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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. Good one Robert. There seems to be some confusion about moving from what was Sonar to what is now Cakewalk. Your video answers many of the questions.
  2. Great video. I need to watch it more than once. There's a lot of ways to do things I was not aware of.
  3. Jim Fogle


    Mr. Gerber, I received a reverent feeling while listening to each of the compositions. All are impressive showcases. I'm glad you include the lyrics and score to each song. Should you desire to try something a little different how about a public domain hymn such as "The Lord's Prayer". That would allow the listener to compare what they hear against a known entity.
  4. @Kawika, where are you plugging in your headphones? The current Goliath audio interface has two latency free, direct monitoring, headphone jacks. Generation 3 Goliath HD Audio Interface.
  5. Thank you Will. That's what I was looking for. I'm sorry I missed it until now. My mistake. I apologize.
  6. Yes I read your original post. I can not tell from your description what's broke. That's why I asked you to clarify. This: doesn't tell me what is broken. Questions don't tell me what's broken. This doesn't tell me what's broken. Why shouldn't Audio Snap and Time Stretch be one feature? How is separating the two feature make them better? Still can't tell what's broken but it works in FL Studio. What does Audio Snap not do that you expect it to do? How is the Audio Snap feature broken? What should be changed to improve the feature? I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to understand.
  7. @Will_Kaydo, I don't use Audio Snap very much. Do you mind describing what you find wrong with Audio Snap? I saw you agreed with @Light Grenade description but I don't know if you have more issues to describe or if Light Grenade's description details all the issues you know about.
  8. It's a nice sounding ballad. I wish there was a little more bottom end (bass) though.
  9. Please post a link to your request so I can add my support of your request.
  10. You may want to install and try a free, third party "Virtual Audio Cable".
  11. I get very happy each time I find out someone new is offering Cakewalk by Bandlab tutorials. Cakewalk is so versatile every content provider has a different way to approach the program. I'm surprised the author did not create a forum account and make a post announcing the course. ?
  12. Please, we need to be a little more precise in what is being requested. Some past conversations have been, shall I say, rather spirited regarding what a sampler is supposed to do. How do you want a Cakewalk sampler to work ?
  13. I left a comment supporting the idea of making a series of video tips. This video was very informative.
  14. When I previously visited the Bandlab website and tried to use the online DAW, I received an error message stating the online DAW requires Chrome. I use Firefox so I figured if they can't support my browser, why bother. Recently I tried again and the online DAW works seamlessly with Firefox. A big thumbs up to Bandlab for broadening their browser support. Bandlab has an online Cakewalk community. The community has a small number of members but very few messages have been posted. I've listened to a few songs members have posted. I've found some that I think I would be interested in collaborating with but I'm still feeling my way around. As an aside, I've downloaded a baritone guitar soundpack that may prove interesting to play with. I'm still learning but Bandlab seems to have a lot to offer, you just have to find someone you'll feel comfortable approaching.
  15. The automated answer to your problem is to record your audio snippets as broadcast wave files. Broadcast wave files is an extension of standard wav files. Metadata and time code data is embedded in the snippets. Time code is a timeline so importing all should automatically align to the timeline. Many DAWs and some hardware recorders can export audio files in the BWF format. Broadcast Wave Format Wikipedia Article
  16. If you use a wireless mouse, try replacing the mouse's battery. I have a wireless mouse that becomes erratic in one program. I've learned it's an early warning signal that it's time to change the battery.
  17. John, Basic is nice. Thanks for creating this video series.
  18. Bandlab Technology also decided to keep the Sonar Command Center servers active so Sonar product owners can continue to have access to the Sonar products they've purchased and to archive the Sonar forum for reference.
  19. Jim Fogle

    Monkees cover

    Thanks for sharing the link. I listened to all three songs and all three are so well done. From a production standpoint I'd say this song is likely one of the more difficult Monkees songs to mix.
  20. I recently discovered the online Bandlab DAW is compatible with my internet browser of choice, Firefox! Previously when I would visit Bandlab I would receive an error message that my browser was not compatible and to please try Chrome. Now, the website connects. Thank you Bandlab Technologies for making the Bandlab website more inclusive. I've been having fun learning more about what I've been missing.
  21. We'll really never know until he returns and provides more information.
  22. As screen resolutions keep getting finer it would be nice to be able to adjust the Arranger font to suit the users need. Since the Arranger bar is a new feature perhaps the Arranger font size is something that can be added to the Theme editor.
  23. @Gaseous G, thanks for asking the question. I've often wondered about this myself. As you mentioned it's a handy editing tool and very prominent in the analog world of reel-to-reel tape decks and hardware based DAWs. But evidently not so prominent in the software DAW. It's a shame you asked the question in the forum's Tutorial section instead of the forum's Question and Answer (Q&A) section. @Eric Brad, thanks for the answer and the documentation link. I can't wait to try using it. Hopefully Cakewalk by Bandlab has had enough "fixes" applied to not crash from my beginner effort. However, Bakers beware! I know how to capture a crash file and report it to Support.
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