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Everything posted by Astraios

  1. Hi and Hello ? Hmm, CbBL-Arpeggiator in Inspector section acts funny. There are no problems assigning MIDI-Remote controls to the layed out parameters, like latch/on/oktave etc for my MIDI-hardware-controller . Everything seems to work fine, knobs and buttons move simultaneously with my MIDI-hardware. But in the end, the movings/motions (controlled by hardware) don't show any affect. It is quiet confusing, because I can see the changes, which are caused bythe knobs and buttons in the arpeggiator-section. Contolling the whole stuff with mouse is no problem at all. Is this only on my system or did I miss something? Okay, right-click into one of these parameters and try to contol it with your MIDI Hardware/Controller. It will not change anything in the arp settings, even if virtually things change... he he ?
  2. Sometimes I do even use a Drum-Map for one of my softsynth. Especially to fumble around with arpeggios... Change back to diatonic keyboard is just a mouse-click away. Nice feature is to solo or mute different notes you like...
  3. Sure, that is a good idea , no doubt about it. I've integrated this few function a few years ago... Thx for respond ?
  4. Shure, it's a good idea to do it quickly, no doubt about it. I'm use this trick quite a while ?
  5. Hi, I've never grabed the sence of these two ways choosing your softsynth parameters, do you? first one: (this seems to be the 'regular way') second one: (rightclicking into the envelope-line and navigate to your device) and then reach a complete different parameter-window: Pic 2 But in both ways midi-remote-control option doesn't appear in the context: (you have to rightclick into the green marked field to bring it up) Incredible work"flow"....
  6. Took a long, long time for me to find out this windows (MIDI remote) also opens (rightclicking) in the green marked area... actually it should open when right clicking on the enveloe line this opens when rightclicking on the envelope line - as you see, no information about remote-control. Here you only can choose all kinds of your softsynth parameters without midi channel choice (otherwise it leaves you with midi channel 1 (I guess)
  7. To define the MIDI channel for the incomming impulse is why I use it quite often... not so easy to realize in the track envelopes
  8. Hi, I wonder, only two operator rows (virtual knobs) per softsynth viewable? Can't generate a third one (row) Any other way to scroll throu all assigned knobs? Please, tell me, if it is the same on your system/setup? Hm, even in full screen only 42 knobs viewable and assignable
  9. ... and here is a "third" way to do it (Actual Title Buttons software makes it happen...) See the difference between minus and dot? https://www.actualtools.com/titlebuttons/ AT Buttons (2).mp4
  10. My workflow depends on floating windows (useally multidock/prv/console and sometimes more, like atc or synthrack), My multidock shows up with a shortcut connection.
  11. No,no - I don't want to close the the behind stuff, but I don't want these pavings on my screen, covering functions and buttons I need to operate ?
  12. Hi, any idea how to blend out those little nerving menues in the lower section?
  13. This on is the killer.... https://www.kirnuarp.com/
  14. But once you're using Z3TA+ 's Arp, I guess, you will forget this piece of "sh**" very fast. And also full midi-ctrl funtionable, without bugs. BTW, there is an Arp resource from Alesis, which contains a lot of useful stuff. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Arpeggios-Sonar-vs-P539s-m1062671.aspx
  15. I have to confirm your lack of midi-ctrl-funtion from my experience too. It seems to be buggy, also I have to confess, leaving a 15 years of cakewalk journey behind me, I'm not really sure what is really going on here... Well - just doesn't work ? like so many other stuff here
  16. hmmm, okay, ? I haven't checked it out in 'real time' and with sounds (just tried the midi-function)... will try tomorrow
  17. Hi 905133 ? Yes, I have no probs to midi-remote my ProChannel Arp functions So I can easily switch thru the octaves, turn Arp on/off or latch +/- What MIDI Ctrl-device do you use? That's how it looks in my German version Greetings from Berlin
  18. Producer/Designer of various synthesizers sound banks and GUI sets. Random Wave Music https://www.kvraudio.com/developer/random-wave-music What's happened to Random Wave Music? https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=440610
  19. ... and what about this one: https://sonicstate.com/news/2010/08/25/sounds-for-z3ta/ Features 128 new Programs in .128 file format Bank files provided in standard 1.0X and 2.0X oversampling playback quality versions 20 additional single-cycle waveforms (used in the creation of the new Avant-Garde sound bank Programs - Included FREE) Avant-Garde GUI (2 versions: "New" and "Used" -Included FREE) Documentation including this Manual, Program List and License Agreement Pricing and Availability: Introductory Pricing: $6.50 More information: Avant-Garde
  20. Thx for reply - but I can not open *.cmp files there... 10, 15 or 20 years ago, something like a cmp-fileconverter existed. ? https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=203910 Only way is to drag and drop an arp into the track and save it as midi in whatever directory you want it. But this is a bit complicated and takes a lot of time. ?
  21. Hee? - Does somebody know something about this GUI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riS2z48EtRg Haven't seen this before...
  22. Hi, I wonder, how to manipulate Z3TA+'s Arp presets? The files are saved as *.cmp files (arp001.cmp). Here on my PC stored at: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Z3TA+ 2\Arpeggios. Many of the arp-presets aren't really useful, but there seems to be no way to change or manipulate the cmp files. When deleting a*.cmp file in the folder it still appears in the Z3TAs list (without arp information). Whatever, cmp files might be an concept of an older "Jammer" musical software.... I don't know? I would like to sort them like "1-arp001.cmp" for a good one and "2-arp002.cmp" for an okay one to make me feel better working with this stuff. Cheers
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