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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. I've got too many and one is the Melda super duper one, TRacks, Izotope, plus I'm still compressor ***** no matter how many videos I watch.
  2. BTW we want photos next time.
  3. In the desert we have lots of nasties but good extermination. Usually rattlers are not in most populated areas. I have yet to see a live scorpion.
  4. 1809 was the only update I didn't have to revert. I have 3 machines on W10 and most of the time it screws up my network. Often the remove password protective sharing is broken but not this time.
  5. https://www.howtogeek.com/402569/everything-new-in-windows-10s-april-2019-update/ Any takers? Seems like a good one.
  6. kitekrazy1

    Hornet plugs

    Seen issues on their page with Cubase and Live.
  7. I give them a chance to fix it. This is always an issue with major updates.
  8. I think this is the first time I've ever downloaded and extracted a 19GB zip file.
  9. It happened in Grand Ridge, IL. My mom told me this story last year.
  10. Adding the RennMax is also a value if you can get it for under $50. I've read these are still some of the favorites used today.
  11. I assume many of you got Pad Shop Pro for $10. That seems to be a given.
  12. kitekrazy1

    Hornet plugs

    Mk2c SongKey Mk2 is now version 3 and a low price for upgraders.
  13. It's my faulty Intel SSD that's causing the issue. I really don't need to update the BIOS anyway. Since it would not show up in the SATA port and Intel Rapid Storage would remove it in Windows I thought the update might fix it.
  14. Les Paul hit my great grandma with his car long ago.
  15. They really beat the competitors on HWO Gold. Waitin for VST Buzz or APD to have it under $200 someday.
  16. Huge in my world. I might ask for a refund from Best Service. Sweetwater claims I can get it immediately. Odd.
  17. Yep I bought up those $5 libraries. I probably have synth patches from the numerous VSTs I have that probably make the same sound. I will wait for the nest Rigid Audio bargain.
  18. FL Studio has that chord function as long as I can remember. I finally mess with it. I've had Tracktion since it was born. I think their pricing is not competitive and I just don't really care for it and won't upgrade. There's too many things I don't like about it. I'd take Elements over it.
  19. A major typo. I think it's fixed.
  20. I listened to the demos and probably have equivalents.
  21. I have Vegas 14 Pro Edit. I'm not sure there's any advantage moving up when I don't really work in video. I still keep my older versions installed. It seems like you are getting a bunch of video apps. You'd be surprised that the Audio and Movie Studio are great values. The voucher seems useless.
  22. Tried 2 different flash sticks in FAT32 format. It just hangs in the BIOS. This seems to be common in AsRock. 2.6 1.Add NVMe support. 2.Update NTFS module. I thought this might help my disappearing SSD. I've never had trouble updating a BIOS. This is my first AsRock board.
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