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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer
HI:) In the PRV there are notes above (whole, half, quarter.....) If you click on them the (double-click)inserted note has this length you choose until you draw in a note with another length. Then you have to click again on the note lengths. Bassman.
@msmcleod That's it, I wonder why I can't find this doubleclick and Alt+Z in the manuals.... Thank you a lot;) Bassman.
press button> Transpose-How to create a Hotkey?
Heinz Hupfer replied to sadicus's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi:) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MnvRx-Ck1ESi67rSQjg?e=EqeyHA Here are the 2 CAL Scripts, copy them to %Your_Driveletter%:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\CAL Scripts\ and bind them to Ctrl+ Numpad8 and Numpad2, so you have Numpad2 - note(s) 1 semitone down Ctrl+Numpad2 - note(s) 1 octave down Numpad8 - note(s) 1 semitone up Ctrl+Numpad8 - note(s) 1 octave up I use this very often and much faster than Alt+T,(-)12, Return. Greetz;) Bassman. -
press button> Transpose-How to create a Hotkey?
Heinz Hupfer replied to sadicus's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
@sadicus I have made 2 CAL Files for that and keybound it to Ctrl+(numpad 2/numpad 8 ) cause These are the shortcuts for semitone Up or down in PRV. I can send the CAL Files tomorrow morning..... Bassman -
Hi:) Perhaps AzSlow knows? He wrote a program to import Cakewalk Projects into Reaper.... Bassman
Hi:) I'm not a t home, but if you export a midi file type 1, the markers should be exported too I think.... Bassman.
@David Baay I'm inserting some zero velocity notes for the moment, thanks! Tried export and import with cakewalk, but even cakewalk do ignore the first empty bars at the beginning, the end doesn't matter for sure:) Thanks, Bassman.
Hi:) Shift+double-click opens an audioclip to full window height, but can somebody remember how to come back to normal view? F and Shift-F let the double-clicked clip track stay bigger than before.... I've used this a lot but obviously not for a long time! There must be a hotkey in conjuntion with click or double-click but I can't find out:( Thanks;) Bassman.
Hi:) It looks like there are recorded additional notes, perhaps you have Midi Out activated on a synth which is recorded too? The Red notes are the darker ones in the left window and the yellow ones the additional notes from another track I think.... Bassman.
Colors of MIDI notes in each track
Heinz Hupfer replied to Paul DeRocco's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
HI:) @Skyline_UK I noticed that, if "Use track colors" is activated only the foreground is colored, not the clips. Is it the same for you? As soon as I change the background, background and foreground are changed to track colors. This is what "Use track colors" should do in my mind.... Thanks, Bassman. -
PRV, MIDI channels and routing into Kontakt
Heinz Hupfer replied to wunderbier's topic in Instruments & Effects
HI:) Just select the correct MidiChannels in the Midi Output on the seperate Midi Tracks, it doesn't matter then which Midichannel the notes have! Then to switch between the Instuments, just select the corresponding track....(don't have to switch on keyboard!) Greetz;) Bassman. -
HI:) I mentioned that I have never ever exported a project to another DAW. Now following problem: Audio Tracks are no problem, if the tempo is the same in the other DAW, they are imported (Drag&Drop) at the correct time (Time stamp)! With Miditracks I first made bounce to clips, then take the left clipend and pull it to starting time zero. Now I have tried Export and Drag&Drop to the browser, the empty bars I made to the beginning of the track(and the end) are missing at import or drag&drop in the other DAW! Searched the forum but nothing to solve this:( How can I export a Miditrack for to import it correctly into the other DAW? (Not Reason, Logic Pro X on Mac and Cubase/Windows) I need to share my projects with other musicians to record more stuff and perhaps edit a few tracks.... Thanks a lot;) Bassman.
theme M-New Gen Theme (Updated for 2021.12)
Heinz Hupfer replied to Matthew White's topic in UI Themes
Looks pretty good! Thank you;) Bassman. -
@David Baay That's it, thank you very much! The last time I needed to do such a work was at least 20 years ago! Bassman
HI:) I have a 30 year old Audiofile and want to add some Miditracks to it, but I can't remember how to do that. The Midifile is finished, I imported the audiofile, place the beginning to the startbar of the Midi, then I tried to set the now times to the bars, so every bar of the audio I set the now time to a barnumber, but then the midi is not in sync with the audio, it does have its own tempo:( Tried Musical and Absolute, nothing work with the midi. After I deleted all Tempoevents, the midi plays back with a lot of tempo changes, but why, there's only 1 Tempoevent at the beginning. I have done this very often, but don't remember how......Hmmmm I'm getting old. Can please someone help me with this? Thanks;) Bassman.
AZ Controller Preset for Novation LaunchControl XL
Heinz Hupfer replied to Heinz Hupfer's topic in Instruments & Effects
HI:) ==================== Version 1.3 ==================== https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MnLZb_DeHGFm9HFma8Q?e=giHM28 1. We now have 2 Presets: Preset 1_v3 Preset 2_v3 Upload them to the Launch Control 2. To switch between them use Device and Mute Button, In Cakewalk in the settings-Midi-Play/Rec-SysX Forwarding must be enabled to LaunchControl 3. Fixed Record Arm Track 1 was always Track 1 and not Track 9 for example for Bank 2 I'm trying to let the button turn to red if Record is armed. Don't know yet howto.... More functions to come with Preset 2, next is to change all ProChannel Parameters (Standard) Bassman. LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v3.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v3 LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v4.syx -
AZ Controller Preset for Novation LaunchControl XL
Heinz Hupfer replied to Heinz Hupfer's topic in Instruments & Effects
HI:) Updated to Version 1.2 https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MnLZb_DeHGFm9HFma8Q?e=giHM28 1. Shift or Shift_Lock (SendSelectUp) + Mute 1-8 is now Record Arm 1-8 (Bank 1.....) So we have now for Solo Buttons: Solo, Automation Write enable, Select Track For Mute Buttons: Mute and Record Arm for Selected Track More to come.... Bassman. Changes_Log_1-2.txt LaunchControl_1.2.spp -
AZ Controller Preset for Novation LaunchControl XL
Heinz Hupfer replied to Heinz Hupfer's topic in Instruments & Effects
HI:) Updated the first Preset to 1.1 : 1. Send Select Up is now a "Ctrl" Key 2. Send Select Down is now a "Shift" Key 3. Pressing the Shift Key and immediately the Ctrl Key switches between Bus or Track Focus 4. Pressing the Ctrl Key and immediately the Shift Key opens or closes the Multidock 5. Holding the Shift Key and then Pressing the Ctrl Key switches Multidock Tabs to the Left 6. Holding the Ctrl Key and then Pressing the Shift Key switches Multidock Tabs to the Right 7. Pressing the Shift Key twice activates "Shift_Lock" (If the Track Select Right Button blinks, just press Shift again to unlock it). 8. Pressing Solo Buttons for more than 2 seconds is selecting track 1-8(Bank 1) 9. Pressing Shift and then immediately a Solo Button activates Automation Write on Track 1-8(Bank 1) 10. Pressing Shift and then use Pan is Send 2 on Track 1-8(Bank 1) 11. Pressing Shift and then use Send 1 is Send 1 Pan on Track 1-8(Bank 1) 12. Rotor 17 is Bus 1 (Master) Volume, with Shift it is Bus 2 Volume 13. With Shift, Shift_Lock, Sliders 1,3,5,7 are Send 1-4 of selected Track Slider 2,4,6,8 are Send Pan 1-4 of selected Track So press Solo more than 2 seconds to select a track, then Shift(Send Select down) or shift twice. Now Sliders 1-8 change Send 1-4 and Send 1-4 Pan. I Think this is better than to Shift it on Pan and Send 1, so we have Rotors 9-16 free for other things, but first try it out... So maybe I change Point 10 and 11, Rotors free for other things in the next version.... I have Master Bus always on 0 dB and a Mixbus before with a Send for Monitoring, with Rotor 17 I use the Send1 on the Mixbus and with Shift the Mixbus Volume. ======================================================================= Bassman. LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-1.syx Changes_Log_1-1.txt LaunchControl_1.1.spp -
Hi:) Please do not use this preset anymore, I've made a complete new and better one: ======================================================================================= Somebody asked me to make a AZ Controller Preset for the Novation LaunchControl, so here it is, the very first try! First of all download and install AZController and send his wife some flowers please! 1. Download http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=28 2. Flowers for his wife http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,107.0.html Link to the Files (also attached): https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MnLZb_DeHGFm9HFma8Q?e=n8fBPH 1. LC_StandAlone_Preset_1.syx for to send to the 1. UserPreset on the LC 2. LaunchControl_1.0 Preset for the AZController. Import in the Pluginmanager. I have not used the written Buttons: 1. Send Select Up is to switch between Track and Bus Modus 2. Track Select Left and Right are to switch the Bank to the left and right. 3. Sliders 1-8 are Volume 1-8 4. Rotors 1-8 are Pan 1-8 5. Rotors 9-16 are Send 1 (1-8) 6. Rotor 17 is Master Volume (First Bus) 7. Rotor 18 is Value +/- (for example to rapidly change values in the event Inspector) 8. Rotor 19 is nothing yet 9. Rotor 20 is Track Select, but cause there are no Endless Rotors, Values 0-63 selects next Track, Values 64-127 selects previous track. (BCR2000) is much better with that finer resolution, but perhaps I can find out how to do it better with the LC. 10. Rotor 21 is Zoom Vertically In/Out 11. Rotor 22 is Zoom Horizontally In/Out 12. Rotor 23 is Jog, but Values 0-63 Jog to the right, 64-127 to the left. 13. Rotor 24 is Bar Next/Previous, but Values 0-63 is next bar, Values 64-127 is previous bar. 14. Buttons 1-8 are Solo Track 1-8 15. Buttons 9-16 are Mute Track 1-8 16. Buttons Device, Mute, Solo and Record Arm are for switching the first 4 User Presets (not activated yet) I have the BCR2000 with a lot of function and the LaunchControl just as an addition for ACT Controls (Presets 1-4), but I hope - for people who only have the launch control - it will help. For we have 3 more presets, I can add a lot of functions, perhaps for ACT, more sends, ProChannel a.s.o. (when I have time) Greetz;) Bassman. LaunchControl_1.0.sppLC_StandAlone_Preset_1.syx
HI:) I tried to write a CAL Script, but: It is not possible to read out the actual Volume level of a track, so you can't add or subtract a given amount. The only way I found is the following: 1. Add a Midi Track and the best is to add it as the last track. 2. Remember the number of the track. 3. Copy my attached CAL Script to %Your Partition%\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Cal Scripts 4. Make a shortcut to the CAL Script, perhaps Shift+P 5. Now Select all Tracks or press Ctrl+A 6. Right click on any Volume Fader, select a group color and make sure that the group is set to "relativ" 7. Look at the "Volume" Number on the added Miditrack (101 must be at the moment) 8. Press Shift+P or your attached shortcut for the CAL Script and type in the number of the track and the Volume (0-127) If you want to have -3dB, type in (Your Miditrack) and 88 for the Volume. If you try some amounts (Ctrl+Z to Undo) you can see on your tracks how much dB you subtract. BUT! You can't adjust Volume on seperate Tracks, unless they are ungrouped. No time anymore today, tomorrow I can make a Autohotkeyscript to automatically Group or ungroup all tracks and combine it with the cal script......should be possible!! Greetz, Bassman. TrackVolume.cal
Hi? What about making a track and group it with all other tracks and use this track to pull all others down? Same as using CTRL, but you don't have to select the tracks and press Ctrl .... Maybe it is possible with a CAL Script, I can try to make one on Saturday..... Bassman
Duckbar for CbB early preview
Heinz Hupfer replied to Panu Pentikäinen's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
? -
HI:) Some wishes for Shortcuts which would make it easier and faster to work: 1. Possibility to type in a number of the track and it is focused, similar to the "," but with giving just a number and focus it. With CAL I can use "TrackSelect", but then it's not focused! Much faster than to use Up and Down with many tracks. 2. Possibility to just select audio and increment or decrement it by an amount. For sure I can keybind GAIN, but if I often use 1,2 or 3 dB it is too slow. I have an Autohotkey Shortcut for these changes, but implemented in CbB would be better. Here the Autohotkey (Ctrl+7,8,9,0 for -3-1+1+3 dB inc/dec) (F4 is bound to GAIN) ============================= ^7:: Send {F4}{Tab}-3{Tab 7}-3{Tab 2}{Enter} Return ^8:: Send {F4}{Tab}-1{Tab 7}-1{Tab 2}{Enter} Return ^9:: Send {F4}{Tab}1{Tab 7}1{Tab 2}{Enter} Return ^0:: Send {F4}{Tab}3{Tab 7}3{Tab 2}{Enter} Return ============================= 3. Possibility to open Prochannel in Console with Hotkey from Track View like in Inspector. With hands on Keyboard it's nice to open it with Ctrl+I, but then the focus now is in the Inspector and you can't select any other track with the keyboard until you click with the mouse in the track view. (Shift Down and Up helps to focus back to track window) I have an Autohotkey for that, first I have to focus a track and then the hotkey opens the Prochannel in the multidock console. Involve in CbB would be much better! CtrlAlt+ Up for Opening, Ctrl+Alt+Down for closing Prochannel. Now I can work in PC with Midi Controller and "NOT" Mouse. (I don't like mouse) Ctrl+NUMPAD Enter is bound to open PC Module. ============================ ^!Up:: Send, , Send, {Ctrl down}{Shift down}{Left}{Shift up}{Ctrl up} Send, {Ctrl down}{Shift down}{right}{Shift up}{Ctrl up} Send, {Ctrl down}{Enter}{Ctrl up} Return ^!Down:: Send, {Ctrl down}{Enter}{Ctrl up} Send, {Ctrl down}{TAB}{Ctrl up} Return =========================== 4. Possibility to open PluginWindows or SynthWindows on selected tracks and posssibility to switch between them. (Switch between the Plugins and the Synth) (Maybe switch through all plugins and synths) I have this with AZController, working perfect with Plugins but not with Synthtracks. Integrated in CbB it would be very fast to work with ACT. 5. Possibility to open Flyout Window of PC EQ. Have an Autohotkey for that (mouseclick), but doesn't work always for the modules changes sometimes and with that the mouseclick positions. With normal PC it works fine ============= ^j:: Click 135,310,1 Send, {PgUp}{PgUp} Click 165,450,1 Return ============== 6. Possibility to transpose selected notes per octave down and up. Very often I do change notes per octave especially for the right chord position in the mix for laydowns and synths, piano a.s.o. Often have to change the lowest note up or the highest note down. With Transpose you always have to type in 12 or -12, very nervy! I have made a CAL for that and keybound it to Ctrl+NUMPAD 8 and 2, like 8 and 2 changes the notes 1 up and down. Would be better without CAL. 7. Possibility to change the velocity with Shortcuts. Have CAL scripts for that and bound to Ctrl+(+/-)+/-1 and Ctrl+Shift+(+/-)+/- 3, same as the other shortcuts, better integrated in CbB. 8. Especially for me would be a possibility to give in notes in the PRV like in a staff program, choose the note with keyboard (c,d,e,f,g,a,b,), the duration with Numpad, 3,4,5,6,7 for sixteenth to half notes and after giving all in it steps further like in steprecord, but with the PC Keyboard. (For sure, better staffview were much better) That's what I remember for the moment, I think there will be more wishes in future.... Thanks;) Bassman Velocity +1.cal TrackSelect.cal Transpose -12.cal Transpose +12.cal Velocity +3.cal Velocity -3.cal Velocity -1.cal
Missing Pro Channel Products
Heinz Hupfer replied to Amplified Music Productions's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi? I have had this problem 2 weeks ago and didn't know what caused this. Deleted every bus and track which shows the problem and made a new one. For the new tracks the problem was gone and since then never happened again! I know I once tried a new ProChannel and clicked on "use as standard track", but don't know if this caused it.... Just try a bit with the modules and make it standard and see if the problem continues..... Bassman -
Adjusting Multiple Velocity Notes Quickly
Heinz Hupfer replied to Johnbee58's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Hi:) I've attached 4 CAL scripts for adding +1, +2 and subtracting -1,-2 to the values of the selected notes. Just copy the files into ...\Cakewalk Content\CakewalkCore\CAL Scripts and Keybind them, I have bound them to Ctrl + "Numpad+" and Ctrl + "Numpad-". Thanks very much for this idea, I love it to change the velocities per Keyboard! Additional Link to download: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MmugqtFYPKXn9nSppwA?e=YHkEMG Bassman. P.S. There's an error if 1 value reaches 127 or zero, so I added 4 more cals without error in the download Link, but if you reach 127 and go further you are changing the relative velocities if selected more than one note! By the way thanks scook for the explanations!! Velocity -2.cal Velocity +1.cal Velocity +2.cal Velocity -1.cal