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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. I done when my sub runs out. If I really paid attention to the articles I would have a backlog from 2014. I find myself rarely downloading anything free these days. I basically just read the reviews. At one time I stopped subscribing before they went digital because I didn't have space for the script and DVDs. Some of their old 32 bit stuff was really interesting like their sampler. Computer Muzys was a decent free DAW.
  2. Someone should see if the $8 synth can be had for 42%off. If not it's a steal at $8.
  3. I have the 3 listed Lindell products that are in the channel strip. I guess it would be like buying the shell for $29.
  4. Even if it costs you a bit more the Zinio format is the best.
  5. Why would you want that? It's a one trick pony. BTW it's an I in the code and not a one if one doesn't know why it doesn't work. I decided to get Agitato Legato Arpeggio for $30. It's a one trick pony probably. I watched the youtube videos. I just increase my rarely used orchestra collection.
  6. Wasted my money since I'll never use it. I have Slate Trigger never use it either.
  7. I think I have about 60 licenses from these type of promos.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/MAGIX/ Might be a good place for a rant.
  9. They use to have $99 upgrades.
  10. I don't know if it's ever gotten that low. Unless one is really hard up to have their SF in 64bit, I don't really find the need to upgrade. Most of the plugins I have have their 32 bit counterpart.
  11. That is only for a new license. Not available here. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/AcidPro8Up--magix-acid-pro-8-upgrade-upgrade-from-previous-version Once again only Magix will give you the 9 upgrade if you buy the 8 upgrade.
  12. http://wwww.wusik.com/w/index.php EXTENDED! Until April 24th, get 60% Off On Any Product Use the following discount coupon 60%OFF
  13. The answer is the free upgrade is only available from Magix. I think with 9 the upgrade will be $99 so why bother.
  14. Ryzen would be better for video. There are a small number of Ryzen users running FL Studio. Intel will still beat AMD hands down in lower latency.
  15. Seems like a lot of users on this forum are using older hardware.
  16. Most of their CPUs no longer have coolers. Future proof is a myth. (how many retired a 4790k?) If my motherboard ever dies I'm screwed when it comes to a replacement. A Z97 board would cost about $300 brand new. I guess the alternative would be a new CPU, 300 series board- the most affordable thing, DDR4 RAM - not cheap these days. I wish AMD would make a more serious dent in the market. The rumor is Apple is going to make their own CPU, even they think Intel is pricey. I'm sure only the fanboys will buy a loaded Mac Mini at $4K. I have yet to see how bad it would be if my AMD system with an FX6300 goes bad. CPUs never go bad. I have a box of those leftover AMD AM2 sockets. My Intel Q6600 machine is still running, too bad I don't have a board that can overclock it to 3ghz, I still have an AMD 945 on an nForce2 chipset.
  17. Which now makes it an easy pass. After what Jim went through I don't trust Magix business practice.
  18. What coupon is that? bloom does not work.
  19. I see the same thing on Image-Line and Reason Talk forums. Threads like these are nothing new under the sun. Some DAWs just work better for different genres. I've seen all sorts of strange ideas to get more users. An odd one was to make Reason as a VST. Then there are the FL users who think one day Image Line is going to go belly up over lifetime updates. Some people just feel the need to have insecurity issues over the DAW they use.
  20. That seems to be unique to that site. I've never seen a bad review.
  21. Pro 7 still works great. This biggest complaint about 8 is the dark "no you can't change it" GUI. I doubt the included loop content is not near as good as when Sony put out loops.
  22. Did anyone by chance get 2 serials of Turmoil? I did. I think they messed up.
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