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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. There's a comparison list. It's enough not to bother when you have full featured DAWs. It's mostly about track limits for me.
  2. It's a $99 handicapped DAW. Far from compelling. I have it. The Artist version is handicapped and that seems like a worse value than Elements. (requires dongle) You can get Mixcraft, Reaper, of course Bandlab with no limitations. I am tempted to upgrade my 9.5 Elements for $15 just in case I want to put it on another system. BTW the Cubase crossgrade is $7 a month with the Sweetwater card. My temptation is to avoid getting 2 Cubase licenses. I have 3 elicensers.
  3. It's 70% on crossgrades. So maybe they'll offer this deal in 20 years. Cubase may have a larger share of the pro market but I doubt it when it comes to budget home studios/EDM crowd. I think this is what they are after.
  4. kitekrazy1

    Hornet plugs

    When you research the reviews they are very positive. https://www.musicradar.com/reviews/hornet-plugins-magnus-mk2 This is a developer who doesn't spend time on making things pretty. There is no installer or copy protection.
  5. KVR80OFF My upgrade is $7.99 Review http://soundbytesmag.net/review-wusik-station-v-9/ Anyone have this. I ditched it around v6 because to me it was a rompler and not good onboard effects.
  6. It appears mine has died. It became a storage drive and sometimes it would show up in Windows and then this Intel Data storage app would kick it out. So I switched the port with the DVD drive to rule out a failing SATA port and it doesn't even show up in the BIOS. Of course to do an RMA Intel's support site is down for maintenance. I'm a die hard WD HDD fan because of their support service and will probably trust their SSDs. My confidence in SSDs is not even close to HDDs.
  7. How many times has that been said about any developer? It will happen again once they did it. I think they may have lost some arrogance now there are far more DAWs out there. Last year was the lowest I ever paid for a S1 Pro and Reason upgrade. It will be interesting to see how other DAW developers respond to this not named Magix.
  8. Doe anyone think paying the extra $15 to Steinberg is worth the instant gratification? It's sort of tempting just to buy another license for the other machine. I'm sure 3rd party vendors are getting pissed because of refunds because people don't wait.
  9. From Uncle E: They are totally out, unfortunately. We have been checking multiple times a day, every day, and there has been no movement. At this point, I really have no idea when Steinberg will make more available. I bitched on Steinbergs FB page about slow delivery of licenses to vendors. Maybe their development is great but it seems like the rest of Steinberg is half assed.
  10. Still no license yet from Best Service.
  11. kitekrazy1

    Ascension vsti

    SynthMaster is not a rompler.
  12. kitekrazy1

    Ascension vsti

    I say no to synths disguised at romplers not named Omnisphere.
  13. Still no license yet from Best Service.
  14. I guess business wise why would you spend money on marketing something that is free? We have no idea how many people downloaded Bandlab.
  15. Some of those FL, Live, and Reason EDM users who went for the Cubase crossgrade will probably revert back because of the workflow is designed for those genres. Usually the complaints when other DAWs have a new version is they are geared towards EDM users. For Mac users Logic is taking a bite out of the EDM market.
  16. Besides Magix isn't that consumer friendly and seems to have boneheaded marketing.
  17. Those cable twist ties could work too. I'm thinking when those drive adapters go on sale for $2 just buy a lot of them.
  18. I got a 15% off coupon from GC and decided to buy another elicenser and may stick this on it in case I want to use both machines.
  19. Steinberg accepts it with no problem.
  20. You will have to wait for 1-2 weeks to get your license. I guess Steinberg didn't do a very good job handling this. I guess that's an opportunity for those who decided it was an impulse purchase and get a refund. Who'd thought it would take that long for a digital purchase. Piss poor planning Steinberg.
  21. Can't even find out on google. I say buyer beware for now.
  22. It's nice that the local Best Buys have the in stock.
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