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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. That's a really interesting mix of vocals, it works and holds interest, how the lead is helped by bgv but then the bgv's throw in an occasional aside. Pretty inventive. Mix is very together, and I like the lead guitar tone. For my money, the intro acoustic guitar was mixed a bit on the tinny bright side, which didn't put the best foot forward as an intro. But the rest of the mix felt quite right. cheers, -Tom
  2. I confidently predict that some future politician will unironically use this one as their campaign rally song, which of course will be ironic. Especially when they win. Meanwhile, great song, lovely vocal treatment as for the effects, and a challenging vocal where your chops shine. Lead guitar with the tasteful delay was wonderful. I listed on headphones, that cymbal panning was much appreciated! Maybe check the lead or bgv tuning on your sustained vocal "learned", I don't know if either might be a few micro off in the flat direction? Could be just my ears this morning. Great tune. cheers, -Tom
  3. Hello travellers. This last appeared on these forums back in April, originally created 2018 . . . remixing suggestions have been taken and appreciated, and now a vid. Would love any comments on any aspect of things, thanks! (stream @1440p if you can?) Soundcloud is also nice:
  4. I got a vibe like Pink Floyd meets Morrissey, which I really liked. Cool tune, and as you said it was a bit of a new tools and vocal booth experiment. Lots of energy in the mix, I wouldn't lose that if you reshape it. cheers, -Tom
  5. Simply outstanding. Fantastic mix with the many elements blending and standing out. Vocals are as good as the lyrics, which are great, aren't they?!?!? Loved it. Everything shines. cheers, -Tom
  6. Agreed on the clarity of the mix, outstanding! Looks like Slenderman is having a bad hair day. Hope the kids dug it! cheers, -Tom
  7. Nifty song, I liked the "wall of guitars" that in no way stepped on the vocals! I did wondedr if the bass could be a little more present in the mix. But then again, I always wonder that. Great mix and good luck to them in 2023! cheers, -Tom
  8. To not post any more rubbish in these forums. Crap.
  9. Kinda Beatles with the saturated vocal and psychadelic chord changes. Really quite good! Not much to crit, maybe occasionally the high synth line steps on the vocal a little bit, as in 1:18. I loved the organ fill coming in around 1:54, perfect in the mix. Maybe the vocal could be saturated but also a bit less dry? Is there any reverb or delay on it? It might match the surrounding instruments a bit more? I dunno. It's a really good mix, things sound great. Cool song! cheers, -Tom
  10. Loved it. Haven't seen the episode, but your video sets with the song and sets up the inevitable twilight zone twist! I 100% got zero Steely Dan out of this, but how about They Might Be Giants? Your vocal is super clean and clear in the mix, and the bgv's are such great adds in great spots. Kudos for the non-cliche chord changes. Well done! See you in Willoughby. They do have a band . . . cheers, -Tom
  11. PhonoBrainer


    That was a nice earful of well matched tones! Your guitar tones were very meaty yet clear in the mix. Maybe the drum programming could offer up a bit more variation or fills as you go, and I did get the feeling in spots like in the 1:30's that you might tighten up some of the rhythmic guitar chuggas in sync with bass and drums. It's a super ambitious rhythmic challenge but you could just edit it into submission, methinks. And totally worth it. Like the super awesome rhythmic tightness around 3:18!!! I liked the fade in, I knew this thing meant business. Well done! cheers, -Tom
  12. "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was." the Right Honorable Tobias Keith
  13. From the canon of the Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo: Pretty red roses, wet puppy noses Men with rubber hoses is more like it "What You See"
  14. Reg 349 199 at Audiodeluxe and Sweetwater $183 at Thomann U.S. https://www.thomannmusic.com/gforce_m_tron_mkii.htm
  15. Larry knew exactly when the early bird buffet special started, and applied his Senior and AAA discounts. Vegas never had a chance.
  16. Oddly enough we've found Friday night to be the ghost town at Costco. A breeze to get in and, importantly, out.
  17. 10 yrs of service as power conditioner and rfi filterer. Now intermittent off and on. 10 yrs, not a bad run. Looking for a new unit, I have irregular voltage, 119 to 124, very swingy back and forth. Maybe I need a voltage regulator as much as a surge protector? Could get away with 6 or 8 usable outlets. Any winners come to mind??? Thanks much, -Tom
  18. ...and yet it's the fastest ship in the galaxy! Will update with a diff link, thanks for the check-in!
  19. I only hope the plugin vendors are fully comping your trip. Have fun!!!
  20. Pretty darn epic, nicely blended big pads in the background with some tasty guitar work! Video kept up the interest as well. I got caught a bit out by a major guitar chord that I was expecting to be a minor, around 3:13, in that section, but hey not my job to call the chords, and you might have had something different in mind than my expectations! It's catchy, I was humming it after watching, so good sign there! And good luck with your mum. cheers, -Tom
  21. PhonoBrainer

    Who else?

    An original ditty composed and performed by my son! Any comments are most welcome . . . Spotify link only atm, thanks! https://open.spotify.com/track/7BCxTI4aSj6hf6SyIDQxuC?si=4zQhygcKStWw232I4UadqA&utm_source=copy-link
  22. A fearless amalgam. Thanks for posting your synth and sound sources list as well. Any sound source can go together with any other, if you use them all creatively, extremely creatively, as you have here. I applaud your frontier spirit. cheers, -Tom
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