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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. I think developers realized they deflated the value of plugins. I think the days of the hobbyist spending over $100 for a plugin that isn't a synth are gone. There's a lot of youtube videos of amateurs doing great music with stock plugins. Splice and Melda have where you can rent to own. Some believe this whole industry is going to be subscription. Many have it but don't advertise it heavily. I think it will ruin everything except for the opportunist developer who does not go subscription.
  2. Presonus is pretty aggressive in getting people to upgrade. I don't use it that much but when they have an upgrade for under $70 I buy. I like their GUI. I started in this DAW madness around the turn of the century. There was no free DAW like Bandlab. Pro Tools had one that would crash. Also the quality of free/low priced plugins is far superior now.
  3. I switched to FL Studio after Sonar 5 since the GUI was getting cluttered. I still bought licenses after that since they trusted users by having simple authorization. Right now with all of the DAWs I have I'm wandering in the wilderness.
  4. Would the song been as bad if there wasn't a video? Through March 2019, “We Built This City” has more than 57 million views on YouTube. Someone is still listening. Take that, rock critics! Sight and sound are often deception. How many of the greatest bands have great videos?
  5. Yes. A wasted thread and should not be in the deals section. Spit it out.
  6. I got it too. I went with that light GUI. Not sure what to do with that Acid Planet code either. Of course this is another example of lazy development when it comes to downloader installers. No preferences.
  7. Same here but that was a different type of deal. Basically if you buy them from 3rd vendors you lose that 20% on your bundles. Usually on the weekly 50% off you can save a buck or two getting it from another vendor. Eventually I have my eye on the everything bundle. That deal from APD was sweet. That is not the first time they had a special on Melda.
  8. I can get everything for 454 euros. Always buy direct. How the upgrade prices are computed: we subtract 70% of what you have spent so far for the products included in the upgrade. We cannot know the actual price when you purchase from a reseller, so we assume 50% off, hence it is advantageous to purchase from us directly if you plan to upgrade.
  9. That's why Waves goes to the back of the line. With their reduce prices a duplicate license is affordable. Besides who wants to use up another USB port?
  10. To put it in another way I usually don't buy software that have few updates before wanting you to buy upgrades.
  11. I'm tempted to go $79 in debt for Acid Pro 9 but I'm losing my taste for anything from Magix. They are another company with too many updates without fixing previous versions. (like Cakewalk after Sonar 3). I still have AP 7 and a 32 bit DAW environment is still pretty stable. I can use those 32 bit plugins installed by default.
  12. It's an oxymoron and often run by morons.
  13. I think it would be a tough job. You have to be knowledgeable on every new product that comes in. I wonder how many of them have a certain bias towards products. If you ever read some of the sales engineer's backgrounds they do know their stuff. Sometimes these jobs aren't as glamorous as we think. They don't do discounts very much but they are top notch in service after the sale.
  14. Got one too. I'd suggest if you are low on funds get an AAS soundpack like Synth City for Chromaphone.
  15. BSS DPR-402 Trans-X CLA Mixdown or pass and go with Melda 50% off, no machine limit, lifetime updates, better installation process This is tempting for me but with Waves I have to buy a duplicate license, and way too many plugins.
  16. https://bestclassicbands.com/we-built-this-city-1-7-17/ My guess is those that thought so had never experienced enough decades of music. Maybe it's because it was not a one hit wonder band. The must have missed Disco when just about every mainstream artist made a contribution to that genre. Disco Duck was one of the worst things I've heard. In the 80's music become more visual and changed whether a song was great.
  17. Hypernode is one of them you will not see as a $5 one.
  18. Probably just like any audio to midi convertor......no holy grail. Most DAWs have them these days. I couldn't see paying for one.
  19. Newegg revues and 3 yr warrant is a no for me.
  20. Don't they always? I probably have its equivalent in all of my libraries.
  21. From Gold to individual sales I think I have this except for the Platinum label.
  22. You don't get use to it. Often it is regret but it become habit forming.
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