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Everything posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. steve@baselines.com


    Here's a video I made a while ago. I just updated the music that went along with it. Our dog was named for the Rudy of Notre Dame fame. Our son went to ND and we took along Rudy for some photo ops when he was just a young pup. He's 10 now but still has the energy and right outlook on life, although Thunder still does him in!
  2. Hi Chris - the envelopes definitely seem to be related to older songs. I have been trying to modernize some older projects. In one case, I actually had to copy tracks into a new project and start from scratch to get envelopes that worked. I'm going to spend some time cleaning up the plugins on my side and see if it corrects the issues I see. Thanks, Steve
  3. Hi Noel - I understand that. I'm going to update all plugins and then make a list of what I see. I always used to send the crash dump, but nothing ever seemed to come from that activity. I will do that again if I cannot get the issues fixed on my end. Thank you, Steve
  4. Thanks for the info on your situation Jackson. I've been spoiled because up until recently everything was rock solid. Steve
  5. Thank you for the info. I do think most of what I see is plugin related. I'm going to try and update everything.
  6. Thank you Craig - I feel most of the issues I see are plugin related. One is THU. It works fine but suddenly it will show no input or output activity within the plugin. I restart everything and it is fine for a while.
  7. Thanks Mark - I am going to make a list of the recent things I have seen and I will post here.
  8. I've had a pretty stable system over the past few years, and always kept up with the updates. I'm beginning to think that is not a wise thing. Lately my system has been acting like the bad old days of early Sonar releases. Normally reliable plugins are sometimes crashing. And the automations don't seem to make any difference on older song files. The dreaded foggy white screen of death is once again visiting. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
  9. Thanks Mark - I always liked Bill Withers and wanted to do this song for a long time. Luckily I found Darren Garrett to help with the vocals.
  10. Interesting video and all of the instruments sound great. Very well done mix. Steve
  11. Nice job Doug. I like the vocals. The snare sounds full and love the guitar as well. Steve
  12. Very cool - it's got a Steely Dan vibe which I love. Steve
  13. Nice job on this. I like that flangy (is that a word?) synth sound you got, and the switch to minor in the middle. Steve
  14. Thanks Wookie - it was a lot of work and a lot of fun at the same time!
  15. Thanks Lynn - I appreciate your listening and commenting!
  16. Thanks Jack. I tried to capture the instruments as good I could to make it look like it was actually the players in the video doing it. What a cool drummer in his pajamas on that video LOL!
  17. Thanks for the feedback Tom. I particularly liked the guy on the top of the wall getting pelted by water and acting like it was nothing. Steve
  18. This was a really fun project - I did the instruments and Darren Garrett did the vocal. I lined it up to this live performance by Bill Withers.
  19. Me too! Most of them anyway. I checked in about the time JFK was assassinated. I used to work with a German company, and it was touch and go as to what you could discuss with certain people.
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