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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. @Robert McClellan, Interesting video. I see numerous forum comments from users wanting a quick and easy way to export multiple stems. It looks like Mix Recall is a good way to perform this task. Can a user set up a variety of screen sets and save the screen sets as a template? If I have a client that always want the same stems, one stereo stem with vocal and background vocals, another stereo stem without background vocals and a third with no vocals for example, can I save the mix recalls as a project template?
  2. Thanks @Steve Harder, I visited their website and downloaded the free Spitfire BBC Symphony Orchestra Discovery articulation maps.
  3. The Coleco Adam had a variable keyboard feel. Some thought that compared favorably with the feel of the IBM Selectric keyboard. It had a bladder that could expand or contract against a plate to change the feel. There was an air valve to relieve bladder pressure and an air bulb to increase pressure; very clever. It also had the same sound chip used in the Texas Instrument 99/4.
  4. Thanks to Bandlab for providing the space for the forum to grow. Thanks to the forum moderators for adding the General Music Discussion forum. Thanks most to the developers for constantly striving to build a better product.
  5. My first articulation map is for the Amplesound M II and M II Lite virtual instruments. The more I read and understand the Amplesound user manual the better I realize this Articulation Map may be a work in progress. All feedback positive and negative is appreciated! The M II is a virtual Martin acoustic guitar. The attached comparison chart details some of the differences between the two instruments. VSTi download link Amplesound M II.artmap Comparison_AGM_vs_AGML.pdf
  6. Thanks to Bandlab for adding additional forum sections. Having a Content section for the new Articulation Maps, Arranger Templates and ProChannel Presets and then moving UI Themes all in one place makes for a one stop resource center. Love it. Then renaming the off topic section to General Music Discussion so the Coffee House is grouped with Computer Systems, Gear and Production Techniques should work well. All the additional sections have been requested by forum members. Thanks for listening! I'm sure it will not take long for all the new sections to become beehives of activity.
  7. John, I'm not having success using the link above. With Firefox I get a "Need Access" notice with a textbox and a blue "Request access" button. I write a few words of thanks in the text box but the blue "Request access" button will not click. Chrome does not display the textbox or blue button, just a broken image icon.
  8. Comments in another thread got me to thinking about early home computers and the operating systems available before Windows. What brand of computers did you have, what operating systems did they run? My first home computer was a Coleco Adam. The computer shipped with a digital cassette drive and keyboard main unit, joystick controller with numeric keypad, combined power supply / letter quality (daisy wheel) printer. The default power up mode was typewriter and one button word processor mode. It used CPM, BASIC and Logo operating systems. It also played ColecoVision (a game console) games.
  9. Google translation from Spanish: Here is the tutorial on how you can configure the audio input and output in Cakewalk and how you can correctly configure your audio interface to start recording in Cakewalk:
  10. Google translation for post 01: This is a topic made for Spanish-speaking people who are looking for accurate information regarding the software and how they can start using the Software from scratch and how they can start investing in equipment that is the most functional and useful to be used correctly in the software and get the best possible audio quality with this software. You can see the first video of the basic mini-course that I have everything you need to know regarding how to use your equipment and software from the very basics. P.S. Do not skip the videos, because if you have doubts or questions, surely I have already addressed them in a video of the course:
  11. @John Vere, John I watched this video a few minutes ago and all I can say is, "Very well done!" Comprehensive. It answered all my questions and some I didn't know or think to ask. Great script, graphics and screen shots.
  12. @Guinivere a link for the overlay file is in my signature below.
  13. Perhaps you should enlist the Cakewalk developers to assist in discovering why the instant crash is happening. There are three links in my signature, one for how to capture a crash dump, one for an overlay and the third about how to submit a bug report. Crash dump files are normally pretty large so the suggestion is to load the file to online storage and attach a link to your bug report. Some users post a link in a new forum thread that provides issue details.
  14. You may also want to check out the excellent Favorite Freeware thread forum member Starship Krupa started a few months ago for VST effects. He also started the Favorite Freeware thread for virtual instruments or VSTi.
  15. That is some great detective work. How did you find out about the trigger words and who wrote up the trigger word list?
  16. Realtek does offer ASIO drivers for their motherboard audio devices. https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/advanced-search/433?Itemid=276 You do need to know which device is on your motherboard and if your device supports AC97 (old) or HD audio in order to download and install the correct driver. I know Dell will provide the correct Realtek driver for the devices used on Dell motherboards through their support website. I assume other computer manufacturers do also.
  17. Jim Fogle

    VS-700c driver

    Cakewalk reported in another thread they approached Roland about (1) obtaining an updated driver, (2) providing support for Cakewalk to update the driver or (3) giving Cakewalk specifications and permission to develop a driver. Roland does not seem to be interested.
  18. Somewhere on this forum there is a post by one of the Cakewalk folks that mentions the Melodyne trial downloaded through the BandLab Assistant link differs from the Melodyne trial download available through Celemony. The key difference is the Cakewalk by BandLab Melodyne application continues to offer monophonic audio to midi conversion once the trial period is over. In the same thread I believe someone discovered that when Melodyne moved from version 4 to version 5 the Cakewalk by BandLab Melodyne application also changed versions and the custom to Cakewalk audio to midi conversion was lost. I believe the folks at Cakewalk was not aware the functionality was lost until the subject was mentioned in the discussion. Perhaps someone from Cakewalk could confirm how the Cakewalk provided Melodyne application works once the trial period is over.
  19. Perhaps a relook at touchscreen functionality would be beneficial. While there may be some truth that not many people use their DAW with touchscreen, they may in the future. Many laptops have touchscreens. Judging by what's on sale I'd say people are slowly moving from desktop to laptop and tablet based computers. It's great to see the general suggestion was made, the request was acknowledged and feedback was requested. Then more specific feedback was given.
  20. Thanks for posting the video and using CbB.
  21. Very good video Mike. I did not realize one Matrix View could hold a mixture of midi patterns and audio loops. As a side note, I also didn't know Studio Instrument midi patterns could be copied by dragging straight into a Matrix View cell or into a track.
  22. John, Thanks for posting the video. I like how you used a second TTS-1 for drums and then assigned each drum note to a midi channel on the second TTS-1. Although the video is almost 17 minutes there are a few spots where you fast forward through the steps. Please consider giving some warning before you fast forward. Otherwise there is some question about whether the video is streaming correctly.
  23. Indiginus has multiple electric guitar VST instruments. Prices are $50 - $60 US for each instrument. All require the full version of Kontakt so they do not work with the free Kontakt player. Indiginus Home Page
  24. This is real interesting. Thank you for sharing this.
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