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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. Ohhhhhh! Bummer. If I did it the other way it may have been solved by now.
  2. Wow I didn't notice there would be a page 2 to that otherwise I wouldn't have blown that off.
  3. I'm passing on this. I don't need any of these or want them. I thought about the piano but the negative on that is the loading times.
  4. Bass Slapper is very impressive but I would rarely use it. This sale for me would to buy duplicates so I would have to choose one.
  5. I have Element and never used it. Some say it's a resource hog. As for Flow Motion, I have Sytrus and FM8. More soft synths have FM such as Spire and Synthmaster. "Learn the synth" list seems to never stop growing when DAWs are throwing in synths. Now we have Waves throwing their hat in the arena. BTW that dude with Flow looks like he has a cool man cave. It looks like Star Trek meets DAW.
  6. The plus side is you will never have to pay that again. They have lifetime free updates. It would probably take you two lifetimes to actually master all of those.
  7. I'm not really sure why someone could not accomplish the same thing using any string library they have. Originally $259.99 - good luck with that
  8. They are already discounted so that's fine.
  9. So you can only use FREEVI? The only thing that might interest me is the piano.
  10. Nothing yet in my account. Once again I have no clue who to contact support so I originally tried sales support. Never got a confirmation email that I created a support ticket. Please advise!!!
  11. 2nd week in a row MXXX core is on sale. I don't think that has happened before. I'm only 1303 euro away from having everything.
  12. I hate that. That is so 90's. You should be able to move those. I pay careful attention to where my plugins go. Some DAWs like Live do not allow for multiple VST folders. While I probably wont deal with this DAW anymore (too many) I like their VST management.
  13. I hate Intel stock coolers with the push pins. Most cases these days allow for a heat sink upgrade so you don't have to take the board out.
  14. I thought that was the case. Some use ASIO4ALL instead of the manufacturer drivers. Is the card also being used for Windows sound? That will create problems. Pull the card out, remove all drivers and software. If possible remove all registry entries. Boot the system so there's no evidence it's there. Install again. The issue can be with Windows 10 if it was upgraded. Some things get reset and are hard to track down. It appears this device is still supported by Creative.
  15. Here's hoping. Emailing support is difficult so I emailed sales support.
  16. UVI Workstation is an underrated sampler.
  17. I have yet to find a reason to buy another compressor unless I want to approach having 100.
  18. I have an older one and they are underrated if you want portable and budget.
  19. I no longer buy these kinds of libraries. There are plenty of sample packs and you can manipulate them anyway you want in a DAW like Live. Plus you can make your and make more use of Kontakt.
  20. Well call me a fool. My upgrade was $71. I figure the library was worth it since I only have SE versions.
  21. I've become a Melda fanboy. It may take me a lifetime to get past using presets with the ones I have.
  22. I wonder what he paid for that one made in 1895.
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