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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. I know. If you work with linear DAWs it's real easy to do that. I've had FL Studio for over 10 years and have to switch my mindset.
  2. https://www.bloodcellsaudio.com/dark-ascents?fbclid=IwAR0i0SwggmwDYqcILZZbQjOFbXkrgTjPTztXxWDGGiprtmQTrgzkf3uO8Kc More info here, https://vi-control.net/community/threads/blood-cells-audio-dark-ascents-violin-risers-dark-glitchy-chaos-for-kontakt-6-20-off-3-99-until-8-31-with-code.84311/#post-4419689
  3. Check your account just in case you might have licenses from previous group buys. Most of on that list I've gotten from previous group buys. So many of my T-Rack from v4 were updated without having to buy new versions.
  4. They will probably extend it and then add another tier. If I could afford I'd get the Axe I/O and be able to get anything on that list. Buying a $99 product limits your extra choices after the tape collection. Most like anything else in that price range one would have. I already have a lot of that stuff from the previous group buy.
  5. and they don't add the new stuff to the Max bundle I like their stuff but I have to wonder is Max really worth it? I think of it just like NI's Komplete. They are great for taking up drive space.
  6. I have this. The King just simplifies the process. Most of their stuff is geared to the novice user.
  7. Here's what I don't get. Music Tech is basically owned by the same company as Bandlab. Shouldn't a copy of Bandlab and tutorials be on a Music Tech issue?
  8. Which is great and some developers don't even allow users to download older versions of their software.
  9. I've had a license ever since it came out. It's just one of those DAWs I just can't get into. I find the upgrade price puts me out of the "oh what the heck I'll buy it". Mixcraft Pro is only a $29 upgrade. I don't even want to admit how many DAWs I have and need to reduce the upgrades. Maintaining multiple DAWs can be quite expensive. I was going to dump Studio One but I upgraded for under $70. Presonus is pretty aggressive in their upgrades. I bitched about my Live Suite upgrade but Live 9 went through seven updates before 10. I'm done upgrading the Suite because 3rd party equivalents are superior. Magix is another one with few updates before and upgrade. It reminds me of earlier versions of Sonar. They wouldn't fix a previous release and some hoped the new version would fix the previous problems. I always got suckered into their free 3rd party offers. Magix is on another planet with loyalty. The challenge will be how far I stick with Cubase with their .5 updates since I am new to it. A dongled DAW is quite annoying.
  10. Sometimes you just have to wait. They are really odd with loyalty even though jam points is their loyalty program and they can be used even with sales stuff.
  11. I'm still trying to make sense of this and not sure I agree with some of it. I think it's the small developers who are giving the big boys a run for their money because so many make quality stuff and they don't charge the prices the big boys do. See Boz Digital, Tokyo Dawn Labs.
  12. Not surprised by that. Few updates before a paid upgrade goes off my list
  13. BTW this deal now only exists on ADSR.
  14. I still cant stand Beth by Kiss, November Rain by GnR. I respect ACDC for never venturing down the road of the ballad.
  15. Bandlab wants to disable Rapture when scanning.
  16. Those are cell phone specs. No audio interface is going to make that better.
  17. I use onboard sound for all non DAW stuff. Life seems more stable that way.
  18. https://blackoctopus-sound.com/product/8-packs-for-8-the-octosale-2019/ I think they are the same outfit. Here you get purchase points.
  19. Same here. The rant with PA seems to be about those who have plenty of their stuff. There was a point that many of them rarely get updated and push new ones out. I got a lot of their cheap stuff and never use it just like TRacks stuff. It's not about quality but quantity. I just forget I have them and sometimes for ease and decision making I just use the ones packages in a DAW. Anything I do often doesn't make it to the post production side because of laziness. There are some developers that might as well go to subscription because they introduce a new version without ever getting to .5 release. I just can't do software subs. There just seems to be risks.
  20. Unfortunately links are limited to 3. I got that bundle as well. After installing Live Packs, Refill, and Konakt, I really bloated 2 systems.
  21. There are mo shortages of 808 samples on the net for free and no shortages on my hard drive.
  22. Give us the link. I think a lot of developers went, "Uh oh, we deflated the price of plugins. We have to try to go back." I like how Melda does things, 4 random plugins 50% off each week. Plus that Izotope deal. IK never fails on those group buys.
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