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Everything posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. Nice feel to this song. I think the kick is louder than the bass part - but just my opinion - being a bass player by trade, I'll always scream and cry about that! Great song though.
  2. You DID capture the feel! I reach back for the Amplitube Fender stuff from time to time - this makes me want to go back and do something with it again!
  3. Thanks Glenn - I have a couple of the Native Instrument ones, but they don't do what I need. The AAS looks really good and also I saw something from MusicLab that looks promising.
  4. Thank you for the info. Guitar plugins sure have progressed since the last time I looked!
  5. Thank you - I took a look at this and it seems great - I'm adding it to the list!
  6. HI Thanks for the info, but I was looking for software solutions that you can define your own rhythm in.
  7. Does anyone have a recommendation in an acoustic guitar plugin that allows you to create rhythms rather than picking them from a list? Thanks, Steve
  8. Thanks a lot Mark - it sure took some time to get them done!
  9. Great sounds! I used a trick on one of my songs that has a similar feel as this. It's like a Mobius strip. I took the piano and put it through a freeware (available online) plugin that turns the midi around like a mobius strip. Then I transposed it up an octave and wrote other string parts over it. That might work on this and surprise you. I posted the song before, but here is a link if you are interested. The first minute is the reversed piano part and then it segues into the real song. https://baselines.com/?p=6485
  10. This is superior work!! Sounds and looks great. What do you use to make your videos? That snare is killer - perfect.
  11. Thanks Wookiee - I've finally come to terms with feeling young and being old - I guess it could be a lot worse! Steve
  12. Thanks very much! I fixed up the typo in the title as well - thanks for letting me know about that!
  13. People complain because I don't write love songs....for Chrissakes I'm an old guy and it would just be weird. Well, here's a love song of sorts...an old guy love song. Hope I don't embarrass myself. Wait...I'm too old to care LOLOL. https://baselines.com/?p=6593
  14. Thank you very much for listening and taking the time to leave a nice comment!
  15. Thanks Nigel - it was one of my favorites off that great album.
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