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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. I would never out someone like that. ? I used to post there a lot while I was in exile. It was, and still is a fun place, if you stay below the radar. I left because of the admin. Having dealt with them elsewhere, I had had enough. I just walked away before I ever even said anything. There is one guy there that is just absolutely unbearable. Seriously. I have no idea how they allow him to be there other than he pays them now. There was nothing I said or anyone else said that got nailed by this moron that was even remotely controversial. The final draw for me was we were having a discussion about mastering levels for places like YouTube and Soundcloud one time. All technical things with samples and links. It was a great thread. Absolutely nothing OT whatsoever in the least. All great guys. Nobody was saying a single word out of line. He interjects and starts telling people what morons they are and that kind of small appendage high school bully type stuff. I got so disgusted with it all I just shut my DAW down, disassembled it, and didn't even log on to the net for years. I see he's no longer an "Admin" but he does pay for the high tier membership to the forum. It's impossible to avoid him because he's everywhere there. He's got thousands of posts, and not a single one good like virtually all of Bapu's. Imagine Ed's evil twin doppelganger. That's this dude. LOL! I'd love to participate in their backing track challenges again but I don't want to even take the chance of having to avoid the idiot again. Seriously, it was that bad. I even remember what thread it was that I commented on that caught his attention and he hounded me ever since. Some guy in a "professional" band posted a Youtube video of a song he mixed and mastered and asked for input. The group was focused around the lady lead singer. Great singer. He was the guitar player. He had his rhythm guitar so loud you literally could barely hear the rest of the band. I simply said it sounded great but maybe bring the guitar back a little and bring the lead vocal up a bit. They must have been buddies because OMG did I get berated from that day on. Other than him, the place is great. Very busy, lot's of people participating. Just don't draw any attention whatsoever from the Admin or their 'pals'. They hound you relentlessly and nobody stops them. And if you say anything back they ban you. Seriously, it was that bad. And this was years ago before the big C. I mean, now I can kind of get it. People are going nuts being stuck in. Tempers are flaring everywhere. I get it, now. But there was no excuse for their behavior then or the owners of the forum to allow it. And it wasn't just me. I knew several guys I kept in touch with via email that left there directly because of that guy and the fact the forum owners allowed it. Coffee's cold now. Coming down from the caffeine. LOL. Could use a donut. Hmmm ....
  2. Ok, I'll provide a link. I was typing a huge reply when I saw a message from you popped up so I saved it to see what you said here. I'll just go copy/paste it. It has the link in it. There's been a decline in forums for years. I can't say it's the younger generation, but I do blame cell phones and that whole 'instant gratification'/'attention span' thing. Plus, it's just harder to reply on forums from a tiny cell screen. You can always tell when I'm replying from my cell vs. my DAW. It's sentence vs. paragraphs. Hah. As for putting your foot down, I agree 100%. I want to expand on that so bad but I know I'll get my own thread deleted so I won't and shouldn't because they ask us not to and I respect that. Anyhoo ... I'll go paste the reply I had typed now. Forgive me for the following long post. The morning coffee had kicked in. It's dying down now. LOL! ?
  3. Couldn't stand those nitwits. Especially the kid. He had the kinda face ya just wanted to slap. It's ok, I can say that being from the NJ/NY/PA Tri-State area where they're from. It's a thing out there.? I've been binge watching the old Ghost Hunter show's with Jay and Grant from around that same time. My wife got the Discovery + channel/app on sale for $.99 cents a month for a year. They have every episode from the Season 1 (Edit: I meant to say Season 1 till the final season). Plus they just rebooted the show with Jay, Steve, and Tango. It was all B.S., but very entertaining. Especially when it started and they had that kid Brian on the team that everyone hated and picked on all the time. It started to suck after he left. It became very sterile and 'corporate' friendly as in, over the top too serious. It really made the fakeness stand out. Hah.
  4. I won't mention any names coughkennycough, but I caught him cheating on us with another forum. Non DAW related! *gAsp* I was actually surprised to see several familiar names there. I mean, I just accidentally clicked on an old link, I wasn't hangin' out there or anything like that. And I certainly didn't post there. Although I do admit, I was tempted. Seems we can't get traction like we used to here. I guess our breath or feet smell bad or something? I took a bath just before Christmas so I know it ain't me. Excessive heavy handed censorship? Boring old farts? Too many bass players? I mean, even poor Baps can't get a hit on a thread he started hours ago and it only has 12 views. Oh the humanity. You'd think with it being winter and all plus the big C and everyone being stuck home there would be a tad bit more activity here. Oh well. Maybe it's just me and my hatred of change. It's kinda how we Republicans are. We kind of agreed with Henry Ford when he said the Model T was the perfect car and there would never be a need for anything else. I know my uncle had one in the 80's and it ran like new. *shrugging my shoulders*. Or perhaps@craigb was right and I am down in the dumps. I guess sometimes you just have to let go of the past.
  5. Perhaps Everything Needs Immediate Swatting
  6. There's no polite or politically correct way to respond so I'll refrain. (See, I kept it music related. LOL!). I find it best not to stroke their ego and just ignore them, whoever 'they' are. There's been a couple of things I've seen happen here lately that in the past would have ruffled my feathers, but I truly don't care any more. I actually feel sorry the people with power here whereas before I would have felt anger. I was just looking over at the old forum to do a screenshot of my old forum avatar. I couldn't get any of my old posts to show up in search except for a single one I created before I was banned. Normally everything with "Bub" attached would come up whether I created the thread or responded. BTW, I'm flattered at all the "Where's Bub" threads. Seriously, I never knew. I kind of got chocked up. Seriously. Anyway, seems there's been a purge of the damned, er, um, banned. I don't know. Maybe just a bad day for the Google search engine? Maybe I searched wrong by accident? Honestly, it took me like 5 minutes to find a post, any post, with me in it. And I also noticed nobody else with a banned symbol was showing up. It could very well be just coincidence. I don't know and I just don't flipping care anymore. I guess the world is expected to be like the dad in Liar Liar now.
  7. I'm seriously thinking of freezing my system for now. Heck, I would still be happy with Sonar 8.5 on an XP system up until this latest incarnation of Ozone 9 Advanced. It was a great DAW. Fully customizable graphics ... grrr. I better stop. LOL. And only because O9A won't run on XP. I imagine O9A will run for several generations of Windows beyond 10, but I'm seriously thinking of unplugging my DAW and only popping it on the net to keep things like CbB and other net authorized software alive when forced to. Right now I'm using a little USB Wifi stick to connect it to the net and it's working flawlessly. I can move my DAW anywhere in my house now without worrying about how I'm going to get an ethernet cable to it and it's super easy to just pop it out when I don't want it on the net. I'm getting ready to take the plunge back in to the gaming world and I'm looking at a gaming PC I'll use for net and just keep my DAW off the net from now on and frozen in time.
  8. Trying re-installing 5.5. This has fixed weird stuff like that for me that started when I upgraded from V3 to V5. I skipped V4. So far it's fixed a lot of weird midi behavior and other things I ran in to. I don't use Vocalign so I can't test for you. But so far everything else they touted in the release video is working for me and I see people on their forum saying they can't get it to work. HTH. Good luck!
  9. I'm happy with the EMG's I put on my Strat back in the mid or late 80's? Can't remember exactly how long now. I've had it since 84 and suffered with the original pickups' noise for a while. I got them because real neon signs in bars caused terrible buzzing and humming. The EMG's totally eliminated that. I think I have a cap going bad now though after all these years. There's a constant distortion and not in a good way. It almost sounds like digital clipping. I'm thinking of going with some of the Presonus/Fender (LOL) passive noiseless pickups now. The EMG's I have require a 9v battery and I never did like that, but I've heard great things about the Fender noiseless pickups. It's great to see you back. It's me Bub from the old forum. I know I don't look the same. I lost a lot of weight, went to a dermatologist. But it's still me. Still love horror movies and I still watch The Nightmare Before Christmas regularly. I think I'm the only guy to ever wear out a Blu-Ray disc. ?
  10. Nah. I'm good man. I wake up every morning and look at my own 50 yo sagging boobs for free in the mirror and tell myself, self, it could be worse. You could play guitar left handed, get hit by a runaway speeding school bus, and be out of work for 9 years. Then I cruise the forums and talk to you guys's and I'm happy as a clam.
  11. The only thing real in that photo was the 123RF watermark embedded in to the picture.
  12. I used to get this regularly too. I always caved and clicked where they told me to click and they would simply ask me to re-enter my security code I enter when booting up Windows 10. After 5 or 6 times of this happening it hasn't happened again in months. I created an account long ago and just yielded to their demands. They know who and where you are anyway. And since I have no interest in pron, questionable web sites, or cracked software, I don't really see what it matters anymore. I'm tracked by Google on my cell phone, General Motors via Onstar in my GMC Sierra, the mandatory $600 dollar GPS tracking device the GMC dealer installs on every car to thwart stolen vehicles in the KC area, Honda in my wife's rice burner, my Ring camera, Studio One, CbB, Ozone, Melda, NI, all the free VST's I installed with spyware hidden in the .dll's, my refrigerator, dishwasher, washer/dryer in my laundry room (all newer appliances have a microphone built in and some have wifi), all the smart switches and outlets in my house, the wifi controlled fireplace I built in my bedroom with perfect view of my bed, Asus via the built in mic on my motherboard, my sleep apnea machine that has built in wifi so they can report when I sleep, how often, what room, and they can remotely cut off my oxygen and turn the machine off while I'm sleeping and kill me that gives the information to BC/BS under the guise of 'so we can make sure your insurance covers it and you don't get stuck with a $5,000 dollar bill', all my TV's that I had to agree to let access the microphones and report everything I watch, when, for how long, in order to actually use the TV for more than a PC monitor and something to hook my PlayStation up to, my PlayStation account that I was forced to provide all my personal info and credit card info to, the list of 36 websites and "Portals" with passwords I have written down to cover all the sites I shop at, pay through, buy software through, pharmacy, doctors, cloud service for my house thermostat with camera and mic built in that the power company made me install else my bill would go up, power company, trash pickup, internet service that rides me worse than an unwilling drunk co-ed from the U.S. who staggered two blocks east of the 'tourist safe zone' in Tia Juana, all with all my personal information including bank account, credit card, s.s. #, d.o.b., address, mothers maiden name, street I grew up on, what school I went to, name of town I grew up in, where I was born, first dog's name, best friends name, I mean, what's the point of fighting it anymore? LOL! Game over man! Game over! LOL! If the people who started all this whose software is what all this runs on (Microsoft) wants my name and address, well, I figure they already have it and I might as well just play along and maybe I'll skim under their radar if I don't rock the boat.
  13. This kind of weird behavior happened to me when I initially installed the prior update. Other people had odd behavior too and we were talking about it on their forum. Just for the hell of it I reinstalled Studio One and all the problems I a few guys reported it worked for them as well. Maybe give that a try if it keeps giving you trouble. I've seen weird behavior after installing an update in S1 since I upgraded from version 3. I skipped 4 and went from 3 to 5. Re-installing has fixed it every time so far. HTH. ?? Side note: The thread I'm referring to over there has been purged. They have a nasty habit of doing that especially in the "official discussion" threads they start after every new update and upgrade. I'm actually shocked my 666 error code thread is still there and allowed to continue since 2015. They really don't like older threads being restarted. It's not as open a forum as ours is here.
  14. I've used a few but most I only ever try out then never use again. I love downloading the free synth's and tinkering with them. I've used a few on recordings but most I never touch again after trying them out. I leave them on my system so I know which ones I've tried and which ones I haven't. They take up very little room. I have all my free stuff in a single folder and point Studio One and CbB to it and that's how I keep track of them. And I never install things that require an install.exe. I only use them if they have a .dll I can drag and then quickly delete if it gives me any trouble. Here's a list w/links of free stuff I use on almost every project: Auto Double Tracker (Best used as an FX Send.) Bass Professor Mark 2 Blue Cat's Free Chorus, Flange, and Phaser. There are more free synth's out there than you could ever use. I've used several on recordings to fill in for what I couldn't get out of the included synth's with CbB and Studio One but I can't recall their names. I got 99.9% of the free synth's from Plugin's 4 Free.
  15. There's definitely some nice new features. I like how you can draw strumming patterns on midi chords. I do a lot of rhythm parts with acoustic and it's really hard for me to record acoustic in my crappy room. There are a lot of great acoustic guitar samples out there, some free. I'm anxious to give the new strum drawing feature a try with it. I also really like the new Loudness Export settings but they screwed up and made it only available in the Project page. It needs to be in the Song page too. They also have a new proprietary dithering algorithm they made and they claim that you should use it for making MP3's. That's the first I've ever heard anyone claim you should use dithering to make an MP3.
  16. They are notorious for this. Try running an external hardware loop through one of their interfaces. ? There's tons of video's showing people at Presonus doing it. I thoroughly RT*M, many times. Asked for help on their forum, from them, nobody had any input on how to make it work other than RTFM. Turns out you have to disable the software mixer in their Universal Control software that they force you to run for the drivers and it is not in any manual anywhere. I was just about to return the interface thinking it was defective when the search algorithm on YouTube made some obscure tutorial video pop up from a guy who could barely speak English. "Step #1, turn off the virtual mixer in Universal Control.". Boom. Problem solved. I'm really glad you go it figured out although it took so long! Took me almost 3 weeks of trying before I finally gave up and was about to return the unit.
  17. I have one of the longest running threads on their forum about the 666 error. I started it May of 2015. Been trying for literally YEARS to get this fixed. A lot of people have. Up until right now they completely denied it existed. Up until like literally 30 seconds before the update was released if you've been following the current thread over there on page 1. Unreal. I'm glad it's fixed, but it's still unreal. Well guys. CbB's running great. Studio One has been exorcised. 2.5 decades of complaining and my job is finally done. I guess I'll say my goodbye's and go slither off in to the woods and die now. LOL!
  18. It's live now. I just installed it. So far all I see is automation in the Project page. No changes to metering or anything like that, that I saw at first glance. Took like 20 seconds to download. It's around 200Mb.
  19. Is this an "Update" or an "Upgrade"?
  20. That makes me wonder now, Melodyne has always been clunky and unpredictable for me. I see now in CbB that it is not a DP VST. I wonder if it would work better if I turned off DP in S1's audio settings. I guess I'll give it a try and see. If a VST is capable of DP, does it use it even if you have DP turned off in audio settings? IOW, does DP have to be turned on in the host for it to be activated at the VST level?
  21. There was something funky about that O8A deal I got. I actually think they just gave me O9A and didn't upgrade me. I bought O8A and literally a few days later they released O9A. I stewed on it a few weeks and finally got mad enough to write and ask if there was anything they could do about it and they gave me O9A. It shows I have both full versions in my account directly from them and that I paid $0 for O9A. So I can't complain. I mean, I'm cheap but I'm not that cheap.?It's worth what they are asking for it. I got an email on Friday saying they had something new coming soon. We'll all probably be upgrading to O10A next month ... or forced to subscribe, in which case I'll be using O9A for the rest of my days.
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