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Everything posted by Chaps

  1. I used the 'Satch' patch on the RP350 and a couple of distorted patches in TH3, all panned differently and mixed down to one stereo track. I recorded the direct guitar signal and the RP350 at the same time. I tweaked the TH3 patches a bit, mostly just to cut the low frequencies and all three had different reverbs on them. The guitar is also doubled by a couple of synth patches in Dimension Pro (that I wrote out in the hybrid staff), though I couldn't tell you which ones. I was trying things and changing on the fly and it's all kind of a blur now. I intentionally phrased the ending of the synth melody lines so you can hear the synths and guitar ending certain phrases differently when the last note slides down in pitch. I was trying to introduce the kind of randomness that one hears in a live performance. All I kept were the audio tracks so I can't go back and check. I knew I'd be doing it all over from scratch when I have a better computer so I wasn't too concerned about it at the time.
  2. That's great, but you really should consider getting a USB audio interface to do that sort of thing, one that is ASIO (NOT ASIO4ALL) capable. It really does make a big difference.
  3. Thanks. I've been holding off on vocals until I get mic stand with a smaller base. I'm doing all this in my bedroom and space is at a premium. That, and I haven't sung in years.
  4. Thanks. I'm far from being knowledgeable about making videos, though I'm always happy to act like I am. I used Corel VideoStudio 12 to string together the photos I had taken on my trip to Bodie and the audio from my Cakewalk project. The video software did all the work and was pretty easy to use. Of course, the new stuff is probably much better these days. All I had to do was import the photos into the video software and adjust how long a picture would show before the next image appeared so the video matched the duration of the audio. Then I exported the project into a video file which I then uploaded to YouTube. I never even considered how long the audio track would be because, in my mind, I was telling a story about the ghosts of Bodie waking up because of the noisy tourists, coming out to play, and then going back to rest. It all made sense in my head, anyway. Pioneer graveyards always bring out the romantic in me.
  5. Maybe for you. I tried my hand at something different from the usual rock rhythm section stuff I usually do a few years ago and it was a struggle. Here it is on YouTube.
  6. Thanks. I always try to make my recordings sound like a live band. I'll get it right one of these days. ? I do have fun experimenting with things like layering instruments. It's pretty good mental therapy.
  7. I've checked out the free version of the Amplesound acoustic guitar and it really does sound great, as does their free P Bass VST plugin.
  8. I would like to see a way to change the key in the MIDI track inspector by octaves in addition to half-steps. That would come in very handy when previewing patches.
  9. You can use the 'Bounce to Clip' feature to join multiple clips into one clip.
  10. Would it be possible for you to upload the files here so we could take a look at them? Both the cwp. and mid. files? The MIDI format 1 - format 0 will put everything on one track.
  11. Chaps

    Move Tool Problem.

    I don't know if it's a way you should be doing that, but you can do all that with just the smart tool. Right-click and drag with the smart tool to select the notes you want to move, and then hover the cursor over one of the notes to get the icon with the 4 arrows. When you see that icon click and drag the notes to where you want.
  12. Excellent job on the articulation and phrasing. Harder than it looks. ?
  13. Funk will never die! Kudos to people like you who are keeping it alive.
  14. What I heard sounded great. The song would only play a couple of seconds for me before it stopped and I had to keep hitting the play button to continue. Probably a buffering problem on my end. I've been using MIDI to write and arrange my songs for years and I'm always happy to listen to people who do the same, but so much better than I ever could.
  15. I finally upgraded to Windows 64 bit from Windows 7 (it was free) and now I'm frustrated by my old computer's limitations, and my inability to work competently with those limitations. I'm freezing and bouncing tracks so much that it's hard to keep track of what is going on. I've been working on this song for weeks and no closer to finishing it than when I started. Hopefully, I will be able to build a new computer this year and I'm going to scrap everything and start from scratch. The guitar is me through a Digitech RP350. The melody is doubled with TH3 and a couple of synth patches. All other parts are various virtual synths that came with Sonar, playing parts I wrote out using the Hybrid Staff.
  16. Are your 32 bit plugins locating in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\Vstplugins folder? The 32 bit plugins should go in the C:\Program Files (x86) directory.
  17. Have you checked your Windows sound settings to make sure the audio is being output to the correct device? An easy way to do this is to right-click the speaker icon in the taskbar and select Open Sound Settings.
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