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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. I'll wait for an upgrade discount or just remove this one off the too many DAWs list. I've had a license since they first started and never really used it. Some of these features exist in other DAWs. They jump to new versions to make even Finale jealous. Their bells and whistles license is $499. That's up there with Cubase and Live. IMO it's not even in the same league.
  2. Their vocoder is one of the best plus Gross Beat is great.
  3. I think with that checked it's suppose to compress the drive and not delete that space.
  4. I wouldn't ind getting the Mixx but can't spring for it even half off. BTW buying direct gets you a 70% discount where 3rd party is only 50% on the bundles.
  5. On one of my systems it started to compress the OS drive. This was never checked before. In fact I couldn't disable it without going online to find a way to do it. Always review what happens in a Windows upgrade. There is no such thing a set it and forget it.
  6. One of these days I might get around to using some of those plugins I have.
  7. I think that deal broke the net.
  8. I have so many delays and they seem to have so many knobs that sometimes I just use the simple ones included in DAWs. I have Melda's Specrtal and Turbo delay whch is more than I can handle.
  9. I got this cover off iTunes (very little information on the artist) that's an instrumental and all Latin instruments. I like this better than the original. BTW I admire dudes who can shred on a nylon.
  10. Rumor has it Kontrol will eventually work with all controllers.
  11. I guess for a case of beer to be $16.99 that's Mil's Best, Miller, or PBR.
  12. I never understood using consumable examples for justifying a software purchase. But...it would be one less 1.75L of Svedka, 12 pack of Samuel Adams, who needs Starbucks when you brew your own. If you were one of those brilliant people who started investing in something like Starbucks when they came out you wouldn't be needing rent to own software.
  13. I'm not optimistic on that. Look at how they "thought" out their replacement elicenser policy. That's enough to make you like Waves WUP.
  14. https://sendy.acoustica.com/w/2RX0o6Of5FxvYVLwt2k4EQ
  15. Do any other DAWs have anything like the TTS? For working with something like this it is still one of the best apps.
  16. This actually is an advantage to make all your processor cores work.
  17. https://www.tracktion.com/products/waveform It's out now. I agree with this. This is a DAW on my cut list. I think their price is not competitive. $499 for all of their bells and whistles? It's not in the same league as the major DAWs. My upgrade for S1 Pro was slightly less than $69. Kinda reminds me of Propellar Heads. They spend a great deal of time on additives and not enough on the DAW. There's no shortage of pattern generators and just buy a plugin to use in all DAWs.
  18. Some of that stuff is in the Kontakt library so they won't show up in Native Access.
  19. If one has SD3 I cant's see why anyone would be interested in this or other drum romplers. BTW their support is excellent.
  20. I don't think that's enough for me to bite. The issue that is dodged is what happens to you v6 licenses. The fan boy posts are annoying. Those who actually bought Syncron Strings say they are a disappointment on the VSL grading scale.
  21. $49.99 using Jampoints, $52.99 buying credits.
  22. You can't combine cash and credits.
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