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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. When using the Staff view, you can open the Fretboard view within it and have access to over 1,200 chord diagrams. While the program won't add the notes to the staff or fretboard, you can draw in the chords you want to play/hear in either one.
  2. I recently saw a documentary on TCM called "Jimi Hendrix". It was the first one made, just 3 years after Hendrix's death. It was pretty good. Included was a clip of Jimi playing a left-handed Flying V. I think that's the first time I saw him playing a lefty.
  3. Gee, now how can you possibly lay down that bass track?
  4. Frankfurt, Germany in January. Kalt.
  5. There's been a rash of acne cases lately. It's a pandermic.
  6. Cakewalk has a great library of chords diagrams. I just wish they could be dragged into the fret board (or PRV or Staff).
  7. Went to see TYA in 1971 right after this song was released, and they didn't even play it.
  8. We don't do irony in the US.
  9. That looks different than mine, but mine is several years old; perhaps they updated it a little. The Mustang 1 is/was their cheapest modeling amp. Mine doesn't have a line out, just a headphone out but I imagine the bigger models have more options. And if a solid state modeling amp models the sound of a tubed amp, who needs tubes?
  10. I can't comment on all the technical aspects of it, but my Mustang 1 makes lots of cool sounds and is still too young to smoke.
  11. 57Gregy

    Quarter-tone piano

    Have you tried a Honky Tonk piano patch?
  12. In your image where it reads "Custom" above the Track Pane, change that to "All" and then maximize your track(s) so you can see all of the track properties (ins/outs) and set your channels there. Also, make sure Input Monitoring is on for each track you're playing to.
  13. Welcome to the forum. How are you "adding it in"?
  14. Ensure that all tracks are using different channels?
  15. I have only ever used Cakewalk software so I can't comment on the abilities of other DAWs except that I have read that many folks here have used and still use other DAWs and like them. But, Cakewalk by Bandlab is an incredibly powerful program that once cost many hundreds of dollars (SONAR Platinum) and is now free, which makes it the best in my view.
  16. Before copying and pasting, I always check the clip's properties to see where it actually starts. It may appear to start on the measure, but checking the properties may show it starts at (for example) 15:04:889. I write that down. Then when I want to paste it 16 bars later, in the Paste dialog box I change the numbers from whatever it reads to 31:04:889 and everything will be copacetic.
  17. I feel for you all. When I lived in Dallas, we had a stretch of ~46 days over 100. I remember one day in particular, it got up to 113. And no AC in my company van. Plus, a record overnight low of 95. I don't miss it.
  18. 57Gregy

    Cant see my tracks

    Click the 'Down' arrow below the Master bus and then see if you can scroll down on the tracks.
  19. And you can name any bus as the Master and set it as the default bus whether it's a new bus or an existing one. Just double-click the bus name and rename it. Then set all of your audio tracks to flow through that bus and you'll be able to control all audio tracks with that one slider.
  20. If the clip is exactly 1 (or 2 or 15) measures, you can copy and paste it x number of times without moving the cursor. If it doesn't end exactly on a measure, you can drag the right end so it does, then copy/paste so all the subsequent clips start on the measure.
  21. Jabberwocky for the 21st century.
  22. I usually right-click>copy (or Ctrl>C) then Ctrl>V and when the dialog box comes up, change the paste point to exactly 16 bars later. It doesn't matter where the Now line is at that time, just change it.
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