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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Could you be more specific? What do you want to know? Ever since I learned about Humble Bundle, I have been impressed with how clearly their website explains how it works. Is there something more that you want to know that's not covered on their site? TIP: Click on "About" at the top of the page.
  2. Excellent point (always check the manufacturer's site, especially if you are a valued customer with prior purchases). Re: the PSP Ultimate Collection for VM, I posted above--for non-PSP Collection VM owners, the sale price at Cherry Audio is currently $49.00. Cherry Audio previously announced a sale which rand through 13 April 2023. Based on past experience, this means other third-party vendors are very likely to have promotions, too. For those who have been eyeing their products, this should be a good time to shop around for additional third-party discounts, perks-with-purchase offers, loyalty rewards, etc. Disclaimer: Cherry Audio products have mixed reviews. Personally, I like them, think very highly of the company, have fun being creative with them, etc., but there are some who have some specific issues. So, all I am doing here is sharing some information for those already inclined to take a look at purchasing their products. Plublic Service Announcment (courtesy of "GAS-aholics Anonymous"): Check for Cherry Audio's demo versions. You have plenty of time to check out the demos before the sale ends. TIP: If you go for the demos, don't click all of them in one sitting; spread them out There's enough time to try all of them before the sale ends.
  3. Here's the current comparison (X7). Convology XT Complete is only in the Suite.
  4. A week or so ago I saw a news story about a group of graphic artists (people that used their own mental and eye-hand coordination skills to create visual art for a living). At issue is how the corporate proponents of AI "train" the technology. I don't know the details, but it seems that real people ("artists") who depend on carefully cultivated traditional skills of artistry might be having their works used for zero compensation. If that's the case, it would seem to be institutionalized stealing of intellectual property being done by people in the AI industry. Back in the 1980s I purchased a several framed numbered prints from an artist at a street fair who had mastered a personal style of batik and sold the prints for a living. I liked them, appreciated the artist's work, and wanted to support the artist. Not sure if the artist is still around, but I can imagine some huge corporate database entity including images of the batik artist's works in an AI training process in such a way that AI can "create" other pieces of art in that style. JMO: As AI is embedded in the tools of production for unsuspecting individual artists of all sorts, I am concerned that human creativity is becoming less and less valued for the sake of those who have foisted Artificial Intelligence on the world. Is this the new arms race using new instruments of technology to disarm artists and others to concentrate power of all sorts in the hands of the techology makers as opposed to artists, artisans, and others who cultivate individual talents? Just a thought to consider when advocating more and more AI be incorporated into the tools of music production.
  5. Link removed since the price for bundle (PSP Ultimate Collection) has returned to a higher price.
  6. Not really dumb. Other github projects will have a section labelled "Installers" or something like that. I took a look at the one that says NeuralAmpModeler-v0.7.0-win.zip. It has an executable installer inside the zip file. I will probably not install it (no need for this plugin), so I am not sure if it comes with IRs. Note: the manual inside that zip file says "Dummy Manual."
  7. The forum has a search feature. Consecutive words need to be placed in quotation marks. Try "Rollback installer" in the forum search bar. For example, the search included this:
  8. I guess I should have emphasized that in my post. BTW, I referred to "linked" intentionally (i.e., not casually), but maybe that also needed to be emphasized. Clearly kperry did not follow all the instructions , but I didn't want to overly emphasize that to an extreme. ?
  9. Are you saying this is what you used to do before SONAR became Cakewalk by Bandlab and now it doesn't do the same thing that it used to do? If I understand what you did/are trying to do, it sounds wild enough for me to want to try it!!! I never applied Z3ta+ effects to audio and then tried to use MIDI to run the audio through the synth engine, and the arpeggiator function, too. One thing I tried to do was use CC64 to lock in arps, but I could never get that to work. CC64 just sustained the note; it did not latch the arpeggiator. I assumed that it didn't work like that and just used it either as a synth or as an FX processor. I am sure that after 2016 (when the second SOS article came out) I did not go back and retry it. UPDATE: I got it [Craig's 2016 basic method to make the audio track to be triggered by the arp pattern] to work. I was impatient and so I only did it part way before testing. No Sound. ? Then I moved the linked Cutoff frequencies up and I got sound. ? I copied the text from the article into Notepad and crudely reformatted it into steps so I could make sure I was doing each step as I went along. If you can't get Craig's method to work for you, I can try to make my notepad set of steps less ideosyncratic tomorrow. For now, I just wanted to verify that I was able to get my audio track to pass through audio based on z3ta+_fx2's zeroed + arp gate preset. Thanks for suggesting this.
  10. I just verified this in CbB. Try z3ta+_fx. Steps I used: Insert a software synth into Cakewalk. I used the right-click method to insert an Instrument as an Instrument Track. Insert z3ta+_fx into the Instrument Track's FX Bin. Right-click FX Bin Choose Insert Audio FX Open Cakewalk folder [I have them sorted by manufacturer] Select z3ta+ (z3ta+_fx) VST2 Select EFFECTS button (lower right) in the z3ta+ UI. Tweak the sound. For that test, I used a different soft synth. To verify that z3ta+ itself works, I deleted z3ta+_FX from the FX bin. Next, I right-clicked in the track area and replaced the synth with z3ta+ [the instrument]. It worked.
  11. Take a Pizza Pi to dinner!
  12. Found another demo of sounds (one of those "No Talking" videos):
  13. Good to know, thanks for the additional details. I finally found my CZ data tapes with my custom sounds from the CZ5000 (as well as songs/sequences). I dumped some of them to sysex (aka *.syx) but not all. (Either that or I lost a whole bunch over ther decades.) A handful or two are unique--ones that I have never heard elsewhere. After demoing CZ V, I decided that "based on the CZ" is more accurate than calling it an emulation. From what I saw only 2 to 5 percent of th CZ V's potential is to recreate CV patches. Again, thanks for these insights into the Arturia Collection.
  14. Thanks, @Promidi . In fact, double thanks. I searched the CZ V pdf for "sysex," not "syx" or "Import." So I searched the Emulator II V pdf for "Import" after I downloaded the demo and found this: Samples can indeed be imported and placed on the keyboard. ?
  15. I have learned that different people often have very different preferences in video tutorials (style, content, personality, etc.). I stumbled onto some deep dive Elka-X videos from One Man And His Songs and they resonated with me. So, I just got a notification for Episode 1 of his Mercury-6 Tutorial. I don't have this synth, but if I do get it I will be sure to watch this video series. Passing it along in case his tutorial approach appeals to others.
  16. Does anyone know if Aruria's CZ clone can load original CZ sysex preset files? I know Plugin Boutique's Virtual CZ can, but I couldn't find that feature in the CZ V (Arturia) manual. Once again, with my prior Arturia purchases, I qualify for 9.2 at the $149 level, but I have a number of other Vintage Synth Emulations from other software makers so I am still very much on the fence. I find that Pigments meets my sound design needs nicely and if I need the V Collection pre-made sounds, I have a few thousand available to me via Analog Lab V. Not sure that I would really need to design my own sounds for Arturia's instruments or even tweak them more than I can do already with Analog Lab V. On the other hand, 9.2 would add 17 expansions for over 1200 more factory sounds that I would be able to tweak. Not sure if that's enough to get me off the fence. If the package included the Micro Freak V, that might do it though, as would the ability to load in all my custom CZ sounds. Even better if the Emulator II could load samples, but it seems all it can do is use built-in samples. So, (1) can the CZ V load in CZ sysex files (presets from the Casio CZ line) and (2) am I missing anything about the Collection? Thanks.
  17. Thanks for the clarification. I am not an expert on audio drivers and I don't have a Focusrite; however, I used to intuitively think that larger buffers meant more latency but fewer audio issues (crackles, etc.). Then I got into fine tuning my PC's audio and I found out for my system, a buffer size that was either too small or too large was an issue and I had to find the "sweet spot" for my system (MOBO/PC Resources, Audio Devices, Drivers, etc.). Yes, its somewhat counter intuitive (or "weird") and I don't know enough PC/Audio Electronics to understand or to explain all the interactions, the complex timings, function calls, or whatever they are that make a particular system "in tune," but based on my limited experience larger is not smoother. If I had super smooth audio and no plugin issues with a small buffer size like you have, I'm not sure I would try to fine tune it further and risk upsetting the balance. Of course, I will defer to others here if they know more of the deep workings than I do.
  18. I am confused by what you have written. If you set your asio buffer size to the minimum and everything is smooth and plug-ins are working, it that a problem?
  19. For those who have Mercury-6 and PluginGuru's UNIFY: They have the Unify Patches online (dropbox) for Mercury-6.
  20. Since its a 3 day offer, probably best to get the thirty-day demo immediately if interested. For others like me who still use MIDI, please note: Based on a couple of PSP Stomp Boxes I have we can use Automation for VST/VST3 parameters and we can also use MIDI Mapping for hosts that provide midi mapping. (The lack of direct MIDI control might be relevant for those who don't like work-arounds.)
  21. From the Cakewalk Reference Guide: "If you want to change the magnetic snap strength, or turn off magnetic snap, adjust the Snap Intensity slider." "Snap Intensity. Specify the magnetic strength when snapping, which determines how quickly moved events are pulled towards the snap grid." "Magnetic Test. Drag the event to test the current Snap Intensity setting." Based on what the Reference Guided says, I think you are right: if the Snap Intensity setting remains where you want it, from what I can tell, it doesn't matter if the test location gets reset or remains where you left it. The Reference Guide seems to agree.
  22. The larger issue of making an automatic backup of everything Cakewalk uses is beyond my scope and interest here. I cannot even imagine what Cakewalk would have to do to backup all of the validly registered plug-ins presumably based on the contents of VSTSCAN and other files. As for backing up *.lns files, I did that within the past year to move them from one PC to a newer PC. It was really simple: (1) copy them to a "thumb" drive, (2) copy them to the default location on the newer PC. I did an extra step: (3) move all the older Workspaces to a sub-folder ("Archives"). You can make it more complicated if you want to.
  23. Why? They are super easy to find if you need to access them. Also, I'm not sure it would be good for users to start messing around with the Workspaces location. If improvements are to be done, to me it would be more important to have a Workspaces file hierarchy (i.e., Workspaces within user-named folders). Of course, if having a Workspaces hierarchy means users can designate an alternate location, that would be a side benefit for those who want to change the default location. Changing the code just to have a user-designated location adds nothing. A file hierarchy (Workspaces within folders) adds something useful for people who use Workspaces on a regular basis.
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