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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. My dad is 84. He has COPD and is overweight. When this started ... not now with the weak strain ... he never left his apartment during lockdown except to go get food. No contact with anyone for months. He tried to registered to get a shot but the elderly were on a long waiting list in NJ at the time and couldn't even get scheduled. He got a cold and couldn't shake it but it was no big deal. His landlord lived in the same building and went around to everyone's apartment one day to tell them he had covid and they had to go get tested. My dad tested positive. 84 in poor health unvaccinated and no symptoms other than a slight cold. They forced him to stay in the hospital 7 days on IV drugs and forced him to get vaccinated before he could leave. Fast forward to 1 month ago my best friend who is 74 was rear ended by a truck and taken to the hospital with severe back and neck injuries. In the process of starting a lawsuit his lawyer got the ER medical records. The official diagnosis ... "Symptoms Covid related".
  2. I should clarify my .gov post. IRT what Rogan has supposedly said, I watched the video and the follow up video. All he said was under a doctors care he was legally prescribed the med in the link I posted. He never took a stand one way or the other on anything. And now people want to destroy his income source over it? That's wrong. If the guy was saying every day to go drink bleach to cure cancer then absolutely shut him up. That can kill you. Saying "a doctor legally prescribed and administered a well know drug used in animals and humans that was awarded a Nobel Prize for use in humans that has been studied around the globe and proven to be effective against covid" helped him ... is not something to be canceled over. That said I hope my comments haven't offended. I'm just pointing out that if you look in to it the man did nothing illegal. He said nothing that was a lie. And it was all done under a doctors care and all the meds were legally prescribed. If Stern and Young have a problem with that well I don't know what else to say. If we've gotten to the point here where you can't even say anything that's true if people with power don't agree with you well then it's not America anymore.
  3. Read the whole thing here at the governments web site .... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34466270/
  4. Yep. This whole thing with Rogan has been blown way out of proportion. Everything he did was under a doctors care yet they twisted it all around. Did you see the video of him CNN edited to make him look like he was dying of Covid? Their heads are exploding because he won't cave to their demands. From what I read he took most of his music off prior to all this anyway because he thinks he's an audiophile and his compressed medium is better than Spotify's. Honestly I never liked either of them so I wouldn't care if they both went away. Neil Youngs voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Can't stand it.
  5. We sure have. I hope Kneel Neil Young will remember . . . Signed, Shane from Missouri.
  6. 6'3 @ 245. Well, that was before Christmas. This holiday season was not good to me. Problem is I can't do what I used to do at the gym because of that G.D. bus running a stop sign and almost killing me 2 years ago.
  7. I hear Schitt audio was working with Cakewalk after the Roland breakup to release a new version of Sonar Platinum. They were going to call it Schitt Splat but the merger got canned and they flushed the name.
  8. I think he lived in Misery too. (Sorry, I spelled Missouri wrong. Or did I?)
  9. Nope. Not related. My last name is spelled with a _ and a . On the other hand maybe his part of the family dropped the _ and . to disassociate from the smarter better looking line of the family. Totally plausible.
  10. I think they make Dumb Schiit's where it's bare bones, no Bluetooth, no remote. You have to get up and walk across the room to turn the volume up and down. Although they do make smaller bluetooth capable equipment in their Little Wise Schitt line of products though. They also have a dedicated paid music service device called their Streaming Schiit DAC. I'm kind of an expert on their line of products. I really know my Schiit. And ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
  11. I tried. I kept dozing off. It's too slow paced for me and her voice is so mellow she puts me right to sleep. I skipped around the video a little and the parts I landed on all make logical sense when mixing a lot of vocals together like that. I've done faux choirs a few times and I had to fix the things she mentioned where I landed in her video. She has a lot of great info in there. My number one complaint about all youtubers now is they know they have to have video's of a certain length so their video's show up in peoples recommended list. They drag them out now by either talking slow or rambling on about useless crap. You would think in this world of ADD and ever shortening attention spans that it would be just the opposite. I've seen her other video's coming up in my recommended list for a couple weeks now, then I saw this one before Bit posted it. Funny how all this stuff works. According to my youtube history I watched the first few minutes of her 1 voice video 2 weeks ago.
  12. First thing I see this morning as I sit down to have breakfast. Think I'll skip till lunchtime now. Hah! ?
  13. No offense taken here. I'm pretty thick skinned. And skulled.
  14. Actually, Schitt makes very good audio equipment. https://www.schiit.com/
  15. I was Bub on the old Sonar forum. Shane is my real name. Bub was a login I created one time because I couldn't remember my original login and my email address changed and couldn't reset it. Back then I never used a Hotmail or Google account. I used the free email from my ISP and when I switched, I lost it. I got cut off from a lot of people because I couldn't even get back in to my email account at all when I switched. Anyway, I always regretted the Bub name, but it is what it is. It's my name over on the Presonus forum too but there I can't change it. It's linked to your full account and once your forum name is set there, it's set for life. Or so I was told one time when I asked to change it to my real first name.
  16. I was looking at a post I made in the old song forum and she responded and that reminded me of her. I'm glad she's doing well. Please tell her Bub/Shane said hello and I'm a fellow Missourian now.
  17. I was reading that you can get video cards at normal retail price. You have to contact the manufacturers via their websites and get on a waiting list. You can get the new Playstation 5 directly from Sony this way too. I've read it's less than a month waiting period. It's a pain but it is possible once again to get these things. That said I'm done. I no longer have the desire to DIY this stuff. I used to love it and thanks to Jim's help on these forums my last 2 DAWs I built ran flawlessly but I just don't want to deal with it. I even have an available gift card balance with New Egg I've never used.
  18. My current DAW is in my sig. I don't have Kontakt but I think I'm going to have to get in to it soon. I only use Dim Pro, Session Drummer 3, and the various things that came with Sonar back in the day but it's all getting old. It will stop working eventually and maybe even with Windows 11, who knows. I use virtual instruments but I always freeze or 'transform to audio track' as they call it in Studio One. So in the end I always end up working with all wav's and FX VST's. Even if I had a powerhouse DAW I would still do that. I always preferred working with wavs. I only ever record 4 inputs at a time max. My Studio 1810c is a current interface you can still buy new and is a bit of overkill but I wanted something with the 4 inputs on the front so I went with it. Side note: I got it refurbed dirt cheap on Amazon and I was shipped a brand new factory sealed one with full warranty. I've never had a problem with my current rig. I never outgrew it but I think the time is coming soon where I'll have to give up all the things that came with Sonar that I use and start getting in to something different than Session Drummer 3 and Dim Pro. I would simply put the RTX 3060 TI in my current DAW but it requires a PCI 4 slot and my Gen 6 CPU/Mobo only supports PCI 3. From what I've read you have to have at least a Gen 7 or higher system for Windows 11, so I think it's time.
  19. Ohho.You get no respect? Let me tell ya, my wife complained I never get her anything for Christmas so I asked my therapist what to do. You know doctor Vinnie Boom Botz? He suggested I get her a sympathy card. No respect at all.
  20. Dude ... your web cam was on. BTW you're new nickname is 'Tiny'.
  21. That was our class song when I gradgeated high skool.
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