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Everything posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. This sounds great to me - I prefer less verb on vocals in general, but it works here.
  2. Ahhh 2005 the year my Toyota Tacoma was born and purchased. It's been a good old girl for all these years. I don't hear anything wrong with the mix, sounds good to me.
  3. Nice old time rock riff Jack. Brought me back. Steve
  4. Here's a cover of a Steely Dan song from 1974. Jeff Baxter, who played the lead guitar on the original version is an amazing multifaceted person. https://baselines.com/?p=6470
  5. Hi! Thanks for listening and leaving some feedback. Yes, I tried having a couple of shots before singing it but all it did was make me tired LOL! Steve
  6. Usually the copyright claims I have heard about are ridiculous. But in this case, it is really really close. You cannot listen to this without thinking of Mr. Blue Sky for long sections. I like your song, but I agree, it is way too close for comfort. There are some changes you could make that I think would lessen the impact. The rise of a half tone at 27 seconds (Gas) is too much. At that point, even I was thinking that you just decided to use Mr. Blue Sky on purpose.
  7. Thanks Larry - he sure did some great songs with very interesting melodies and lyrics.
  8. I like it - great guitar tone, Douglas. I might put a little more low end on the bass, but that is just personal preference, you can hear it fine. Steve
  9. Love when that slidy reverby guitar comes in - and the bass tone along with it. Good vox too. Steve
  10. Now, where's my light bulb. LOL. I found all of the seasons over on one of the streaming channels - watched the first episode. Old Lurch was playing Polonaise on the harpsichord, one of the only classical songs I learned from sheet music (partially) - I looked him up on wiki and he had an interesting career.
  11. Cello and bass are ALWAYS difficult to get right together. I try to keep my cello as treble as possible but retain some of the 100-200 range. I use something called Renaissance Bass which adds a tough of very low level distortion. Sometimes that helps fill out the very bottom without interfering with other instruments. It's tough to get right though - I think I always use too much still. This went right into Bridge From Somewhere while I was listening, and the piano is really really good on that. Steve
  12. Nice work Larry. The first time I heard Obsidian was when I was 11 and my friend from across the street had a dad who polished rocks and showed us his setup one day. It was also the first time I heard the word soused, as he drank beer all weekend and his wife said he was downstairs getting soused. LOL - I don't think she liked that idea very much. The song is nice and tight with the timing and the buildup is good as well.
  13. If I heard this on a lift, I'd have to just press the stop button and stay and listen for a while. Very cool and relaxing sounds. Nice chord changes as well. The kick has a nice thump. It's not always easy to get a good kick sound, but this has all the right frequencies.
  14. Thanks for commenting Nigel. I was a huge Elvis Costello fan back then, but it's been a while since I pulled out those old albums. I really liked Imperial Bedroom a lot at the time, but I don't know if that one has aged well. I always enjoyed his wordplay. Steve
  15. Hi Jack - I sang along with Elvis on that one, so I think it is pretty close. Where do you hear things that need to be lined up? - always interested in making things better. Steve
  16. Thanks for listening Wookiee - I see you are posting some of your gems on Bandlab as well - cool. I started putting up a few again as well. Steve
  17. A song from 1979. Elvis Costello, from his 3rd album ‘Armed Forces’. Inspired by the rise of the National Front and the Quisling Clinic in Wisconsin. Elvis recorded his vocal after a “night of carousing”. Original Produced by Nick Lowe. This version performed and produced by Steve Keith at Baselines Designs Studio. https://baselines.com/?p=6466
  18. Yes! All the changes sound great.
  19. Sounds good Gary - I like it. For my personal preferences I would do this: - Tame the reverb particularly on the vocals. Dryer I think would sound better. - Kick too loud and maybe reduce hi frequency component (paper sound) - Harmonies a little less panning - Tame the ringing toms.
  20. Hi Nigel! Thanks very much. I love the piano. The old one (15 years at least) was a mess. Steve
  21. Hey I know what you mean about vocals. I really wish I could sing but it is always a struggle and never sounds good enough to me. But…somebodies got to do it LOL.
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