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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Best ever. Long time listener. Multiple swags from the store purchased. Groove Salad is beyond excellent. Recently discovered Black Rock. Lusine, Tycho, the New Deal, Alex Cortiz. Jon Hopkins of course. Without GS, how would I ever have heard of Ulrich Schnauss?? Oxygen by P O N G M A N? Anything by Smooth Genestar??? Fanboi stops now.
  2. Hopefully, an ensemble of thousands that you can't turn off.
  3. This, exactly. To be Larry's friend in this space is to allow and expect him to drop out as he pleases, for whatever reasons, just as we all get to do. And I'd go just a bit further, asking hey is there a psychological downside to hunting and posting deals all day? Not for me to say what floats another's boat, but that's a whole lot of time spent wrapped in a cyberscape, isn't it? I know for myself, and have seen it in others, too much webbery gets us stuck, wrapped up, poisoned. It's called "doomscrolling" for a reason. So bravo Larry, thanks for what you give to this group. I am eternally grateful! Let your time here be the "break" from whatever else you find more important in life.
  4. Loved it. Morricone is in good hands here. The Gypsy holds up well in this spotlight! If you are using Spaces II, sounds like a perfect soundstage. Well done! cheers, -Tom
  5. It's a pleasant listen, and I'm glad you are enjoying the process! I agree, and for me these efforts always require a thousand hours when I go in thinking it will be one. Around 2:34 a mischording perhaps? the theme you had going in the 4:20's area and later was really a winner. Loved it. Got drums? would be my only other idea. nice one! cheers, -Tom
  6. You are correct, which is exactly my point. I use Studio One, among others, but sounds like Fender wants a new pre-entry level offering, like Tracktion or GarageBand used to be. I don't see any cause for concern here, he said, hopefully.
  7. Yes because obviously guitars are analogous to software. So as Squires are made in Bangladesh or wherever, from inferior and cheaper components, so too will this new Studio One Simple be compiled with cheap inferior code written by inexperienced 13 yr olds in some third world programming sweatshop.
  8. Well, I know how compressors work. You fart around with knobs randomly, print a zillion mixes that are too crispy and baked and spitty to be heard in public, and then after 30 years you learn the simple lesson that less is more and that more knobs invite more inefficient rabbit-holes. In that light, the simple S73 represents I think the biggest no brainer purchase in the history of plugins. I love that simple, simple plugin. Used correctly, it treats tracks with respect, it has sonic options, it allows a % of its application strength to a source, has a wet/dry mix knob, has an "add air" button. It is not the solution for every track (I actually use it on tracks, never on the master bus!) AND it isn't light on CPU. But it makes things sound great. $35 bucks, no brainer. I've been waiting on the multiband 1973, that's a good sale too, but my Fab MB and Lindell 354e seem to cover that ground ok.
  9. Hi KEvin, nice piece here! The ear candy is stellar. No you don't have to pardon the pun. The guitar cranks along and your playing is very fluid indeed. I can't comment on the Dr Who-isms because I haven't heard the theme. I would invite you to play some reference tracks along and compare to your mix. Maybe go get a mix done by something Cirque du Soleil musicians? Lookup La Nouba, as I think your piece would sit well in that production. Then you could get a second read on the possibilities for your mix. You might get a bit more crack on the snare, yank some reverb from the guitar, certainly cut away some lower eq from the reverbs as they return, that sort of thing. It's all subjective, and your piece is high energy fun as it is. Another idea is to simply update your original post with the very latest mix, instead of building up a chronology of mixes in different posts as you go. Keep at this one, it's not like a black hole at all, because it doesn't suck. cheers, -Tom
  10. Yes I've heard of these schools, didn't they find a mass grave of kids somewhere in western Canada? "The grass is greener where the children lie" . . . I don't know if the Alice in Wonderland references need explaining, or if I'm just dumb - is there an intersection between these schools and Alice's experience? Your song is ambitious in it's lyrics, which is great. Mixwise I'd find more room for some punchier drums, and a more present bass. It's a catchy melody and I liked how you sang it. cheers, -Tom
  11. Why ban a crowd pleaser? Give the boomers what they want!!
  12. Awesome look into your setup and your mixes are wonderfuly clear. I'd see them as very commercially viable. Your use of reverb and the decay of its wash is a clinic unto itself! Great advice about room treatment. Is the white wall behind your screens treated at all? cheers, -Tom
  13. Good one! I've never been there but feel as if I had. I could see why you brought the bass up a bit, and for my ears it could do with just a hair more low end but that's just me. Pretty impressive, being done on the Android tablet, bet you had that thing maxxed! cheers, -Tom, who travels infrequently, unless we're counting mental walkabouts
  14. I would only get mad if I added up all the total money I've spent. At myself.
  15. Interesting thread, getting to know some of your life situations. After I retire, the log jam of time will break, and the output of songs will be like so many dangerous logs bobbing and roaring down the river, hundreds of logs, and videos, and a dangerously coherent website, and if it ends up that this is all a delusional view of my future then I will be very disappointed. 59 is near, and it could be three years or 10. Does anyone happen to know what inflation and the world economy will be doing in three years or 10?
  16. That was very nice, had an organic feel, kind of wistful. I'd also vote for a delay or short reverb increase for the flute, or somehow get some of the "breathy" off of it, it's a bit in your face for the mood of the piece, and that is a big YMMV on that one! A fine shanty-esque instrumental! So that's make the flute a little wetter, and while you're at it, make the lighthouse a little drier cheers, -Tom
  17. Certainly a cool, thoughtful song. I happened to have the volume up a bit on the monitors when I listened, and I felt that the mix here might work well when listened to quieter, but I'd agree with the vocal getting buried a bit by the bass guitar's upper frequencies and/or the heavier bass in the piano part. I could be all wet, it's a very subjective thing, you might try notching a bit on those and cranking your volume on the whole thing for a check. You could automate this carve-out for only when the vocals are doing their thing. Otherwise, its a nice uncluttered mix that lets the song and the excellent vocal come through. I envy your vocal range! Nice and strong up there!!! Another winner in my book. cheers, -Tom
  18. Fantastic choice! Well done, I thought the vocals just needed some delay or reverb, then I heard version 3, got it. I'd vote for a bit more reverb, have you tried a plate? It might smear those vocals into 60's shiny aluminum goodness! I think a spot of de-essing might ssssuit the vocals as well, just a couple of spits really, shouldn't need much at all. I really enjoyed this, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  19. I totally have enough libraries, many of them excellent OTS. Certainly easy to skip it this year! Super satisfied with my current tools, making the most out of what they offer. So I just scored banjo, jumbo 12, and mandolin. That is all.
  20. https://www.google.com/search?q=spock+fascinating+meme&oq=spock+fascinating&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l4j0i22i30l3.10936j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
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