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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. The only issue I see is the red labeling in the Send modules is unreadable. See the screen shot below: http://
  2. @martins Are these the screen shots you're asking about? http:// http://
  3. @msmcleod How did you find out about the six minute limit? I did not see that information on the webpage. I tested it but could not tell a distinctive difference using the three settings. They all sounded about the same to me.
  4. Place your mouse cursor in the display area and right click to toggle the display between the following time formats: * M:B:T (Measure:Beat:Tick). Example: 8:01:000. * SMPTE (Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames). Example: 00:00:21:00. * Frames. Example: 629 (only available if project contains video). * Milliseconds (Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Milliseconds). Example: 00:00:21:000. * Samples. Example: 926100. You can also right-click the display, and choose time formats from the pop-up menu.
  5. @msmcleod Or stop drawing altogether. I have not used this function but I would not expect drawing to continue when the pencil tool is outside the automation lane.
  6. @scook But not everyone is comfortable performing registry hacks and would rather not risk accidentally damaging the operating system registry. One workaround maybe to use print screen to take a screen shot of the paths the program follows to scan for VSTs and then remove all paths except for one. Perform a manual scan and see if there is an issue, if not then replace that path with another and test again. Continue testing until trouble is encountered then eliminate the VSTs one by one.
  7. @Noel Borthwick @Morten Saether Thank you for taking time to create this post. There is much about Cakewalk by BandLab I do not understand but the short videos and comprehensive descriptions help me to understand the new behaviors. I'm loving the bi-lateral communication taking place in this forum. 2019.07 is a giant step forward and the communication is an important component of the advancement.
  8. Thanks for the link Steve. So from the link It appears the term, toast notification, was first used by developers to describe pop-up messages. Evidently the name became a common term in public use over time. Just goes to show I'm a little behind the times. Don't use a cell phone too much either.
  9. Steve you're answering questions faster than I can edit!
  10. Hello, I noticed Cakewalk by Bandlab's 2019.07 update included some changes in how or when toast notifications are displayed which begs the question, "What is a toast notification?" I searched the Cakewalk by Bandlab Reference Guide but did not find a definition. @Morten Saether Hopefully a formal definition will be added in an upcoming update to the document, hint hint. Meanwhile, it will be interesting and enlightening to read all responses.
  11. Try setting Cakewalk's tempo to match the wav file tempo before you import the file into Cakewalk. Chances are the file tempo is morphing during the import in an attempt for the file tempo to match the DAW tempo. Also, if my suggestion doesn't help please provide the steps describing how you're selecting and importing the file into Cakewalk.
  12. This is the kind of stuff I like to see. Yes, there is a plan and it reads like a good one for us users.
  13. Two more virtual steel guitars to add to the growing list of virtual steel guitars. Tod's midi steel guitar: $149 US Requires full retail Kontakt. https://todsvirtualinstruments.com/product/tods-midi-pedal-steel-guitar/ I get the feeling you program your midi track to hear what you want. I think this is a difficult virtual instrument to play in real time using a keyboard. But, you can dig deep and get anything out of it that a steel player can play. Pedal Steel Guitar by Wavelore. Normally $299 US; on sale for $149 US until August 10, 2019. http://www.wavelore.com/products.php?product=WLPS Old library that requires Kontakt 2.2 or higher.
  14. @martins, If it is okay with you, I will wait until the updated theme is available. I like the theme. I do not wish to distract attention away from the theme.
  15. @martins I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. I was offline for some time. My Dell laptop has Windows 7 Home 64 bit. I'm not finding the path you provided. I pasted and extracted the jsb4wun0.zip folder to the Cakewalk Themes folder containing the easyeyes theme. I pasted the png file into the easyeyes folder and inside the folder. No difference. I'm sure I'm not placing the file in the correct location but I'm not sure how to proceed.
  16. @martins, you are correct; luminescent pink. I've added expanded track view and console view.
  17. I like this theme a lot. I use a Dell laptop and normally my eyes start to feel strained pretty quickly. This theme feels easy on the eyes. One small complaint or change request. Look at the screen shot below and notice the Sonitus insert plugin. That color doesn't look too bright in the screen shot but on my computer screen those rectangles pop out from the screen like a 3D image.
  18. This "Tech Support Guy" Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts discussion may help you. https://forums.techguy.org/threads/how-to-go-fullscreen-f11-doesnt-work-in-windows-10.1161139/
  19. Plugin developer Blue Cat released Re-Guitar. Re-Guitar is a plugin that emulates tones produced by multiple guitar body styles and multiple types of guitar pickups https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_ReGuitar/ Here is a review from Audio Geek 11: https://audiogeek11.com/daw-plugin-review-blue-cat-re-guitar/ And here is a YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGWYRs4iZRc
  20. This hotfix can be downloaded and saved wherever you want because you're saving the file, not BandLab Assistant.
  21. Is there a way to visually verify that the hotfix was correctly applied? I updated to 2019.07 shortly after the update was released. I just noticed the hotfix is available, downloaded and installed. The about box shows 2019.07 (build 72). Is that correct?
  22. Most laptops switch to a sleep or hibernate mode when the lid is closed unless the default bios settings are changed.
  23. @Zephaniah Spliffée, Welcome to the forum! The answers to Mike's questions will be very useful information for us. When you install Bandlab Assistant, click on the Apps tab and finally click on the button to begin the Cakewalk by Bandlab installation the program files start downloading. But ... The files download in the background. There is no progress bar the first time the files download. It takes twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes to download all the installation files. Maybe even longer if you are browsing or otherwise using your computer. Once all the files are downloaded, Bandlab Assistant starts installing the program files, There is a progress bar during installation. I'm thinking you are aborting before all the files are downloaded. Twenty to thirty minutes without any sign of activity is a long time. I never was successful until I clicked the button and walked away from the computer for more than a hour.
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