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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. Yeah. I can't even get them to write me back now.
  2. Me either. But I do watch a lot of youtube for things I'm interested in. Over Christmas this year a lot of the streaming services practically gave away their services and we signed up for two of them but will drop them once the price goes back to normal. I've been watching the old Ghost Hunters shows from SyFy Discovery + at night and 1 home renovation show but that's it. I haven't even watched a movie yet on any of the 2 free, and two paid/cheap ones we recently got. I look at the list and see a ton of movies I'd love to watch, tell myself I'll watch them later when I'm not busy, and so far I haven't watched anything. I never ever watch OTA TV. Not even the news. T-Mobile and Sprint just screwed everyone in our area. Not 100% sure but I think Sprint bought them out recently? I know someone did and that's why things are changing. They are forcing my wife to replace her phone in March because of the switch to 5G. They said her phone will be incompatible and we have have to buy a new one. Mine will be too but I oddly I never got a letter. We have a monthly plan that we autopay and some of the perks of the autopay are free ad-free Hulu and unlimited data, plus they locked/grandfathered us in at our original lower price and our bill never increased with their pricing increases until they got bought out. Sprint is dropping all the contracts, cancelling free ad-free Hulu, raising the price by almost 50%, and are charging extra for unlimited data now. So, we are switching to a different company that is on the same network for a fraction of the price minus the free ad-free Hulu and she'll drop her unlimited data although I'll keep mine. I stream a lot of music on mine especially when working in my shop because my Wifi can't get in the steel building but for some reason 4G does. According to my neighbor his Wifi Ubiquiti equipment gets in his steel building no problem (LOL), or I should say out of his building to his house since our ISP's hardwire comes in to his building. We pick our service from a tower near by via a radio transceiver. It's actually really good when it works. Almost no ping at all. Which leads me to the obsolescence stuff. His Ubiquiti gear is old but he says they keep updating the firmware and he hasn't had a need to replace it. Which just goes to prove they can keep it all up to date if they want to but it's a conscious decision by Netgear, TPLink, and all the other off the shelf brands not to. When the time comes to actually do a serious network here I'm probably going to take his advice and go with a Ubiquiti based system. BTW I can update my old Netgear router to Wifi 6 with hacked firmware but I don't trust them not to give themselves a back door.
  3. Don't worry Ed, we'll always be your #2. ???
  4. Yeah. Like I never heard that before since I was old enough to remember hearing words. ? That and, "Come back ... don't go.". Thank God nobody watches old westerns anymore.
  5. Never saw that site before. Thanks. I like those old movie posters. I also like fan art as well. There's a few people on Etsy that paint characters from famous horror movies. They want a lot but I understand. Some of them are of excellent quality. I embarassed that I can't remember the guys name and I can't find him on the internet, but he was famous for the over the top colorful paintings of monsters and I think he did some magazine covers too. He did a portrait of Rob Zombie in his old 60's style. He had some great artwork too. I have an idea for when I build a music/theatre room in my basement to take one of my old flat TV's and put in the wall sideways so it looks like a picture hanging there and have a slideshow of old movie posters on it. Some day. I have big plans for that room. I want to go for a gothic type look with those fake flame LED bulbs and lots of colorful LED lighting in the style of that artist whose name I can't remember.
  6. These guys are pretty good now. That said the streaming from my cell doesn't actually use my ISP. It's all cast from the phone through my router to the TV using 5G radio. It never touches the internet. I did ask my ISP for help with that while they were here one time and they said it should work on the 2.4 radio and they didn't know why it wouldn't. I have a 30Mb download and 20Mb upload connection. It's great except when it comes time to download sample libraries or games/game updates. Not that I game much anymore. There are 2 games I play and that's it, but they've been modded for over a decade now and I'd like to get back in to that again while I'm stuck inside during the winter months. Come springs and my DAW doesn't get turned on again until late fall. My ISP offers what they call a 'burst' connection. They can detect when you are streaming from Netflix and others and they open the connection up to 50Mb download IIRC. For everything else you are capped at what you pay for. So "technically" if I had their 1.5Mb connection, I could stream in 4K even though based off what the connection speed states I shouldn't be able to. It never worked though. They said it was the wire meshing in the walls for the stucco in my house but it never worked right even wired. They'd come out, it would work for a while, then buffer. They'd blame it on the streaming service. And it went in a loop for years until I finally said I was done and my cell's 4G with 1 bar worked better and I was cancelling their service. Magically they told me they had a "new radio on the tower" and I could get 10 times my already "upgraded" 3Mb connection for the same price. It still didn't work right through the router but it did wired. Called them again and they said they couldn't help me unless I bought their recommended router. I gave them one more chance and went and bought the same brand but a better model and boom it fixed everything. That router is about a year old now and is already outdated but it works flawlessly. It doesn't support Wifi 6. The thing I've learned about this is, and maybe I'm wrong, but TV's and devices will update the firmware on their NIC's for compatibility but because of built in obsolescence your router firmware won't and they force you to buy a new router. And that's when things fall apart when your devices update but your router doesn't. Even though technically there is nothing wrong with the router and software could update it they force you to throw it out and it's not right for a lot of reasons. E-waste, money, hassle of setting it all up every few years ... etc. etc.. I'm hoping that my TPlink will do a firmware update to support Wifi 6 (the new 'ax' protocol) seeing how they still sell this router brand new. Although it's at 1/3 the price now than what I paid. And I know they all 'technically' should support backward compatibility but in my experience they don't or they cripple it so bad you beg for newer gear. Edit: FWIW, I can stream 8K on my 30Mb connection with this TPlink router on my DAW. I pay extra for Netflix's 4K streaming and Prime streams in 4K. Never had a problem with it on any of my TV's or cells or DAW although the DAW will do 8K. I've never tried to game online with it though, although they have re-released Quake and I'm tempted to try that for old times sake. Hah.
  7. I've read gamers like them because they do work so well. That said, I was just looking on a game PC building site and the router they offer is the exact one I have. I honestly truly don't think it makes a difference what you use as long as it all matches if you have different network related devices. All my TPlink stuff simply found each other and bam, it all worked. I've never had anything by Netgear last more than 2, maybe 2.5 years. Never again. You can hack them all if you want to dabble in the underground firmware realm to support the latest and greatest but I don't trust the hackers to not put an invisible back door in to my network. The only thing that changes that I can tell is the new protocols as they become available. That and a bad antenna is what ended up being wrong with my Netgear. The protocols it supported didn't work with my newer TV's and devices plus the radio signal strength dropped significantly. The TPlink fixed all of it. That said, I think a newer Asus, Netgear, or whichever would have fixed it too. Prior to the TPlink I disabled the 5G radio, set radio channels, there's also a couple other settings my ISP had me change that I can't recall now. Nothing worked. The one thing that hasn't changed is I can't stream video from my cell to my TV's unless I'm on the 5G radio. 2.4 buffers. My ISP tells me I should be able to use 2.4 and they don't know why I can't. That hasn't changed since day 1, 4 routers, 3 TVs, and 4 cell phones later. I have everything set to the 5G radio now and it all works as it should. The only thing using the 2.4 radio are my smart switches and outlets. My neighbor has his own IT business. He uses Ubiquiti and everything he runs is Wifi except his servers. He has these discs that look like smoke detectors here and there on the ceiling of his house and out in his barn/office/server room that give him 5G on almost his entire 5 acres. He's always got a partial sun tan. Hah! (J/K).
  8. In the 80's it was cool to be a CJ (Cassette Jockey). In the 90's it was cool to be a BJ (Bit Jockey). Let's see where this takes us ... ?
  9. I recently bought a TP Link AC 1750. Made a night and day difference over my old Net Gear router. My house actually has stucco inside in part of the back of the house. They use wire mesh on the walls and put the stucco on that. It used to block my wifi and mess with it even in rooms that didn't have stucco. I haven't had 1 single but of trouble with this AC 1750. I have full 5G everywhere. Oddly I didn't have 2.4Ghz. It dropped going in to my bedroom. I can only guess it's because of the enormous real masonry fireplace but I don't know. I have an old usb tp link wifi stick. It never worked right either with the netgear. Just for the hell of it I tried it with tp link router and it works perfectly everywhere in the house. It's old but I think its still the only one they make. It supports 2.4 and 5G. It's just as fast as when I hook my DAW up via cable. I bought a wifi extender to see if it would help get signal in my bedroom and out to my garage for another Ring camera. I got a tplink one of those. It's all working great. I have 2.4 and 5 through my whole house and outside a little ways. The extender plugged in found the tplink router set itself up and it all just worked. This after 8.5 years of my ISP telling me nothing would work because of the wire mesh for the stucco and I should hardwire my house. They had me change a few settings and I also set the router to do a hard reboot once a week. I haven't had to touch it once since I got it. My neighbor is really in to the higher end Ubiquity equipment. But they recently went to cloud account setup only and people are really pissed about it so I'm hesitant to use them. He said it doesn't matter and "the cloud" is the most secure you can be. I don't buy it though. My wife is onboard now with setting up a NAS server here and hardwiring the house. She also gave me the ok to build a new DAW/Gaming PC and use my old one for the server. I'm really looking forward to jumping in to this.
  10. I keep spelling it wrong because I remember it as Funion. Duh.
  11. It was a reference to another post I made in a different thread where I said I would hurl my Funyun's if I heard another 80's hair metal song. Funyun's are a snack that was popular in the 80's when I was a wee lad. I tried to tie the two 80's references together in a witty fashion but I failed miserably. Funny though. I remember them being spelled Funion's. But when I looked them up to see if they were still being made the spelling was Funyun's.
  12. Well, what the heck. Here goes. 25 + years ago my keyboard player, bass player, and I were out looking for band jobs one weekend. We saw this night club that did country line dancing music. We knew we wouldn't fit in there but the bass player wanted to go in anyway. We were at the bar having a few drinks. None of drank alc.. We must have been a sight with our 2 diet soda's and my unsweetened ice tea. A guy who looked a lot like the guy on the far left of the above meme came up to me and said something to the effect of, "Excuse sir. I couldn't help noticing you're a large very good looking gentleman." and he snaps a business card between his fingers in to my hand like a slick salesman. He said he was with The Chippenwale's dance crew and they were looking for new talent. He said they had been on TV and I think he said Oprah but I can't remember for sure. Said they traveled all over the country doing shows. He offered to have a limo come to my house and take me to an audition in NYC. The bass player Terry was laying on his stomach on the bar pounding his fist in to the bar laughing and coughing and choking. I took his card but I never called him. I'm 6' 3" and at the time I was around 325. I got way way way over that over the years but I finally got control of it the last few years. I'm down to almost my high school weight now. I was 220 in school but I can't seem to get below 245 now. But anyway, Terry nicknamed me Chip after that and never failed to tell anyone who would listen the story. He was a good guy. He went in for rotator cuff surgery 6 or 7 years ago, maybe more, they found cancer and he never left the hospital. He had cancer before and didn't know it came back. But that's my dance story. 100% true. It happened at a dance club in Pen Argyl PA. I doubt the place is there anymore. Looking back, I probably should have done it.
  13. It can't be any worse than the Kentucky Fried Chicken Gaming Console. https://landing.coolermaster.com/kfconsole/
  14. Actually it is. Thank you. It's been a few years. Hopefully he's changed. I know I have. Things don't bother me as much as they used to. Although, if I were still paying for Sonar and still ran in to the same problems I had been, I'd still be just as vocal. Just not as cocky about it now that I'm getting older. I have nothing but good things to say about the state of CbB now. They are doing a great job with it. ??
  15. This song one of my favorites by Don Bowman. It's about Ralph Emery. RIP Ralph Emery. Been a rough start this year in the entertainment world. There is a cuss word at the end. Careful around kids if you listen.
  16. Uhhh ... No. No. I've never heard of such a group. ?
  17. I have a story I'll probably regret telling you guys. Maybe later. I'll have think about it. Maybe after some persuading. I dunno.
  18. I thought that was called Still Of The Night. But I could be wrong. I think I've listened to roughly 30 ~ 35 seconds of Whitesnake since their first release so I'm not exactly an expert. ?And that was allegedly 'my era' of music that I grew up with and went to high school with. I'm embarrassed to say. God, if I hear the opening to Sweet Child Of Mine one more time I'm gonna hurl my Funyuns. There was also a song by Cole Porter called In The Still Of The Night. Yet another completely different 'still of the night'.
  19. RIP Fred Parris writer of this song and member of the group. I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I did this song over the years in my bands.
  20. I thought about that but figured I'd ruffle some scales. I have to correct myself. I was wrong. You can upload attachments on their forum. It's way at the bottom below everything else in the reply screen.
  21. That was the plan, but I never got around to setting up a NAS server. I used to use Tinypic but they deleted all the free accounts and went to a paid site only. Not even sure if they exist anymore. Just checked. Nope. They are gone. I haven't been able to find a free direct linkable photo storage site. I just went through the trouble of doing another screenshot with a diagram on it to give the guy and freaking Presonus won't allow you to attach anything. It has to be stored somewhere else and linked to. Edit: I was wrong. You can upload an attachment.
  22. There's a lot of 8 ~ 10 hour long video's on YouTube that loop things. A lot of them have black screens and they do it to help people sleep. I had to put them on every night last winter when I had surgery to help me sleep in my recliner. I slept on the recliner for 2 months. One of my favorite ones was the soundtrack to The Elder Scrolls Skyrim although it wasn't black. I used to turn the contrast and brightness all the way down on my TV. I love the very first song in this Skyrim video. I wish it was longer. The scenery is actually what the game looks like on a crappy PS4. It's absolutely mind blowing to me on a good PC.
  23. I got this PM last night from the S1 forum ... ... I don't have the diagram anymore and I'm so bored I'm actually drawing up another one for him.
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