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Everything posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. I'm trying to get one song a month for the next LP release. This will be one of them. @kiwichrys adds her vocal magic to make me sound better. https://baselines.com/?p=6721 TIA for listening and letting me know what you think. Steve
  2. That is a great picture you picked for this song. And the song sounds great - I like the mix decisions you made. Is that a software bass or the real thing?
  3. Nice work I like all that high frequency stuff. Well at my age it is high frequency - that's all I got remaining in that range.
  4. Great - love all the instruments. That a banjo in there? Nice! And the vocal sounds great.
  5. What a trip - paints some strange mental imagery for sure.
  6. Absolutely incredible - brought back so many memories of my own...not the least of which was that $20 on the table after lugging home equipment at 3AM. Thanks for a great thing.
  7. Love it. Love that surfing guitar pic as well.
  8. That was great to see again - I forgot how good it sounded. Thanks for posting.
  9. Very nice. Good vocals and a nice mix of guitars. Is it acoustic and electric?
  10. Hard to tell without getting in there, but here are some things I think would be good to address. 1 - Drums sound like there might be too much compression and lack clarity... maybe too much reverb or reverb not tailored to the drums 2 - The bass sometimes fights the kick drum (although this may be writing and not mixing) This makes it hard to drive the song forward. 3 - Piano might need a little high end boost or lower range rolloff. 4 - The guitars might be washing out the other parts a little - I am listening with headphones and the panning may be too much. When the guitars go away, a lot of the issues go away. 5 - Overall I think there might be too much reverb. 6 - The vocals are slightly overpowered by the instruments and again may need less reverb. Don't take it the wrong way - These are only my thoughts and who knows whether I am right or not! I am being overly critical but wanted to give you real feedback. Steve
  11. Thanks for stopping by. TZ is a high point of my New Year's Eve, which for at least the last decade involved me staying home with the fam, drinking champagne appropriately, watching Twilight Zone and sometimes the 3 Stooges, watching how crazy people are these days around midnight, wondering when Anderson Cooper will start looking like Guy Lombardo and falling asleep shortly after midnight strikes!
  12. Thank so much! You can mention the name if you want - ok with me LOL!
  13. I made it to the end and had to leave more praise. I'm more 70s than 80s but those references are nothing more than relevant genius. I love this.
  14. Great lyrics! Fantastic mix. Interesting ideas. Love it.
  15. Very cool that you guys put your heads together to come up with this nice song. Great work.
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