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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. That groove pops for sure! The bass especially, it's like I can hear the fingers on the tapewound strings!!! Kudos. The funk guitar that comes in around :40 is mixed very bright, I dunno, might be worth rolling a bit more upper end eq away from it? Or drop it .5 db? Just a thought. How can a mix be funky as hades and still have gobs of clarity! Very very niiiice. cheers, -Tom
  2. Sounds like you may have had an issue with this advice? Tom Waits and Warren Zevon combo? Very fun project, loved the rhythmic changes, kept up the interest, particularly in the second half/less busy section. I very much appreciate your songwriting style which speaks from within and is not dictated from external pop peer pressure. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my afternoon nap. cheers, -Tom
  3. Got a Joe Walsh feeling from this, a good summer chill vibe! Guitars, harmonica, keys all come along nicely balanced. Plenty of very cool parts and musical ideas!!! Kudos! The drums were either 1) recorded live? then we must accept some limiting mix environment expectations . . . or 2) using a sample instrument like EZDrums or similar? Then I think more could be done to the kick (more bassy? less muffly and less compressed?) and the snare (more beef? more snap?) and I'd suggest to achieve that, I'd recommend doing the "reference mix check" checking your mix alongside, A to B comparison, a pro-level mix, Like for instance a Joe Walsh tune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hD5lmf2LLE This kick-***** plugin goes on sale a lot, you just put it at the very end of your Main Out master channel, load a bunch of mixes you like to check your mixes against, and A-B compare your way to greatness! Don't be put off by the $199, it hits much much lower quite frequently https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/adptr_metricab.html Sorry to get all linky but I think your cool song deserves it. cheers, -Tom
  4. If that's how he got his cancer, I'm doomed. RIP to a great character. Now he can spend eternity with Large Marge.
  5. Short review, very cool indeed! But they suffer from poor preset management, and nothing is "bread and butter" . . . niche and novel is the specialty here. As an effect, Movement is pretty useful! But it doesn't appear to be part of this sale! Signal is great for adding weird cool parts to your songs. I don't get on with Analog Strings, they sound much more synthetic than analog to me. Rev is a bunch of stuff reversed, can make some cool risers. Exhale could be great but I found it has a learning curve and takes more time than I think it needs to to get something useful. Overall, I'm glad I have them for the sparkle and sprinkle, but honestly I don't use them as often as I could, or should. The GUI's give me a bit more clutter than bread and butter.
  6. This was my first string library, loved it! it's very usable indeed.
  7. Thanks, Pragi! Love the down 18% in the top 5 performers! Note to Finviz: And that's why we don't smoke the mugwort.
  8. Very very pro. The bgv's and lead vocal have a wonderful delay treatment and interplay, so so good. the video was killer, edited wonderfully, was it a crapton of After Effects templates? Honestly, to serve the song, the video might pull back a little on the wizardry. But as it's a learning excercise, holy cow, nice editing chops for sure. Kudos to your team! The audio is top notch in all respects. cheers, -Tom
  9. Madness!!! Cool groove and fun with bluesiness as usual. What did you use for the drums? I think the drum mix could be a spot for improvement here? The snare dominates, and it has a constant presence in the middle of the spectrum where the vocal is, a bit of masking is going on. And the drum fills have more than a bit of compression leading to crunchy artifacts. If it's something like EZ Drums you might not add any further processing, as it becomes too much baking on an already baked cake. If that makes any sense. Loved the groove and the sentiments - I like your laid back vocal style! cheers, -Tom
  10. cool! I liked the pitched vocal effect! Did you edit all those with processing, or is there a plugin you used to kick that human vocal around??? That beat is hella catchy. cheers, -Tom
  11. One of my favorites from you I think. Super chill, clarity in all sources, drums maybe could do with more reverb? Didn't mind the length, you just have to let yourself go in it. And I did. Should have checked blood pressure before and after - bet it dropped 20pts cheers, -Tom
  12. <investing in mugwort securities> I believe it is mined by children. It requires small hands. Meanwhile, considering how Emerson ended up, you might want to grab a seat, as befits your stature: Or the old standby, feel better soon!
  13. You forgot to mention how much you got paid. "So, it was another soul-sucking crapfest, but at least I made $300!" . . . That kind of adds context to your experience . . . Been there, done that, moved it through the service elevator in the back of the kitchen while my truck is double-parked in the alleyway.
  14. Chops! It comes off great. Well done and your time was well spent! Ever hear of "Temptation Rag"? That's one of my favorites, I bet you might like that one. cheers, -Tom
  15. To answer the OP: yes, slowed way down. Feeling the boa constrictor of inflation. It seems the common path to buy literally hundreds of effects, on sale of course, just to figure out the 12 you like to use. To that end, wish I had just gone with Fabfilter first, instead of later on. So that's effects. A different story are the instruments and sound sources. I can justify a new color in the palette. What??? Wave-o-matic has faithfully recreated the vuvuzuela bagpipe of East Borneo? In 9GB Kontakt instrument? Gotta have it. On sale, of course.
  16. Doubled vocals, effected vocals, all up front, with requisite funky guitar avante gardery. Funky, disturbing, and very likeable! cheers,-Tom
  17. Such a clean mix, groovy groove, and how wonderful to collaborate with a talent like that! On my studio monitors, lots of clarity up top, as befits the saxes, but the bass guitar and kick drum might stand up just a bit more down low. Did you monitor on speakers that give a good picture of the below 200hz area? Of course your tune is Steely Dannish and you might prefer that super controlled bass. Really excellent, a pleasure to listen to, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  18. Being able to edit the layers inside of the takes??? What a wonderful idea, and a ginormous rabbit hole! Beware! And the linking of mute/solo between folders and tracks and busses was sorely needed. Kudos.
  19. PhonoBrainer

    The Song

    Welcome back Gary! So great to hear this. The mix ticks all the right boxes for clarity, ambience, guitar washes, and background vocals. Superb harmonizing! So while there's really nothing wrong with the mix, I would have to wonder if the lead vocal had a little more presence in the lower registers. You might experiment with adding some weight to it, boosting a little eq in the 500 - 800hz range. The reason I'm hearing is, the lead vocal is currently eq's almost as if it were a bgv, with a lot of low end cut away so it doesn't clash with mix elements. I heard the lead vocal (great performance and voice!) as just a bit thin in the mix. So glad you are back and looking forward to hearing more from you! cheers, -Tom
  20. In space, no one can hear your mixes scream, or, at all.
  21. Fine tune the set list: Cold as Ice, Summer Breeze, Ice Ice Baby, that sort of thing. Also And go full Devo, solar powered fan hat Glad you survived to melt again another day.
  22. This is a life plan executing to perfection. Congrats, let us hear the music! cheers, -Tom (presently unretired)
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