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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. The Cakewalk by Bandlab Reference Guide is also updated. The link is at the top of each webpage under the Cakewalk by Bandlab tab.
  2. @mike0liver I'm looking forward to reading your Sekaiju update. Hopefully you won't find it as difficult to use as I find the name to spell ? Like you I am a rank beginner using Cakewalk by Bandlab. The program has way more capability and features than I'm ever likely to use and certainly more than I need. Plus I have great difficulty retaining new information. I've found YouTube, "baby steps" and repetition are my friends. The best section of this forum is Tutorials. I've watched the "Cakewalk by BandLab - Tutorial for Beginners" multiple times. It's more midi focused than some of the other videos. Plus it is a standalone video versus being one video of a video series. The "Chernobyl Studio - Cakewalk by Bandlab Tutorial Series" is an excellent overview of the program. The video series focus is audio recording and mixing. The first post in the Tutorial section is "Getting Started". The series is created by Cakewalk. There are more videos listed but these are the ones I keep returning to and viewing time and time again. I like to have the program open and follow along while viewing a video. For me, watching and doing helps me to retain what I'm viewing better than just watching.
  3. @Promidi and others, Noel Borthwick wrote a pretty concise post about minidumps. The post includes information about how to collect a minidump report when one is not automatically generated. Here is a link: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/3865-better-problem-reporting-how-to-capture-a-crash-dump/ I also have a link to the article in my signature.
  4. @Twisted Fingers I stand corrected. I assumed all the guide hyperlinks are blue but they are not. I will pay closer attention to my mouse cursor in the future. Thank you for identifying my error. It turns out I am also wrong about Index hyperlinks. The content name is not hyperlinked but each page number has a hyperlink. That makes sense when one Index entry is included on multiple pages. One last thought. The Cakewalk by BandLab Reference Guide is updated with each new product release. 2019.07 was released yesterday (July 30, 2019). Users can download the current 1724 page pdf document by opening the "Cakewalk by Bandlab" tab at the top left of each webpage and then selecting the "Reference Guide PDF" selection from the drop down menu.
  5. I don't have a suggestion for help converting Atari ST files to Microsoft Windows files. But I do have a suggestion for a pure, simple MIDI sequencer / editor program; Sekaiju. https://openmidiproject.osdn.jp/Sekaiju_en.html I hope you find this useful.
  6. @MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve), I like the dull yellow over charcoal and large font. You don't have to have aged eyes to appreciate your ideas.
  7. The existing pdf file format has the capability to embed document navigation hyperlinks. While the existing Cakewalk by Bandlab Reference Guide uses this capability, use is too limited. I think at the very least every listing in the Table Of Contents and Index should have a link to the listed content.
  8. I like how you went against existing trends. The trend in many studios is to have a lava lamp sitting around somewhere. You have an aquarium, how cool is that!
  9. @sadicus, Thanks for answering, I knew there had to be a good reason for the question. I hadn't thought of using it as a troubleshooting tool. That's a pretty neat idea. You used the term, simple instrument, to describe TTS-1. It is simple to use but it is not a simple instrument. It is a rare and vanishing breed of software instrument, a multi-timbrel sound module with a user interface. Today, multi-timbrel sound modules either reside as hardware outside the computer or as an operating system support file inside a computer, cellphone or tablet. It is difficult to find a product that has a user interface, is multi-timbrel, polyphonic sounds as good and is as easy to use as the TTS-1 in Cakewalk by BandLab. The alternative is to find a player like Virtual MIDI Synth, https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth, Synthfont https://synthfont.en.lo4d.com/windows or Sforzando https://www.plogue.com/products/sforzando.html and then match whichever you choose with a bundled set of GM, GM2, XG or GS patches (instrument voices) like Timbres of Heaven http://midkar.com/soundfonts/ Once you download, install and figure out what you have then any of the above is almost as easy to use as TTS-1. But even then none pass through incoming midi data because a player is the end user. Another thought, how about using the Studio Instruments suite of virtual instruments? I am not demeaning your question or response in any way, shape or form. I was intrigued to know the reasoning behind your question.
  10. @sadicus, Why would you want the TTS-1 virtual instrument to have a midi out? Are you wanting more than one virtual instrument to playback the data on a midi track? If so you can duplicate the midi track then direct the midi output to a different instrument.
  11. For those that are not aware, the free BandLab online mastering service has been around since October, 2016. Here is a blog link that provides more detail: https://blog.bandlab.com/bandlab-introduces-free-automated-mastering/ here is a link to the BandLab online mastering webpage: https://www.bandlab.com/mastering There are three settings to try: CD Quality, Bass Boost and Enhance Clarity.
  12. I'd love to see this thread get pinned. Great question and wonderful responses. However, I'm wondering how long it's going to take before the thread will fall off the front page and be forgotten.
  13. Open task manager. Click on the processes tab. Find the CPU column header and move the header so you can see it. The CPU column details how much cpu power each process is consuming. Some background process is likely using the cpu too much.
  14. Bobby, I have the same issue with my built-in Dell Touch pad mouse. It seems to be related to the driver written by a company called Alps. You can go into the touchpad settings and disable the drag/drop checkbox as that seems to minimize, unfortunately not eliminate, the issue.
  15. Hello Sarah, Welcome to the forum and to Cakewalk by Bandlab. Unfortunately I don't have a solution to the issue. You may get more views, responses and suggestions by posting in the Cakewalk by Bandlab forum section: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/2-cakewalk-by-bandlab/ Also, if you click on the link embedded in my signature you can submit a support request.
  16. @RICHARD HUTCHINS, As others have correctly pointed out, Cakewalk by BandLab only runs on a 64 bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 operating system. That means you're stuck with a Windows computer or you're switching DAWs. If I assume you're sticking with Windows to continue using Cakewalk by BandLab and don't care to become proficient with computer hardware then I second JimJones55's idea to purchase a purpose built music computer. In addition to looking at the Sweetwater computers, may I suggest you contact forum member, @Jim Roseberry. He works for a company that builds music computers. He also provides free advice.
  17. @Tony p and @Jasongs, May I suggest you open a support request. You can use the link in my signature. Also the chief developer, Noel Borthwick, started a thread with details about crash dumps and how to provide them to the developers. Here is a link to the thread: The more information you can provide them the better chance the issue can get resolved. This not only helps you but also helps all CbB users.
  18. Steve, I'm not disagreeing with your post. The developers may not be anymore receptive to the idea now than they were more than five years ago. I did notice you normally do not reply in this forum section but I did not know why you made an exception this time, now I know. You're absolutely correct that no one but one of the developers knows how much effort is required and sometimes the smallest change can demand a huge amount of resources. But how much resources is needed to implement a request should not deter anyone from posting their request. My intent was show support for the request. I figure the more support an idea has the better chance the idea has to at least be noticed. While it is clear to me the developers continue to work hard to increase the product reliability and stability while also addressing many issues that have been frustrations to users the feature roadmap is otherwise hazy. It is difficult for me to believe this section of the forum is monitored by the developers or anyone else responsible for creating the roadmap. Otherwise why have the "what features would you like to have us focus on next?" poll in the One Year Of Cakewalk by BandLab thread?
  19. @Starship Krupa Both this free VST and the free VSTi instrument thread are wonderful ideas. Thanks. Aegean Music has a free Doppler effect and free pitch sifter/harmonizer/tuner effect: https://aegeanmusic.com/
  20. @Starship Krupa Both this free VSTi and the free VST thread are wonderful ideas. Thanks. Spicy Guitar: http://www.spicyguitar.com/ Amplesound Free (sampled acoustic Martin steel six string guitar and electric Fender Precision fretted bass: https://amplesound.net/en/download.asp MT Power Drumkit: https://www.powerdrumkit.com/ A whole bunch of good sounding free instruments from DSK Music: https://www.dskmusic.com/ Don't forget the Studio Instrument suite of electric piano, electric bass, string section and acoustic drum kit available as an optional download with Cakewalk by BandLab!
  21. Noel's quoted response was made April, 2014. Perhaps with the changes created by time, competing products and ownership Noel will reconsider his answer. I can envision how a small change like enabling the mouse wheel to scroll a list can make a huge difference in workflow; especially when the user is accustomed to using the mouse scroll wheel in other programs.
  22. @Robert Bone Excellent step-by-step. Makes sense to me and I'm as dense as hard rock Maple!
  23. Google translation to English:
  24. As I read this thread and respond it is evening time in Norway. I'm sure today has been a very long day. Hopefully you've been surrounded by friends and family and together you've remembered better times. Remember there are many forum members willing to share the coming days with you.
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