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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. @Dare Rihter, I can understand your disappointment after reading all the issues you're experiencing. Sorry you're having so much trouble with the new update. However, Feedback Loop is the wrong section of the forum to post if you want help to get the program working as advertised. This (Feedback Loop) section is for users to suggest and discuss future features and enhancements May I suggest you repost in the Cakewalk by BandLab forum section. I'm posting a link to that section below. Also, while you provided your computer specifications you forgot to mention the operating system your computer uses. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/2-cakewalk-by-bandlab/
  2. Here's the update release notes: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/ozone_standard/o-std-release-notes.html
  3. @Jake Did you rework the audio? I just viewed the video again. In the video summary you mentioned your speech was slower and it seems to me that it is. Great video. You pack a lot of information into one eleven minute video. I'm looking forward to your next video.
  4. Silly question but my immediate thought was, "What if you have an audio interface with 8, 16 or even more inputs?" This option would kind of put a kink into their workflow, wouldn't it?
  5. More of the multitrack audio you hear originates from midi data than you might believe. In many cases the musicians play instruments that capture a performance in both midi data and audio. Having both the audio and midi performance gives the publishing company great flexibility. The publishing company can use the original audio or if tracks are needed in a different key or tempo generate new audio using the midi data and professional quality sound modules or plug-ins. Capturing performances in both audio and midi is the best of both worlds. The midi data can be collected after the fact if needed but in most cases there is no need because the data is collected up front.
  6. Nigel Thank you for your comment. I'm aware of their stellar reputation. I've heard nothing but good about Purrfect Audio computers. Jim Roseberry has been very generous with his time and expertise in both this forum and the former Sonar forum. I've no doubt their service after the sale is excellent.
  7. Have you submitted a support request? Maybe include a screen shot of the audio setting screens. Maybe force a mini dump (how to directions are in the mini dump link in my signature). These are the kind of issues that drive users batty. Even if the underlying cause is outside of Cakewalk's control and responsibility, the developers might find a more elegant way to handle the situation.
  8. Steve, Thanks for getting me onto the right track. My computer operating system is 64 bit, Windows 7 Home. On this computer I first navigated to: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core. I found a folder shortcut labeled, "Cakewalk User Data". Clicking on the shortcut directed me to: C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core. Hopefully this information will help another user in the future.
  9. The trade-off is skill and knowledge versus consistent, successful outcomes. The best way to keep a beginner engaged is to have products that consistently deliver successful results. That's why products like ToonTrack's EZMix2 and Izotope's Neutron 3 are successful. They build in skill and knowledge by combining multiple effects into a signal chain that achieve labeled desirable outcomes. Users obtain pleasant sounding outcomes without spending years of apprenticeship with live sound or in a recording studio or time and money on a college level education. Many people just enjoy playing with sound as a hobby. and it's not a business or even a sideline. In my case I can guess , experiment and learn by chance how to achieve the sounds this effect can create or I can use the effect if I can find it.
  10. @Max Arwood Nope! Not so far. Luckily I don't have a specific need at the moment, it's more just "buyer's regret" for not getting it when I saw it. As I remember the demonstration video was amazing. Of course demo videos normally are. The video started with continually repeating the thinnest sounding, wimpy, one measure kick drum loop you can imagine. Then the effect was enabled with the knob set at zero. As the loop repeated the knob was slowly raised and the sound slowly changed to the mightiest kick drum sound ever heard. Meanwhile the voice-over is stating how the effect signal chain has multiple effects embedded that work together in a cohesive manner to allow one knob control. I bookmark webpages I want to return to but the bookmark was lost when my browser crashed later on.
  11. 2019.09 updated documentation and online help include the following information statement: What is the default path to the user folder? What other content does the user folder contain? Is the user folder initially created by Cakewalk by BandLab or Windows? In other words is the user folder unique to CbB or is it something inherent in every installation of Windows?
  12. @Robert Bone Thank you for the hyperlink. It's very timely for me as I'm just starting serious looking.
  13. @slartabartfast, thank you for the hyperlinks. Both are great!
  14. Wow, that will be nice. Unfortunately I no longer travel. Hopefully someone will post some phone video or something.
  15. I agree Azlow 3's description fits the Analog Link and the Analog Link Mini. But the description doesn't work for the Digital Link or Digital Link Duo as they are converting analog signals into digital data. However the inclusion of cables with 1/8 inch TRRS connector implies it is primarily for use with hand held devices and not studio grade equipment. https://bandlabtechnologies.com/press/8686-full-family-of-bandlab-link-recording-interfaces-now-available https://store.bandlab.com/
  16. 2019 Band-in-a-Box for Mac is compatible with Mac OS version 10.15 (Catalina). PG Music has "just released" pricing until October 15, 2019. https://www.pgmusic.com/bbmac.htm
  17. I've also looked at barebone tower packages as starting points but they don't seem to tell you who makes the motherboards or the motherboard model numbers. If someone knows of a barebone system that does provide motherboard information please provide a link. Another thought is refurbished or off lease computers. I've been looking through the Dell and Lenovo refurbished websites but haven't pulled the trigger. I REALLY appreciate all the advice and hope it continues to come in. There are a lot of different paths to consider.
  18. @DeeringAmps I'm pretty good at trying to get maximum use out of a computer too. My former tower is a vintage 2001 Dell Inspirion 745 with a Celeron cpu, maxed out with 4 GB of DDR2 ram and two 1 TB hard drives running XP Home. I purchased it as a refurbished unit. I've had it long enough to replace the motherboard CMOS battery twice. I use it as a home network server for digital file storage, fax machine and scanner. I'm the fourth user of this Win 7 Dell laptop. My eldest step daughter bought it through the school bookstore to use at school. She passed it down to her sister who passed it down to my wife who passed it down to me. I've looked at the StudioCat offerings of Purrfect Audio, https://studiocat.com/opencart2/ , and pc desktops at Sweetwater, https://www.sweetwater.com/c859--PC_Desktops . Both offer great products and both are renown for providing absolutely top-level support. I'm not ignoring their products but the products prices don't thrill me.
  19. @Tezza, A computer store with locations throughout North Carolina, Intrex Computers, sells white label (OEM) Windows 10 installation DVDs. They are also a good source for cases and power supplies as they will price match online prices. I plan on buying local as much as I can. The only issue is they will not special order. So for instance if I want a specific motherboard that they do not stock they will not order it even if I pay up front. For them it makes sense because they support everything they sell.
  20. @Mesh Thanks for the link. I had PC Part Picker bookmarked in the past but lost it somehow. There are similar sites but PC Part Picker seems directed more to the general consumer than gamer.
  21. Google translation from Portuguese to English: Hello, I'm having a problem with the program's main page, the "basic project" will not appear among other things. " Please verify you have the project templates. Cakewalk by BandLab project templates are stored inside the folder located at C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Project Templates Verifique se você possui os modelos de projeto. Os modelos de projeto do Cakewalk by BandLab são armazenados dentro da pasta localizada em ? \ Cakewalk Content \ Cakewalk Core \ Project Templates You access project templates by creating a new project. Você acessa modelos de projeto criando um novo projeto. New Project is the top selection in the Start Screen. Novo projeto é a seleção superior na tela inicial. Once the Start Screen is closed you create a new project by selecting "File" > "New ..." Depois que a tela inicial é fechada, você cria um novo projeto, selecionando "Arquivo"> "Novo ..." You may find the screen shots below helpful. Você pode achar a captura de tela abaixo útil. If you are missing one or more of the project templates you can download all of them at the link below: Se estiver faltando um ou mais dos modelos de projeto, você poderá fazer o download de todos eles no link abaixo: Cakewalk Project Templates.zip
  22. @Simon Mair I haven't purchased anything yet. What problem are you experiencing? I was interested because of the pricing. Especially since the BandLab Store web pages have a banner stating However, once I found the fine print that states That kind of takes away any price advantage Bandlab had. So I started checking out the website information a little closer. I couldn't find any information about device drivers or conversion specifications so I e-mailed my questions to Bandlab. The digital interfaces do not ship with a driver disk and drivers are not available for download from the Bandlab Store website. Instead Bandlab uses generic Microsoft USB drivers. Last, the digital interface recording specifications are 44.1 sample rate at 16 bit depth. I maybe wrong but I believe purpose built external hardware works best when paired with purpose built drivers. While the recording specifications match the commercial CD standard I prefer using 24 bit depth for recording as it provides more gain setting headroom.
  23. I'm wanting a new music computer and I'm blaming Microsoft since it is ending support for Windows 7 early next year. However, I don't have the funds to purchase an off-the-shelf computer like I want. My alternative is to buy components one at a time and assemble it myself. It's been awhile since I assembled a system. Some things like a case and power supply seem to change little and keep a constant price. Other components like cpu, motherboard, ram and storage seem to have short shelf lives and large price fluctuations. Anyone have thoughts about what might be the right order to buy components so the first components I buy and the last will be compatible once they are assembled? My general thoughts are first acquire the mid size tower case and power supply, then one or two hard disk drives for storage, then 16 GB of DDR4 ram, then 1 TB SSD or M2 memory stick for use as a primary (C) drive, then a basic Nvidea dual monitor card, Windows 10 Pro and last a motherboard and Intel Gen 8 I7 cpu. What do you think? I'm saving the motherboard and cpu for last because they and their drivers seem to change most frequently. I'll likely be sourcing through Tiger Direct and New Egg. but will consider other sources.
  24. @craigb MIDI 1 was introduced in 1983 and MIDI 2 in 2019. That's 36 years so you may want to jump on the bandwagon sooner then later. ?
  25. @Creative Sauce Good video but I'm a little disappointed. Since Cakewalk by BandLab includes a large assortment of effects, I'd prefer if your Cakewalk videos only used effects included with the DAW. I believe it is better to learn to use the tools on-hand versus ignoring them. While I appreciate the time and effort you spend discovering new effects and exposing us to them, that is not the stated purpose of the video and is off subject.
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