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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. I've been wondering about that. I already own the advanced versions of some of the software the MPS4.1 upgrade came with. I wonder if I would be able to sell the ones I already own since I upgraded a second time? When I upgraded from O8A to O9A they left O8A in my account. I did have both on my system at the same time until a couple weeks ago. I uninstalled O8A just to get rid of it in my plug-in list and to see what would happen. I never actually used it before I upgraded to O9A. O9A seems to be working fine without it but I hope it's not one of those situations where if I ever have to set up a new DAW I have to install O8A then install O9A. So far I'm still using the same system and haven't had to reinstall since the original purchase installation.
  2. That's odd, it's totally opposite for me. They are not pinned by default and I wish they were. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean. S1 shows you if they are VST 3. IIRC it looks like 3 slashes next to the name? Not sure. I only install VST3's now unless I'm forced to do otherwise.
  3. That must be Jimmy Durante and Karl Malden's love child.
  4. That's the 3rd mouse button. It works for a lot of thing. I use it to scroll web pages more smoothly.
  5. The only thing that really threw me off and delayed the install was the licensing process wasn't clear. I got 3 emails all at once from JRRshop after I paid them. Two gave me a serial and the 3rd said I had to follow a link to enter a license but it said the license had to be manually created and I would have to wait for it to arrive. The license was actually the serial in the other two that came instantly with the one telling me I'd have to wait. I waited a while and nothing came then lost patients and tried the serial in the link where it asked for a license and it worked. You are right, there is some excellent software in that bundle. I was focused on just getting Nectar 3 and RX 9 and didn't really look at everything else until I went to install each one. I don't see me having a need for Stutter Edit 2 but I will absolutely use everything else that came with it. I'm glad they turned me down when I asked if I could just get Nectar and RX 9. ??
  6. Same here. In fact, I just uninstalled all of my Melda stuff and reinstalled it 64bit only. I was in a panic state, sweat dripping down my forehead, glasses were getting all steamy, hands trembling out of fear none of my projects would ever open again. But so far so good. I wonder if iZotope is all 64bit now? I'm installing my new purchase now and never got the option to install 32 or 64. It just made me jump through 6,000 hoops to allow myself to even install it. Then when I started it just went off and did it's own thing. I really didn't have much input in the matter except for C.C. info. ? Edit to add: RX 9 Advanced must be enormous. It's taking for-ev-er! Like, OMG.
  7. I've been meaning to contact you about that. We must start working on a My Flurona cover! BaBa BaBa Ba, Ba. BaBa Ba BaBa Ba, My Flurona! ?
  8. Ah! It did. It took off another $3 bucks. Thanks. That makes sense. I just got it and I'll start downloading everything. All this registration stuff scares me. I hope it goes smoothly.
  9. Good news. I finally got through to iZotope via their chat option. They checked my account and said I was eligible for the upgrade to MPS 4.1. Then a few minutes later I got an email from them confirming I did qualify for the MPS 4.1 Upgrade bundle and they gave me a 20% off discount on it. The problem is, it's still more than if I buy it from JRRshop. Now that I know I can buy the MPS 4.1 Bundle I'll get it from JRRshop. With the group code they automatically applied I can get it for $169. Even with the 20% off coupon iZotope gave me it comes to $223 from them. Honestly, if I hadn't known about the deal you showed me I would have thought $223 was a great deal. There's a lot of great software in that MPS 4.1 bundle. I'm a happy camper now. ??
  10. Studio One's is frustrating as all get out. Especially when you switch from using it on tracks and use it in the editor. You lose a bunch of functionality in the editor with their 'smart tool' and I haven't ever figured a way to get it to work like in the track section.
  11. A while back I was on a big kick to transfer all of my tracks out of my old Sonar projects and import them in to Studio One and revamp them all. And the reason for that is, I never could get Sonar to run stable enough to actually finish anything to the point I was truly happy with it. That's not an issue anymore but I never dreamed that day would come. LOL! Anyhoo ... I never kept track of what I actually got transferred, got busy, went on to something non-music related, forget everything I did. Now I have a ton of duplicates, GB's of wasted space, and basically have to start all over if I want to use Studio One because I can't remember what I did where. I remember now what happened now that I'm typing this. Something happened with Studio One and it couldn't find Dimension Pro. I tried to fix that and couldn't and gave up and that's when I stopped, but never kept track of what I did transfer. I was just planning on doing it all at once and it didn't happen. Then out of the blue one day during a Studio One update, Dimension Pro started working again and has been working ever since. I still use it, Rapture, Z3ta, Session Drummer 3, TTS-1. Z3ta can be used as a guitar FX and you can get some really unique sounds with it. They are all very usable and still hold up to this day imo. I dread the day SD3 stops working. I'm so used to how it's laid out and I use it in everything.
  12. I haven't gotten a response from iZotope yet. Instead I got an automated message saying they are backed up and it will take a long time for them to get back to me. I looked at that bundle link you posted and it is great, but, it says it's an upgrade. I don't own any version of Nectar or RX. I'm not sure if I will actually be able to register Nectar 3 Plus and RX 9 Standard if I buy the 4.1 Upgrade Bundle because I don't own a lower version to upgrade from if that makes any sense. I can't seem to find a clear answer on that. When I added the code at JRR it didn't work, but when I looked at the bottom it says group code was applied already. The price even without the code is more than fair if the bundle is something I can actually use. It says you have to upgrade from a previously purchased bundle. All of my software in my iZotope account shows it as solo purchases, not as bundles, so I really don't know what I can upgrade too. My purchase history only shows O8A and O9A but in the portal it shows Neutron 3 Advanced, O9A, and Tonal Balance Control 2. TBC2 doesn't come with O9A, it's a separate purchase, so that makes me think maybe I did buy a bundle and it's just not showing as one. Melda for example gives names to the bundles and lists everything clearly that came in the bundle in my account. I don't know if that's how iZotope does it or if they separate everything out. Seeing how software is non-returnable they really need to make this more clear as to what you own and what you can upgrade to. And like you, I get a lot of offers to upgrade Ozone 9 Advanced to .... Ozone 9 Advanced. It's a giant cluster.
  13. I've seen scanning software that will convert sheet music to midi. Here's one program. You take a pic with your cell or use a flatbed scanner, load it in, and it converts it to a midi file. Don't know how accurate it is but I'm sure there's something on YouTube about it.
  14. The kicker about that deal is I already have most of the stuff in that MPS 4.1 bundle. And to add insult to injury they offer it to me for $279 then raise it to $499 when I click on the information button or put it in my cart. Jerks! ?
  15. I explained the cluster I keep seeing regarding upgrades and offered them the Diamond bundle sale price for just Nectar 3 Plus and RX 9 Standard. I think that's a fair price considering they want to give you Nectar 3 Plus along with 10 other plugins in the Diamond bundle and it normally sells for $2200 dollars. I was nice about it and explained they didn't offer a holiday sale price of any kind for those unless they were in a bundle and I already owned all the high ticket items in those bundles. That said, I can live without both, but it would nice to have RX9 Standard for cleaning up my old analog masters. Nectar 3 Plus would be great too but honestly, it looks more or less like they just automated a sidechain for you. I could do what it does with Melda's AutoDynamicEQ sidechained if I really tried. But I struggle wrapping my head around all that sidechain stuff.
  16. It's pretty crappy for sure. No matter how I try I cannot get the nut to stay tight on the DI jack/strap peg. I keep forgetting to use Loctite or something similar. We used nail polish at work. It was cheap and when people saw it, it made a nice conversation piece. Hah. I used it and some of that fabric medical tape to patch a blown speaker at a band job one night. It worked for several more jobs until we got it in to get fixed. Probably would have lasted forever. No, I should never go there. LOL! I put on 15lb's over Christmas because of my wife encouraging me to let loose for a while and have some pie and cookies. I am furious. It doesn't take much for me to put on weight. I think I have a food allergy to carbs. Seriously. I've only ever eaten at The Nazareth Diner on 191. Old fashioned home cooking type stuff. Stopped there many a night after band jobs. That and Key City Diner in Phillipsburg NJ. Very interesting places at 2:30am ... ?
  17. I just clicked on the Loyalty Upgrade section. It says I can upgrade to RX9 Advanced for $149 but I don't have any version of RX at all to upgrade from. Then when I click on 'More Information' it takes me to another screen and jacks the price up to $299. What a cluster****.
  18. Got an email from iZotope that they are extending their Christmas sale till January 11th. I didn't see this bundle before but they have a Diamond bundle that has Nectar 3 Plus in it. It has 12 plugins all totaled including O9 Standard and Neutron Standard. The whole bundle is $149. Nectar 3 Plus alone is $249. Nectar 3 Plus is the only thing in the bundle I would use since I have the Advanced versions of N3 and O9 and have no interest whatsoever in the other things included. They do include RX Elements but it's pretty basic and wouldn't do much for me. I would have to upgrade it to RX 9 Standard. I don't know. It seems like the best way to get in to Nectar 3 Plus without having to contact them and beg for a stand alone discount. To me the ultimate bundle would be Ozone 9 Advanced, Neutron 3 Advanced, Nectar 3 Plus, and RX 9 Standard. Can I have that for $249 please. Yeah, nice to dream. ?
  19. When you give up everything for them and wind up depending on them for food and shelter it kind of changes the dynamic of everything. ? IOW, that's not an option. ?
  20. IRT the music you are making, I'd say partly that and partly the person doing the recording. If you know how to EQ and stage with mic placement I think it doesn't matter if you capture it in digital or on analog. I personally spend 99% of my time fixing bad DI recordings because I don't have a good space for mic'd recordings. But when I have tried to use mic's and mess with placement they always come out better. Time spent placing is the same as time spent fixing for me though. I had a left handed 83 Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty. Everyone loved the sound of it and wished it was right handed so they could buy it from me because I always said I didn't like the sound. It sounded like a sponge was rammed under the stings at the bridge to my ears. I sold it to someone on the old forum. I mentioned on the forum that I had it for sale online through a local music store and they went online and bought it and had it shipped to them iirc. The best sounding LP I ever played was an Epi stripped down Studio. That thing sounded and felt great. But I didn't take your advice. I walked away and came back the next weekend to show my wife and beg her to let me get it and it was gone. I think it was like $299 or $399? It wasn't very much at all. It was smaller and light but it sounded and felt great. I have a LH MIK Epi Sheraton II I got at G.C. in K.C. Man, that's a lot of abbreviations. LOL. I love it. I think I paid $250 W/Epi logo hardshell case. Epi doesn't make a LH Sheraton anymore and I've been offered double for it. I might consider it if they ever get the Gretsch back in stock in the color I want. All anyone has is orange and I hate the orange ones. Want a black one of these. Again, I played one at the G.C. in K.C. and fell in love with it. Put it on the shelf thinking I could find one online and not pay tax. Never happened.
  21. I saw your video of that Martin DX. I have the same one only Lefty. It's a really nice guitar although I wish the DI sounded a bit more natural. There is a guitar shop in Des Moines that has a huge selection of lefty Martin's. I played about 7 of them ranging from $3500 to $500. That DX felt and sounded better than all the ones there. I really don't know what all the hubbub is about high end Martin's. The neck on the most expensive one was so difficult to fret that it actually hurt my hand and was twisted really bad. I've been to Martin's factory. I was born a few miles from Nazareth PA and stop in when I go back home to visit. It's quite a place to visit. The DX's are MIM but they are excellent guitars. My brother bought me a really nice Ibanez acoustic when I was a kid. I fell on the ice carrying it in from band practice one night and shattered the back in to a thousand splinters. Made me sick.
  22. Had my ENT appointment today. My hearing test proved that I did indeed regain some high end like I had thought. I asked my doctor to compare my previous test to this one and told him about the NAD + I started taking right after the first test. He confirmed exactly what I I was hearing. I have almost total low frequency loss in my right ear and I gained some high end hearing back in both ears and a little low back in my left ear. The low end may come back in the right. I have a couple problems going on that may or may not clear up. Good thing is, bass is kind of mono. It sounds normal when it's centered on headphones, I can only tell it's not there when I pan a bass track hard right. So it's bearable. He was supposed to take the permanent tube out of my right ear today but didn't and I didn't feel like I could push the issue. I think it is the cause of the low end loss. But 3/4 of their staff are out because of the big C and they were really backed up. I asked the lady who gave me the hearing test about that and she said nobody was really sick. They all tested + and just had the sniffles and were told to stay home. Apparently this new O variant is a shadow of the prior ones, especially if you've had a shot or 2. So yeah, the NAD + does seem to help especially your high end hearing like Kush experienced and my hearing tests proved it in my opinion. He didn't give me a percentage of how much it improved but he was shocked that it did and said it wasn't just my imagination. Don't expect miracles especially if you have really bad hearing to begin with. He always tells me my hearing is really good for my age. Frequency wise it's ok I guess but the ringing blocks a lot out and gets worse if I turn things up to hear it above the ringing. Headphones are brutal but I'm stuck using those for the time being. ? I hope all this info helps someone. I think it's worth a shot to see if it helps you in any way. What I don't know is if the effects are permanent if you stop taking it. I ordered another 3 month supply because it was on sale and haven't stopped taking it since I started several months ago.
  23. I can only think of one who was a real Demon on bass ...
  24. I have some cassettes that are 40 + years old. That has never happened to any cassette I've ever had. I think the whole sticky thing was with certain brands or types of the wide mastering tapes used back in the day. IIRC they bake or heat them to preserve them now after they clean them. I can't find it now, but years ago I saw a website for a studio that used a Studer that recorded in a short loop to save money. They ran the mix to the Studer which had a 30 or 45 second loop of tape or something like that and it played back while recording in to a high end DAC's to capture the sound. PS Audio built a high end studio that uses Sony's DSD system. It's basically the digital version of analog. As pure as it gets. And they charge you for it too ... Uhg.
  25. My last year servicing copiers I drove 45K miles. My calculator tells me that's about 3750 miles a month. I kept track in an excel spreadsheet and still have it from when I did my taxes. In that job I wasn't supposed to be driving at all. I was hired as a manager, but that's not what ended up happening. It's the same place that also took out S.S. taxes out of my check for several years and never paid them in to S.S. It got ugly when we parted ways between me, them, the S.S. office, and the I.R.S.. Prior to that I was averaging between 32K and 36K miles a year. It wasn't uncommon for me to be on the southern border of IA near MO in the morning and the northern border of IA on the MN border in the afternoon. I enjoyed driving in IA. I could drive for hours and see nothing but fields. But it took a toll on my weight. I was enormous. I'm back to near my high school weight now and don't want to have a driving job again. Sitting is terrible for you for long periods. It's good to have a standing desk. There is a lot here but it's all either factory/warehouse, professional business type/IT, or retail/fast food. There's no manufacturing to speak of that I'm aware of and the office equipment repair places have dwindled away. The Ford plant is quite a ways from here but they are always laying people off. I couldn't imagine working there if my home and family depended on it. My brother has owned his own office equipment sales and service place since the 70's. He's still there, but the only thing keeping him going is taking on contracts from those 3rd party contract sales companies. I could do it from my house. Anyone can do it if you have copier/printer experience, but I would have to go to KC every day and I don't want to do it. Business in his area died years ago and what's left is small mom and pop places and they use disposable equipment from Staples. If I were still home he wouldn't have been able to keep me on and I wouldn't be working for him now so it all worked out in the end I guess.
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