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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. @Kevin Perry For Track View I get an asterix (*) but no "A" nowhere, no assignment. I temporary deleted all and it works as it should work! No possibility to just delete the "A" assignment, cause I cannot find to what it is assigned (I thought it's not) (I searched all Views), so I cannot click on it:( OK! Delete all and reassign all others......for the third time in the last few years I think, and I have a lot of Hotkeys assigned..... Thank you;) Bassman.
  2. Hi:) Shortcut "A" does only work, if Track View is "NOT" the active window. It does nothing if active and opens the event filter if I have selected a track. Bassman.
  3. HI:) I can confirm! Alt + Mousewheel doesn't work in DrumPane, but in normal PRV view! If in Focus, Ctrl+ (Left/Right) Zooms in/Out Bassman.
  4. HI:) If you have a big directory you can move it to another drive by mklink! 1. Copy the complete DIR to another Drive and delete in on drive C or just move it to the other drive I use now "test" and drive D for this example 2. press "Win"-Key 3. type in "command" 4. click on "open as Admin" 5. type in: ============== mklink /J c:\test d:\test ===================== Now a hardlink is created to D:\test and you can use C:\test as if it is on Drive C. So you can move large DIRs to another drive to make room, but don't use it to move C:\Windows? Bassman.
  5. HI:) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MnLZb_DeHGFm9HFma8Q?e=4DJ9ae ==================== Version 1.6 ==================== 1. 4 Presets now (1-4) on Launch Control 2. Upload StandAlone Presets 1-4 to LaunchControl XL 1-4 3. Device (1), Mute (2), Solo (3) and RecordArm (4) are switching the 4 presets. 4. Now the presets have a light, so you can see which preset you are on. 5. Preset 3 and 4 have no controls yet, more to come..... 6. Import LaunchControl_1.6 to the AZController ================================================ So what to do with the 2 new presets? ACT? 24Channel Mode (24 tracks volume and Pan)? A few switches to start, stop, edit commands, midi record? Greetz, Bassman. Changes_Log_1-6.txt LaunchControl_1.6.spp LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_3-v6.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_4-v6.syx
  6. @Noel Borthwick <<<@marled I'm not sure what you mean by "If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!" <<<When you mark a section in an arrangement its up to you to set the section boundaries as you expect it. Why not set the boundary of the section such that it included <<<the lead in notes? Then it would include the original note ons when you render the arrangement. <<<I don't think the program should second guess and arbitrarily include earlier notes. If perhaps section 1 starts at 3.1 and goes till 5.1, and you commit this section 3 times , everything is fine. but if you include the earlier notes, let's say section 1 then starts at 2.4.950 and goes to 5.1, when will the second copy of it start then? It starts at 5.1 but ends at 7.1 + 10 ticks and all notes are relatively moved 10 ticks. The third copy of Section 1 will start at 7.1.10 and will move all next notes by 20 ticks a.s.o. When you say I can include the earlier notes, how are you doing that without moving the rest of the notes at commitment? Perhaps I have a problem understanding how this works......? Thanks:) Bassman.
  7. @marled <<<... But as I mentioned in my comment for audio you can use slip edit, with MIDI it is more complicated. If you don't use "Split Midi Notes" you can Slip Edit the beginning and the end of the midi clip after copying or moving ..... Bassman.
  8. Hi:) @marled >>>>Experiment with different song structures in a non-destructive and non-linear manner. Sorry! I've not read the PDF carefully enough to recognize this "Non-destructive"! It's possible to slip edit every clip that has early notes or notes that overlap to the next section, after moving or copying. That's a workaround for this problem. Wouldn't it be better to "involve" notes that are a portion of ticks too early? Maybe a 32th or 64th, 119 or 59 ticks can help a lot! And just let notes at the end of the clip "ring out"! Starting a Section at not exactly the beginning of a bar is not a good idea! You can't repeat them without messing the notes around! Move "by" works, but not commit. The Section(s) should have an achor at the beginning of a bar! Or let them overlap (with an anchor)! Much better. @msmcleod Can not find this "Split Midi Notes" ? Do you mean "Split clips..." or is it just in the english version of the EA2? But overall, to do(a lot) slip editing after commiting or copying or moving will do it. Look for the faster method to move portions around, I think Ripple Edit will be the better solution for me. Let's see;) Thanks:) Bassman.
  9. HI:) How do I use Arranger with notes that are too early? If I have 2 Sections, the first starting at 3.1.0, ending at 5.1.0 for example, a note that starts at 2.4.930 will not be included into the first section. A Note that exeeds 5.1, is longer than a quarter, starts at 4.1 for example , is cut off at 5.1 A Note from section 2, starting at 4.4.940 is not from section 2, it belongs to section 1 and will cut off at 5.1 if I copy or move section 1 So I cannot use the arranger, cause I do mostly not have notes that start and end exactly at the section starts and ends! How do I handle this? If I exeed the first section to over the first note and commit the arrangement, it's a mess to have 2 or 3 times the first section copied, it only works if it starts exactly at 3.1 and ends exactly at 5.1! All notes around are not copied or cut at the end of the section. Am I missing some points, some clicks to make in some settings? I do very seldom have notes 100% placed in the timeline! so for me it's not possible to work with the arranger:( There are too many notes that are not involved or cut off! Bassman.
  10. Hi:) If it's the wrong place for writing this problem, please move it...... Following problem: (Just a small test with the arranger) For Arranger Sections cannot overlap. how do I manage overlapping notes? I very seldom do quantizing and really never to 100%! So Picture 1 shows two sections, the very first note in the first section comes too early a few msecs, the last one goes a bit longer and the first note in the second section is too early too. When I now select Section 1 and Copy or Move it, the last note of the first section is cut at the beginning of the second section and the first note of the second section is cut at the beginning of the second section. Same with audioclips! I do always have many overlapping notes, so how do I manage this with the Arranger? No Problem with Ripple Edit and overlapping Clips.... Thanks;) Bassman. P.S. If I drag the first section over to the early first note and then drag the sections to the arrangment and port it to the project, it's a total desaster, cause the first early note is then on 1.1.0 (sometimes, sometimes not) and all other notes which are normally on 1.2, 1.3 exactly are now too late. all other sections, cause they cannot overlap are moved to later positions as they should be..... So I cannot use the arranger for my songs? Does all other quantize to 100%, surely not....I am missing something....
  11. HI:) A dot adds the half of the note to the note so to get to the undotted tempo you should subtract a third (1/3) . For 72 it will be 24, so the tempo for quarters should be 48. then the dotted note should have the same length with tempo 72 as the quarter note with tempo 48. Or do you mean which tempo it sould be with quarter note at tempo 72 and the tempo for the dotted quarter note at same length? Then you add the half of the tempo, so for 72 + 36 = 108 , then the length of the quarter note with tempo 72 and the length of the dotted quarter note at tempo 108 will be the same. You can do this in milliseconds if you want (for Delay, Echo f.e.) 72 beats per minute are 833 msec per beat(quarter). A dotted quarter note with 833 msec length is 833 x 2/3 = 555,33, then 60sec./555,33msec.= 0,108 * 1000 = tempo 108. rounded 833! For a quarter not echo you need 833 msec. for tempo 72, for eigths the half, 416.5 msec. Bassman.
  12. @James Argo >>>Zillion CAL files from my archive (including editor and utilities). Thank you! Very interesting Cals:) Bassman.
  13. HI:) This can be done, but it would be difficult for all chord progressions (major, minor, seventh ......) and which key and which inversion. Easier to input the ground note and make then the choid of it with a selection of the progression and inversion. I think I can write such a CAL. I'm prohibited to work at the moment(especially my teaching lessons), so I do have time for such things? Perhaps let's start with just Major and Minor Chords and its inversions.... Bassman. P.S. Here's the link to the chords CALs, I think we can perhaps use this and make a new and better one.... https://www.hexachord.net/chords/
  14. Hi:) @markrounds What language do you have installed? I think beta releases only do work in the english version..... Bassman.
  15. Hi:) How is the signal path from your Keyboard to the vst? It should be Midi In from your Keyboard into a Miditrack or an Instrument track, then from the Miditrack to your synthtrack. On the Miditrack look at right side down below the arpeggiator. there you can Transpose the input of the miditrack. On an Instrument track you have to first click on on the Display/Midi TAB to see the arpeggiator. Sometimes, I don't know why I'm don't seeing this Display Audio and Midi TAB on Instrument Tracks...... >>>Now that I wrote it I found the problem, it's when I forget to activate the fullscreen Mode, then it's hidden down below? Bassman.
  16. Hi:) Version 1.5 ========================= Track Select Left/Right is now Previous and Next Track for Prochannel. Presets are now 1_5 and 2_5 (Version 5) . Version 4 had 2 small mistakes. Bassman. LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v5.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v5.syx LaunchControl_1.5.spp
  17. Hi:) New Preset 1.4 for AZController, new Launchcontrol presets 1_4 and 2_4. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al2mKojzOW0MnLZb_DeHGFm9HFma8Q?e=6n81F2 ==================== Version 1.4 ==================== 1. Preset 1_4 and Preset 2_4 for Launch control XL 2. Preset 1.4 for AzControl 3. Switch between Presets (Track Control, ProChannel), Device and Mute (Launch Control) Colors changed, Preset 1 Rotors 1-8 Green, Rotors 9-16 Orange, Rotors 17-24 Yellow Preset 2 Green - ProChannel EQ Red - ProChannel Compressor Yellow - ProChannel Tube Saturator Orange - ProChannel console Emulator Preset 2 Rotor 1 - LF Frequency Rotor 2 - LMF Frequency Rotor 3 - HMF Frequency Rotor 4 - HF Frequency Rotor 5 - Current Track Pan Rotor 6 - Compressor Ratio Rotor 7 - Tube Input Rotor 8 - Console Emulator Type Rotor 9 - LF Q Rotor 10 - LMF Q Rotor 11 - HMF Q Rotor 12 - HF Q Rotor 13 - Compressor Input Rotor 14 - Compressor Attack Rotor 15 - Tube Drive Rotor 16 - Console Emulator Trim Rotor 17 - LF Gain Rotor 18 - LMF Gain Rotor 19 - HMF Gain Rotor 20 - HF Gain Rotor 21 - Compressor Release Rotor 22 - Compressor Output Rotor 23 - Tube Out Rotor 24 - Console Emulator Drive S1 - HP Frequency S2 - HP Slope S3 - LP Slope S4 - LP Frequency S5 - Compressor Out S6 - Compressor Dry/Wet S7 - Tube Out S8 - Selected Track Volume B1 - LF ON/OFF B2 - LMF ON/OFF B3 - HMF ON/OFF B4 - HF ON/OFF B5 - Compressor ON/OFF B6 - EQ ON/OFF B7 - Tube ON/OFF B8 - Console Emulator ON/OFF B9 - EQ HP ON/OFF B10 - EQ LP ON/OFF B11 - EQ LowShelf Enable B12 - EQ Hishelf Enable B13 - EQ Gloss B14 - Tube Type B15 - Console Emulator Tolerance B16 - Selected Track Solo Send Select and Track Select is nothing yet, Device switches to Preset 1 and Mute switches to Preset 2. Bassman. Changes_Log_1-4.txt LaunchControl_1.4.spp LC_StandAlone_Preset_2-v4.syx LC_StandAlone_Preset_1-v4.syx
  18. I have notepad++ as standard editor, have to look for automatic formatting. I'm pretty Sure it's possible in notepad! Thanks? Bassman
  19. HI:) 1 CAL for Session Strings Pro (Keyswitches C-1, D-1, E-1, F-1, G-1, A-1) 1 CAL for Session Horns Pro (Keyswitches C-1, C#-1, D-1, D#-1, E-1, F-1, F#-1, G-1, G#-1) I bound it for the moment to Ctrl+Numpad0 and Ctrl+Numpad1. Bassman. Ins_Art_SSPro.cal Ins_Art_SHPro.cal
  20. Hi:) I always searched for a faster way to insert the keyswitches. Now I've had the idea! Attached a CAL File to insert Articulations with Keyswitches for the moment especially for Session Strings Pro. I have keybound it to Ctrl+Enter. It asks the number of the articulation (1-6) (C-1,D-1, E-1, F-1, G-1, A-1) which you can set freely, for me it is 1-legato, 2-tremolo, 3-fallfast, 4-accent, 5-spiccato, 6-pizzicato. After you press a number and Enter, C-1 for example is inserted 20 ticks before the first selected note. To insert an articulation, open the PRV of your Miditrack and 1. select the very first note 2. press (Ctrl+Enter) 3. Select the number (1-6) 4. Press Enter --> DONE for the first articulation 5. Press TAB to get to the next note (as much TAB till you get to the next wanted articulation) Repeat 2-4 until all articulations are inserted. or Select a note or a bunch of notes and press the hotkey, the keyswitch is inserted at the From Time minus 20 ticks (first selected note). For me it is very fast to insert the articulations and the advantage of the first procedure with TAB, you can hear the notes on pressing TAB... I'm doing a few more Kontakt Libraries, (I do not have much of them) but you can easily change the CAL for other instruments. Trying to get all my instruments into 1 CAL to switch the instrument, then the articulation..... You can also send me the Keynumbers of the switches and I'll make a CAL Script for it.... Hope that helps someone Bassman. Insert_Articulation.cal
  21. @scook I always got an error if I did this, but found out, it was another problem: After "(do " you MUST have a new line and a TAB before you start an "(int .....". If you don't have a TAB between do and int you get an error:( (do (int mode 1) gets an error! (do (int mode 1) all is fine! Searched about an hour to find out this problem:( Thank you scook for your answer, helped me a lot:) Bassman.
  22. Hi:) In CAL language I'm trying to insert a NOTE event at the Now Time, here the very easy Script: ============================ (dword takt) (do (== takt Now) (insert takt 1 NOTE 60 100 240) ) ============================ It works, but it only works if at least one note is selected, if none is selected it doesn't work, why? Doesn't matter which note is selected but if, it inserts the note on C3 at the Now time Can't figure out, why I have to select a note to insert one! Thanks;) Bassman.
  23. @Paul DeRocco What Version of Cakewalk do you have? It's exactly the opposite of my Cakewalk. I f I turn on "Show strip colors" I can only see colored notes, not the colored clips(background)... Bassman
  24. @winkpain The Standard Shortcuts for Semitone Up/Down in Cakewalk are Numpad 8/2. CAL Script not needed.... Bassman
  25. @lapasoa You select a note(notes) and press Ctrl+Numpad8, it can't go faster! I have even note lenghts on a hotkey, so I Loop a section , go from note to note with TAB(shift-TAB) and change them with Numpad 2,8(semitone+-), Ctrl+Numpad2,8(octave+-), Nudge Keys, Shift+Left/right(note length) and Ctrl+Plus/Minus(Velocity). For me the perfect way to work if I have to make a Brass Section or Strings or just some Melodies or Basses....... @winkpain In the Settings- Hotkeys in the global bindings scroll down near to the end just before "Studioware Files" of type in "Transpose" for to see the Transpose CAL. Then bind it with a Key, for me Ctrl+Numpad 8 and 2 work best! Bassman. P.S. In the Cloud Link I've uploaded CALs for Note Length and Velocity Note_Length_+10.cal Note_Length_-10.cal Transpose -12.cal Transpose +12.cal Velocity +3.cal Velocity -3.cal Velocity -1.cal Velocity +1.cal
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