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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Might be nice if I could use all my E-Mu patches in the free Kontakt Player now that Emulator X3 can no longer be authenticated. Also, does anyone know how Kontakt compares with Emulator X3? Maybe if I sell all my hardware and Sample CDs I could afford Kontakt and a computer powerful enough to run it. Emulator is tremendously efficient (low CPU usage) but I cannot authorize it on a new computer.
  2. User 905133

    midi? audio?

    [P]references or Menu Bar > Edit > Preferences Audio Devices Other parameters Midi Devices Other parameters UPDATE: Or you could watch John's videos (see post immediately below). Its quicker than reading the entire manual!!!
  3. Another Dylan tune done remarkably well and popularized by someone who set the standard--in this case Hendrix. Very nice cover here, paying tribute to Hendrix's footprint on the song and with a stamp of your own .
  4. Distinctly reminiscent of Hendrix, but still very pleasantly your own version. Thanks for sharing!
  5. A few days ago, I was on the verge of getting the $29 NI classic bundle that included Absynth, FM8 (which I had just gotten a week or so ago), Massive, and one or two other things. It looks like that bundle was made to disappear without a trace. I thought it was part of Synth Month September, but maybe it was only for Labor Day. ? I almost posted the deal but I was distracted by some petty BS. On the positive side, that's $29 I don't have to borrow from my BF fund. ?
  6. Condolences to those for whom Queen Elizabeth was a cool and respected monarch.
  7. Great one that is!!! ??? Thanks for calling attention to this. I scrolled past the punchline too fast when I first read it!
  8. Interesting. I don't use a laptop for music, but I was curious about this setting. Might find it useful in the future. I tried "Get Help" and ended up sending feedback:
  9. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tonex/?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=tonex When CS becomes available, will there be a filter to allow users to see and try only those presets that match their tonex gear list?
  10. JMO: I find the comments in the Deals section are helpful for making consumer decisions (to buy, or not to buy) when fellow forum members help me to understand what products offer, how they can be used, features they have or don't have compared to other similar products, specific drawbacks users have had, specific genres of music that might match what a product offers, etc.
  11. I just detached "discuss" and moved it onto my second monitor. I had to zoom the browser (Chrome) smaller to get the tabs to appear. No premature menu closing issue. I tried resizing the browser on Mon 2 and couldn't replicate the issue. My monitors are different sizes; they have different resolution settings. At present I have scaling/layout at 100% on both, though I sometimes change the scaling on monitor 2. Is it possible you are using a custom setting somewhere?
  12. Ooops. I hit save instead of cancel. EDIT: WTF: Negative one. LOLOLOLOL. Actually it was only a partial Ooops. I had put in relevant quotes but didn't have time to write up the full measure minus one tick strategy I have done with the event list for ages in order to avoid conflicts going into a new measure at the end of a string of measures. I wanted to do some more testing to write up as thorough a relevant response as possible comparing the use of the Staff View and the PRV.
  13. The metal ones from Eden NY? Please PM info on where to get a dozen for $10. I've gotten some of the plastic garbage kazoos that seem to be sold as party favors, and I'd take the real ones over those any day!!!
  14. Just an FYI: The most recent pdf version of the Cakewalk Reference Guide I have from May 27, 2022 is copyrighted 2022 and is marked 27.12.00. My CbB is 2022.06 build 34. Help > Documentation shows "28.06.0 Build." At the bottom there is a link to a pdf. That is the 27.12.00 pdf. Both the pdf I downloaded on May 27th and the one I downloaded today are the exact same size. I did not yet do a binary comparison to see if they are identical. Maybe someone else has the motivation to do that? See UPDATE below. Neither have I done I have not done a word-for-word comparison of the Help > Documentation document and either of the pdfs. I suppose if someone wanted to, they could look up the newest features as reported in June and compare the write ups. UPDATE: 1.pdf is the one from May 27, 2022. 2.pdf is the one from today.
  15. User 905133

    Free Chow BYOD

  16. There is plenty in the thread that already addresses these ^^^ comments. No need on my part to rearticulate what I already said no matter how much you try to goad me into doing so. I have no respect for you. Any respect I used to have has been wiped out. If you disagree with my preferences and my accounts of my personal experience, that is your choice. I think your persistence in advocating your position has come across loud and clear. If you want to say anything more as concerns me or anything I have posted, I can only encourage you say it to yourself in your own head or to a mirror. Please cease and desist.
  17. Although you totally missed my original point and my reiteration and clarifications, I thought you finally got a tertiary point: However, it is clear from your most recent post that you did not. I didn't reply to this earlier. I was thinking you had finally given it a rest. You are like the proverbial fire calling the kettle black. =================== For the sake of clarity, here's a post in this thread: Here is the post that was linked: Here is the thread it is from: Clearly, the threads I am referencing are related to the PDC button. Are you intentionally distorting what people have said to try to claim my original point was "wrong" in your opinion, or are you referencing a different statement where Noel discusses the FX Bypass button? If the latter, I will happy to read that statement. You seem to be playing a trolling game. I asked you politely previously to stop it. Please keep in mind, that I was specifically addressing Matthew White. He is someone I have interacted with previously and have much respect for what he contributes and for how he communicates respectfully in the forum. That is why I felt comfortable posting my reply.
  18. You are wrong for saying I was offensive. I did not say anything offensive.
  19. Fine. I think you are wrong for blatantly refusing to honor my polite request (among other things).
  20. You have now confirmed that you keep missing my point. You say things like," You'd be right if . . . " and "You're wrong." Please note: Not once have I said such things about you. To his credit, the OP framed his opinion in an open manner and solicited the opinions of others. I would encourage you to move on out of deference to the OP and to others who are also expressing personal preferences but without the personal antagonism. Please stop it. (Note: That's a polite request because I would really hate to see this thread closed.)
  21. I agree with this point. And there is no problem with the button behaving like other Bypass buttons I have used. Bypass lit = Bypass is on Bypass unlit = Bypass is off Mute lit = Mute is on Mute unlit = Mute is off
  22. Thanks for the clarification. I agree with most of what you said. However, you missed my point. It is not an On/Off [Enable/Bypass] Audio FX button. To reiterate: It is a Bypass button. In the active state, the audio engine Bypasses All Audio Effects. Whenever I see a bypass button lit in other software, something is bypassed (usually temporarily). I totally get the idea that some people are confused because they want (or expect) things to be parallel, symmetrical, etc. (in this case visually parallel wrt lit/unlit), but converting the button to a Non-bypass button [audio effects = on/off, where on is lit and off is unlit] is imposing a false sense of symmetry, parallelism, etc. That's why I said: When Mute (all tracks) is on, it is lit. When Solo (all tracks) is on, it is lit. When Input Echo (all tracks) is on, it is lit. Logically then, when Bypass [all audio FX] is on, it should also be lit. I could be wrong, but I don't think the button we are discussing is an Enable [Bypass] (all audio effects) button. I think it is a Bypass (all audio effects) button. I just re-read those sections of the Reference Guide but I have not confirmed what the manual says with my own experimentation. That will take time that I don't have at the moment. Do people really want a Mix Button to enable/disable all FX globally when checking mixes? To me it seems safer to and more efficient to Bypass audio fx and then to unbypass audio fx.
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