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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. That was our class song when I gradgeated high skool.
  2. I don't remember much bad about the old forum and the few things I do are really no big deal to me anymore. The people that were overbearing there seem to be gone or are still here but silent now. I do remember everyone (in the CH) seemed to be a lot happier and more active there back then than they are here now even prior to the lockdowns. I don't like to go back and read things there except in the Song forum. Reading old CH stuff reminds me how it used to be and it upsets me that it's not that way anymore. I wonder whatever happened to Janet? She was really nice and very active in the Song forum. She had a creepy stalker dude there IIRC. I think he was banned eventually.
  3. Thanks for the contact info. I'll definitely be getting in touch. Too much is changing too fast and I can't keep up with it all. For example my current rig only meets half the requirements for Windows 11 so I have no idea what would happen if I was forced to upgrade. I used to build all my own systems but just don't want to get in to it anymore. All I'll have to do for the NAS is pop some HDD's in to an existing working rig and then deal with the software side so that shouldn't be a big deal, knock on wood. I'm still curious if anyone knows why there is a tendency to water cool these things. It seems overkill to me and a pain to maintain.
  4. Shane_B.

    For Bub

    Gotta give him credit for creativity.
  5. I did. We were talking about a system last year, told him I was ready to buy, then radio silence and I never heard back from him. Then I got busy doing other things and forgot about it. I hope he's ok. I'm only in the house and using my system during the late fall and winter months. As soon as spring breaks I'm always outside doing my thing and the DAW doesn't even get turned on until late fall again. Now I'm ready to buy again especially since my system isn't Windows 11 compatible. I'm going to use my current DAW to build a NAS server. Edit to add: To this day a lot of my posts and messages don't go through on the forum. It's very possible he didn't get what I thought I sent. I've discovered that even though my cell makes the click sound when I click submit, a lot of times the post or PM does not go through. I don't know if it's my cell or the forum. If I send something from my cell I always have to wait after I click submit and double check. On PC it never seems to happen.
  6. One of my old bosses used to type in all caps. From the day he hired me I thought he was mad at me. It made a horrible working environment. Finally one day I asked him what I did wrong to make him so mad. He had no idea what I was talking about. I pointed out how he was always typing in caps when he would send me a message or email. He laughed and said he had no idea that typing in caps meant you were yelling at someone and that he had to have caps lock on for the antiquated DOS based dispatching software the owner forced them to use and he just left it on by force of habit when sending emails or messaging us through the dispatch system.
  7. My wife told me this morning. She's working from home today ... not feeling well. ?
  8. I tried to post this in the Computer section, but never got a response and only a few views. IOW, it's deader than my P3 with 1GB RAM there. So .... I'll ask here and hope the forum God's spare me and leave this here where it will get more views. It's time to upgrade. This time around I need to make my DAW multipurpose. I'm going to be using it as a DAW/very light video editor and Gaming PC. I only play a handful of games and they are old, but I want to mod them with updated graphics. I only play the Fallout Series and Skyrim which are all older games but they continue to be updated in the modding community and I'd like to get back in to PC gaming so I can mod them. I want to base the system around the RTX 3060 TI because it will handle those games at very high framerates and hopefully it will handle the new versions of Fallout and The Elder Scrolls whenever they come out. The problem is, the RTX 3060 TI costs almost as much stand alone than if I buy an entire pre-built system with it in it and every pre-built system I can find is water cooled. I don't want to deal with the whole water cooled thing. Do you have to water cool these newer RTX cards or will the stock fans be sufficient? I wonder if the official PC builders are buying them without cooling accessories on them to get them cheaper and are using their own systems they can get for less than if they got those with the fans. I've heard that water cooled is actually louder than fans because of the high speed fans on the heat sink area where the fluid is pumped through that sits directly on top of the PC. I can't imagine I'd be using very much of the capabilities of this card using it in 1080p/1440p @ 100 +/- fps. It won't be pushed, I just want to play a few old games as clear and smooth as I can. I was told a 1660TI would do 1080p/60fps with no issues at all. I would imagine this would do it with the fans barely ever going above idle speed. Any help would be appreciated. Ready to buy. Now. Thanks.
  9. Damn. What a week. What a year. What the *****. https://www.tmz.com/2022/01/21/louie-anderson-dead-dies-blood-cancer-battle/
  10. I guess he won't be doing that anymore. Whatever "that" was. Very sad. https://www.tmz.com/2022/01/21/meat-loaf-dead-dies-singer/
  11. I'm sitting here sipping my coffee reading the forum. I just noticed some of my threads have been deleted as well as yours and Sheens. Yet other way OT threads are still there. Kind of hard not to feel singled out isn't it. If you'd ever get the urge to start your own forum again I'd be happy to pay a membership fee if that would help. This is getting ridiculous here and it would upset me to lose contact with you and a bunch of the other guys here that I know would hop on over to your forum.
  12. There are rules here and I get it. There are forums you can go to where you can talk about anything you want. And there's plenty to talk about without going out of our way to make things worse. That said, even the things that are OT per the rules have not been deletion worthy that I've seen. Deleting the mashup threads is ridiculous. I know why the other one with the deep discussion got deleted. Someone had to make it about religion and in my mind that's not what it was about or I would have avoided the thread completely because nothing good ever comes out of those threads even on forums where they are allowed. The way I see it is if you're going to try and keep the same people and vibe from the old forum and even call it The Coffee House again and then even give people their old post counts from the old forum and carry threads over from the old forum ... you have to expect ... well ... the same people and vibe, no? Or maybe I'm missing something. *scratching my balding head*. I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of the threads here with the exception of the one I mentioned but even that was no big deal IMO. I'd be happy to contribute financially if Ed ever wanted to start up a forum again. I'm getting in on the ground level for the new Radio Shack Defi currency if that would be ok. ?
  13. I wish he had kept it too but I understand. I have to be honest. I feel ike the deletions are my fault. It seems to have started this time around after my thread asking about the old forum. I probably brought the wrong attention to or little world. Maybe coincidence but I don't know.
  14. I just discovered what you are referring to. We were right on the edge and then someone lost control and said the J word and blew it. I knew it was over at that point.
  15. Well apparently some can. Not that I give a rats *****, but it did kind of startle me to see a new post.
  16. Yes you are right he was/is . . . it's in the screenshot. I haven't seen/thought about him in years. I don't even know if he's on this forum. It's an extreme rarity that I ever venture any higher than the Deals or Computer sub forums here and I haven't seen his name in years that I can remember. Honestly it kind of made my stomach churn to see a new post there. I don't know why I had that reaction. Oh well.
  17. It's time for a new DAW. This time around I need it to be dual purpose. I'm going to use it as a DAW/very lightweight video editor and a gaming PC. The video card I'm going to go with is the RTX 3060 TI. I only play the older Fallout series and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim. They've been heavily modded over the years and I want to get in to that. The thing I'm running in to is, all the prebuilt systems I'm finding are water cooled. Yet, if you buy the cards stand alone to build your own system they come with fans. So I'm at a loss. The cards stand alone cost as much as system builders charge for entire systems so I pretty much have to buy a prebuilt one. Any thoughts on why all the prebuilt's are water cooled? Are they getting them cheaper without cooling hardware on them and using their own cooling setup? Or do you have to have them water cooled? I do not want to deal with the whole water cooling thing. Any input on that or who to go with for a prebuilt system. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.
  18. How do people make free VST's? Or is the cost to get a license minimal? I thought I read that the SDK was free, but I could be wrong. And I guess that doesn't necessarily mean it's open source either even if it is free.
  19. Do I have my dates wrong? It came up as a "New" post and it says 11/21/21. That's not even 3 months ago. I thought the forum closed and was locked in 2019, so how is it possible someone posted in 2021?
  20. I never had much luck with them. Water always destroyed them after a few months. Ever see Big Clive on YouTube? He does a lot of work with LED's and reverse engineering small electronics. He uses epoxy iirc over the little solar panels to help protect them from rain. Just 2 days ago I finally got every single light converted to LED in and outside of my house. I went to Lowe's the other day and they had LED flood lights and bulbs by GE on clearance. Normally $15 each on clearance for $2.50. These are the ones that don't put out the blue light spectrum that keeps you awake. I think it's actually made a difference. I replaced the lights in my living room with them and I think they made a difference. I love messing with LED's and little circuits that drive them when I have time. But it's actually getting cheaper to buy sets now than to buy them individually and make your own. I wanted to make my own sets for the Christmas trees I'm making for my driveway but the cost was double what I could just go buy a set with built in animations for now.
  21. ... or it never went away for Moderator's. I was just in the Deals forum here talking about Session Drummer 3 and did a quick search to see if there was ever a version 4 released. The old forum came up in the search and I checked it out for old times sake and it said this was the last post ... a few weeks ago. It was a reply to Panup from 2016.
  22. I always thought the VST format was an open source for developers to use so until we get to a 128bit operating system I don't see why they still can't use it. We can still run DX stuff in CbB. Surely VST2 won't be going away any time soon. I dread the day Studio One and/or CbB doesn't support VST2. I still use all the extra's from Sonar in Studio One and CbB. I'd be lost without Session Drummer 3. It's in every single one of my projects. It sounds great, it's easy to set up, I know what all my favorite drum kits do and what they sound like and when/where to use them.
  23. LED technology is getting better and cheaper. Those fake flame looking lights that are LED are getting really good. I'm starting to see them on houses a lot for outside garage and front porch lights. I got a ton of LED Christmas lights on sale after Christmas this year. They do all kinds of special effects, the sets are linkable to synchronize hundreds of lights, and they have memory so if you have them on a dusk to dawn timer they don't lose their settings. Every year they keep adding more features and the price keeps going down. I bought a bunch of sets and I'm going to make 6 LED trees to line my driveway next Christmas. Even the battery powered sets have built in timers now so they turn on/off automatically. ??
  24. Hey, what I do in the privacy of my underground soundproofed safe room is none of your concern. Unless you subscribe for $9.95 a month to my OnlyFan's page.
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