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Everything posted by Astraios

  1. Once again... 1) highlight an intrument track in track pane, which is routed to your MIDI-controller keyboard and a softsynth 2) use shortcut "Alt+R" to make the highlighted track ready for record 3) start record and play some notes on your keyboard 4) stop recording now Cakewalk did record two things together A) your MIDI notes B) a direkt audio record of of that stuff you played on your softsynth !! which will not be shown as existing !! unless you split the instrument track into two lanes --> MIDI/Audio then you will find a hidden audioclip in the audiolane Hm, I haven't found any warning about this issue in the manual....
  2. I have located the cause of this problem... It occurs, while using the shortcut for --> "Arm Tracks" 1) Recorded in Instrument Track (doesn't show the recorded audio in behind) + 2) Same situation with split Intrument Track (now the recorded audio clip is available)
  3. Thx anyway, for concern my question. However, it scares me a bit, knowing there might be audio takings beyond my visual control in behind... (depending on a 1 millimeter symbol)
  4. Okay, but it wasn't my intension to record audio directly and I don't understand why it happened anyway. I recorded with my MIDI-Ctrl keyboard, like I did this for thre last 20 years..? (I'm getting old, he?) or has it something to do with Nexus 3?
  5. Thank you for your answer. So what I did is: I split the instrument track into MIDI and Track-Synth folder and this is what happend: which is the solution of my question... but how can this be? The Audio content wasn't shown in the Instrument track.
  6. Hi and Hello Mr. Cakewalk ☮️ Hmm, something strange occurs here on my system... There is no MIDI note in the track/clip, but Cakewalk generates a sound from a softsynth, but doesn't affect it. There is also no Audio to find containing this sound. I've recorded this melodie with my live-keyboard and then deleted the MIDI notes. Any idea? Here you can see what I mean: no MIDI notes in the second track (only one lane), no Audioclip. Nexus 2 synth is set to solo and it doesn't respond to the played sound as you can see in Multidock window. CbBL What the hack x.mp4 I found this in the forum:
  7. I use software like "Key Remapper" or "Touch Portal" routing (complicate) shortcut-sequences to a single key action - so for me it is not quicker but the same speed...
  8. Changing screensets --> something like a "Monitor Earthquake" ? never liked this happen in font of my eyes... ? What about a screenset for "Stop" and one for "Play" function? ?
  9. That is just how it is... period! ?️‍♂️ (and I am +60...)
  10. Dual Monitors? Then you might be a friend of "ActualTools" software?
  11. Cakewalk - Track Meter May-211.mp4
  12. Hi, thx taking concern of my question. To change between a screenset or a workspace will take to much time and irritates me a lot to find out where I am right now.. I'm a friend of "Floating Windows" inside Cakewalk and shortcuts philosoph. I was aware about T and P is working, but what is this good for, if there isn't a way to open "Options" in the menu? I want an easy way to hide or bring back the meters in my workflow. Shortcut does exist, but don't seem to work... With "Touch Portal" or "Key Manager" it is possible to make a key-sequence (like Alt+T+P) to a one single finger action.
  13. ´Workspaces are okay - but Screensets I will never use - because... I'm on Floating Windows ?
  14. Well, my expectation was: Alt+O+T+P - unfortunately it didn't happen, because "O" won't open "option" menu. The shortcut dedicated for "Track Playback Meter" (in Shortcut-Editor --> Track View) seems not to work, anyway. Hm, the thing that puzzles me is, there is underlined stuff all over, but not in the track menu (View, Option, Track, Clips, MiDI ...)
  15. Hi John No, I have disabled them, because I don't really need them all the time. If I don't need them right know they just give a useless information and take space in my track-view. So that is the reason I would like to bring them into the game with one shortcut action.
  16. Hi and Hello, I have problems getting "Track Playback Meters" shortcut to work. Maybe you can check out if it is only here on my system...? Thx I assigned it to Shift+F7, but other combinations didn't do the trick also. Another question I have, why aren't "Underlined Access Keys" in the Track Menu? This could alternativly be a way to open the command with Alt+ key-combination, but I haven't found a way to open the menus with Alt and a Key...
  17. Hi and Hello ? hm, maybe Cakewalk could also join this piece of software? If you want to view shortcuts without digging through a help menu, Application Shortcut Mapper will help you visualize the keyboard shortcuts you're looking for. http://waldobronchart.github.io/ShortcutMapper/?utm_source=zapier.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zapier#AdobePhotoshop
  18. Astraios

    Underline Access Keys

    Hi and Hello, One thing I always wanted to know but were afraid to ask for: Can I somehow disable “ALT+underlined letters” in Cakewalk menu? (the underline and the alt+ -function) (Hm? - "Aim Assist" has no underline, so Alt+e+m does't do anything - "Show Aim Assist Time" also without underline) Windows 10 offers a possibility to do that, but it only seems to happen in Windows related programs... (allthough, not in Snipping Tool) 1) https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/97413-turn-off-underline-access-key-shortcuts-menus-windows-10-a.html 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkdbN1HYCK8 What do I need these active "underline access keys" in menus for? They just offer another way to open functions inside CbBL, which already have their own specific shortcut... Example: B = Open Browser (regular "pre-designed accelerator"/Shortcut) Alt+V+B = Open Browser ("underline access key" variation) So okay, there's an alternative to start or open many functions, but it also keeps a risk to make unwanted changes in the project It doesn't really burn on my fingers to know about that, but I am a bit nosy with nice regards ?
  19. Hi and Hello, just a humble question to the pros ? What happened to the Track-View Category in Shortcut-Editor? I can't find it anymore here on my system... super friendly ? from Berlin (today: red, socialist terror again)
  20. Astraios

    Shortcut Categories

    My recommendation (surely, I'm just a "Troll" ?) is a list of >all< CbBL-Commands (are about around1000 ??) with a direct link into the manual , so everybody can see what action it causes... eqivalent icon of the CMD would also be a good idea!
  21. Hi and Hello ? hm, I'm just wondering about "Command-Categories" in Shortcut-Editor and RegEdit... It 's not really important for me to understand, why they aren't syncron Here are the Categories from actual Shutcut-List on Web-Site Basic shortcuts 28 Commands Menu shortcuts 18 Commands View shortcuts 23 Commands Track view shortcuts 56 Commands Transport shortcuts 21 Commands Record shortcuts 5 Commands Tools shortcuts 18 Commands Edit Filter shortcuts 4 Commands Snap to Grid shortcuts 4 Commands Nudge shortcuts 8 Commands Screenset shortcuts 20 Commands Marker shortcuts 4 Commands Loop shortcuts 4 Commands Clip shortcuts 7 Commands Track State shortcuts 3 Commands Automation shortcuts 3 Commands Quantize shortcuts 3 Commands Browser shortcuts 23 Commands Piano Roll view shortcuts 6 Commands Step Sequencer shortcuts 20 Commands Surround Panner shortcuts 22 Commands Play List shortcuts 7 Commands Video view shortcuts 2 Commands Transport, View, Tools and Browser are defenetly good ideas. Hopefuly soon integrated in Shortcut-Editor categories.... And what speaks against to syncronize the shortcut-categoriesit with the bindings-categories?
  22. Astraios

    Shortcut Categories

    Here are the Categories from actual Shutcut-List on Web-Site Basic shortcuts 28 Commands Menu shortcuts 18 Commands View shortcuts 23 Commands Track view shortcuts 56 Commands Transport shortcuts 21 Commands Record shortcuts 5 Commands Tools shortcuts 18 Commands Edit Filter shortcuts 4 Commands Snap to Grid shortcuts 4 Commands Nudge shortcuts 8 Commands Screenset shortcuts 20 Commands Marker shortcuts 4 Commands Loop shortcuts 4 Commands Clip shortcuts 7 Commands Track State shortcuts 3 Commands Automation shortcuts 3 Commands Quantize shortcuts 3 Commands Browser shortcuts 23 Commands Piano Roll view shortcuts 6 Commands Step Sequencer shortcuts 20 Commands Surround Panner shortcuts 22 Commands Play List shortcuts 7 Commands Video view shortcuts 2 Commands Transport, View, Tools and Browser are defenetly good ideas. Hopefuly soon integrated in Shortcut-Editor categories.... And what speaks against to syncronize the shortcut-categoriesit with the bindings-categories?
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