish the vocals were consistently more prominent in the mix, as that's a fine vocal performance and a very listenable voice! And the guitareth doth shred! cool tune! cheers, -Tom
  15. Queen sang: "Weeds will, weeds will, rawk you"
  16. Space piano. Musk hauls it up there. Parks it past Mars. Recorded with highest resolutions, hundreds of velocity layers, with pristine preamps. Total library size is 5TB. On sale at introductory $29, and we all complain. Especially as there is no sound to be heard.
  17. Is now a good time to mention John Fogerty being sued for allegedly stealing from himself? As you may know, he won, but had to go all the way to the Supreme Court to recoup legal fees. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/27501/time-john-fogerty-was-sued-ripping-john-fogerty
  18. Heck no, the more hijackers on this plane the merrier! I'll check tha NI one out. Right now I'm using the bv-535 or whatever it is in Reason, and I'd love to drop my Reason subscription completely.
  19. Please forgive me for making observational notes here. I'm hoping some other people are investigating this demo, and might share their observations . . This thing sounds like the clearest vocoder for intelligibility that I've yet heard. It will be used on lots and lots of popular tracks in the future, would be my guess. All the presets use the super excellent Zynaptiq reverb and chorus that's onboard. I still haven't been able to get it to recognize my midi keyboard in real time. ABSOLUTELY KILLS CPU if you ask it to apply the vocode/autotune across multiple notes. For single note vocoding, not a big hit. Put a four, five, or six-note chord together, and your cpu headroom disappears. The "drone" presets might be worth the price of admission all by themselves. They are a great add. That said, it's $149 on sale, soon will be $249? For me that's heavy coin atm. I have a specific task I'm trying to get Orange to do - to robotically vocode without being confined to a single note, without being a robot monotone. I want the robotic vocal treatment to follow the pitch and melody of my sung vocal line . . . essentially, a polyphonic or polytonic robot. No luck yet with Zynaptiq. cheers, -Tom
  20. And if it includes a slider to dial in creaky wooden floorboards and seats, that would be nice as well! Love that place. I've had Spaces I for ten years? and never upgraded for the reasons that are obvious to anyone who can do basic math about upgrade paths. However, with this new offer, does anyone with Spaces II want to rave about it?
  21. Testing the demo, eats cpu for breakfast, and I haven't got Midi Learn to work yet. It's not going to win many awards in the ease of use category. But it does come with some interesting presets. That said, it's tonally very very deep and versatile in the types of sounds it can generate. It comes with a quick start manual that's maybe 20 pgs long? But it doesn't outline how you can get it to "learn" the midi keyboard signal. I'm definitely going to investigate further. This is a delayed gratification type of plugin.
  22. Thanks for the opinions! I actually have the OTS Nylon which has a nice workflow. But the strum engine sounds a bit artificial to me, and I would rate the others a bit more authentic or nicely stylized. OTS Nylon sounds a bit cleaner and I guess generic. The others mentioned have a bit more Spanish or classical or western flavor in their tones. Just my opinion.
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