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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. Hi:) Thanks for articulation maps, I'm awaiting this for a long time:) Great Job! Bassman.
  2. Hi:) The best free burning software I know! Very safe and stable with lots of features. https://www.burnaware.com/ Bassman
  3. HI:) Perhaps it's this "Reset Controller when playback stop" thing like I had before...... Look at Settings -->Project--> Midi-->More Options-->Reset Controller Disable it just for testing. Bassman
  4. HI again:) OK! It works:) 1. Make an Instrument File (LaunchControlXL.ins for me) with following Content and save it to ..\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Instruments: ============================ .Patch Names .Note Names .Controller Names .Instrument Definitions [LaunchControlXL] NoControllerReset=1 Control=LaunchControlXL Patch[*]=1..8 Key[*,*]=LaunchControlXL ============================ 2. In the preferences-->Midi-->Instruments-->Port/All Channels of the Controller-->Define--> Import (The made .ins File) Now this Controller is not resetted on Settings--> Project-->More Midi-->"Reset Controller when playback stop" enabled. That's so nice, why have I not found it earlier? Great;) Bassman.
  5. HI:) @Nigel Mackay I'm in contact with Alexey, he has had no solution for this problem but blocking all incoming controllers from Cakewalk inside AZController. The problem is then I cannot use buttons as "normal" midi buttons to play drums for example.... Perhaps he did not know this "NoControllerReset=1". I'm trying out some things.....back soon:) Bassman.
  6. HI:) @Nigel Mackay I only use this midi controller with AZController (Midi In/Out). But where to put an Instrument File? There are no Sounds, Note Names or Patches, it's just a Midi Controller with some User Presets. Do I have to insert a few Lines into the Master.ins? Normally you use Instrument definitions in a Midi Track, but I don't use a midi Track for the controller, so I cannot put the Instrument File to....... Bassman.
  7. HI:) @Michael Graetzer It's not that easy. You can "learn" the functions, but you have to repeat that on every startup. In AZController or too in ACT Controller or Generic Interface it is saved or fixed. The most possibilities you have with the AZController Plugin. Don't use this preset here, cause I adapted it from an BCR2000 Preset, so the colors for example are not used and a lot of functions do not work like on the BCR. I've made a complete new preset for the LaunchControl XL: Almost finished, I do "Bug" fixing at the moment and on working with it I do change some functions or delete or add them for smoother working. I'm now on Display to see what's going on when using some Rotor, Slider or Button, but you can always download the latest version of it. Greetz;) Bassman.
  8. HI:) I found following: ============================================ NoControllerReset=n Any port/channel using an instrument definition that has a NoControllerReset flag set to 1 does not receive a "zero controller" message upon stop. You can enter this variable in any instrument definition by using a text editor, such as Windows Notepad. The variable should be entered directly below an instrument definition. For example: [Yamaha Promix 01 Control Chan] NoControllerReset=1 Control=Yamaha Promix 01 Control Chan Patch[*]=Yamaha Pro Mix 01 This parameter should be used when it is undesirable to zero/reset controllers when playback stop, such as when using an external effects processor that uses MIDI controllers for real-time parameter control, or when using a digital mixer as a MIDI control surface (and not using the generic control surface plug-in) ============================================ How can I use this to my attached midi controllers not to RESET when "Reset Controllers on Stop" is enabled? Thanks;) Bassman.
  9. Hi:) If I set Nudge to Note value "1 bar" it works nudging left and right, but if I set it to "Snap settings" and choose 1 bar for snap it don't! "A Whole" does work. Can somebody confirm? Thanks;) Bassman.
  10. Hi? I can play a bassline for you if you give me a playback and the chords. It's a part of my profession to play bass? Bassman.
  11. Hi? The most of this 432 Hz article is not true! For example Mozarts Tuneforque had 426 Hz, not 432. Every Composer had a differe t tuning , raising up to 456 Hz for Richard Wagner. Phytagoras tunes his instrument in perfect fifths, which doesn't work well for our ears, cause it produces a small frequency difference with the last fifth to the starting note. There' s nothing known about his tuning! Si I'm pretty sure it wasn't 432 Hz for an A or what he called it..... So forget about this, it doesn't even sound better, just deeper with less overtones. This esoteric discussion is just bullsh.... Bassman
  12. Hi:) I use Total commander to rename files, you can install it for free. Mark the files and press Ctrl+M to use the renamer. Bassman.
  13. Hi? Very strange! Could you try to delete these _ before Caches or give another directory for it on the original place on drive C? Without _ at the beginning!!!! Sometimes Dirs with an underscore at the beginning are seen as hidden and perhaps Cakewalk can't find it correctly....and writes these picture files anywhere else. Which vst are you usi g if you have this behaviour? Bassman.
  14. HI:) @devonaire45 It's definitely no dangerous site! I'm on the forum (with lots of other Cakewalk Users) since 2015 and never had any problems. I visited azslow in Heidelberg this summer and can for sure confirm that he is not "dangerous" ? https://community.norton.com/en/forums/dangerous-website-blocked-problem It is obviously blocking non-dangerous websites! @winkpain I can help you writing a preset if you want to use AZController Greetz;) (Underneath my latest preset) Bassman.
  15. HI:) It would be nice to start CAL Scripts in SDK and not have to bind Shortcuts to. For example: In the video I do Selection moving by a Rotor and for every Snap Setting for every step I have to run a CAL Script and as I go down from bar, half, quarter, eighth, 16th, 32nd, 64th, 128th and Snap Off its getting slower and slower. Should be as fast as you can move the Selection with the mouse. You can see the hourglass as it starts the CALs.....must not be like that:) In the second video I move the Selection with the mouse with Snap Off. The Rotor should work with that speed! Bassman.
  16. HI:) Take a look at this: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,458.0.html Bassman.
  17. HI:) WWWHHHHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO? ARTICULATION MAPS! YESSSSSSSS? @Martin Hooper Thank you very much for this Video! Bassman.
  18. HI:) I have 19 Instances of it loaded in the last project without any problems! (Stereo Version and the first time I work with SOC) All Presets loaded correctly. Fantastic Plugin:) Bassman.
  19. HI:) I know the Gain and Velocity on Instrument Tracks changed, but I've now seen that Audio Input Gain on an Instrument Track can't be changed by AZController any more. Should this work or only on normal Audio Tracks? Thanks;) Bassman.
  20. HI:) @Promidi Thanks for the answer, but TIMEBASE*4 does not help with other meters. there should be a variable to read out which meter we have. 3/4, 4/4 or maybe 7/8. With (meas From) we can re3ad out the number of the measure so it doesn't matter which meter we have to get 1 measure forward! Greetz;) Bassman.
  21. HI:) Thank you for the link but unfortunately not. In the manual for CAL I found something interesting but I don't know how to use it: (meas Event.Time) displays the correct Measure Number of an Event. (meas From) displays the correct Measure Number of the From Time If I could now add or subtract 1 from (meas From) that would be the solution. I mean (-= meas 1), but this does not work, perhaps I have to use (makeTime measure beat tick) ?? Perhaps like this: = Var1 (meas From) = Var2 (beat From) = Var3 (ticks From) ++Var 1 =From (makeTime Var1 Var2 Var3) Let's try out:) Edit: ================================================ ; This will move the Selection 1 bar(at 960 ticks per quarter note) to the right (do (include "need20.cal") (dword var_meas) (dword var_beat) (dword var_tick) (dword var2_meas) (dword var2_beat) (dword var2_tick) (= var_meas (meas From)) (= var_beat (beat From)) (= var_tick (tick From)) (= var2_meas (meas Thru)) (= var2_beat (beat Thru)) (= var2_tick (tick Thru)) (+= var_meas 1) (+= var2_meas 1) (= From (makeTime var_meas var_beat var_tick)) (= Thru (makeTime var2_meas var2_beat var2_tick)) ) =============================================== This works for moving the selection 1 bar to the right! Thank you for the link, pointed me to the right direction to search for... @Nigel Mackay Bassman.
  22. HI:) Following Problem: I can for example move the From Time in ticks: (+= From 480) for an eigth, but how do I find out how many ticks a Measure has? In 4/4 one Measure is 3840 ticks In 3/4 - 2880 (+= From measure) or (+= From Beat) does not work for sure:) In the manual I can't find any solution. Thanks;) Bassman.
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