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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Just a footnote: I believe I have a similar situation with an Epson All-in-One printer/scanner/etc. My all-purpose PC is connected via ethernet cable to an internet switch which allows me to have four wired connections. The printer/scanner/etc. is seen by a separate wi-fi capable and enabled secondary router connected by ethernet cable to my ISP provided cable modem which does not provide my WiFi. My all-purpose PC (which has Cakewalk) gets the printer/scanner's internal address (LAN - local area network) from the network. WiFi devices can see the printer as well, but my PC doesn't have WiFi. I'll let others comment on whether or not having the printer driver on your PC has an impact on audio.
  2. I believe there was a post I read a few weeks ago that addressed some interactions between lenses and screensets.* Since reading that, my novice use of lenses has made more sense. Not saying they aren't messed up, but as I explore the uses of lenses, I am mindful that I really don't understand (1) how they work and (2) how the lenses feature and the screensets feature interact. For a couple of test lenses, they have done what I wanted them to do. At the risk of oversimplification, screenshots are "per project" while lenses are "global." (Maybe a power user can explain the nuances in better detail.) So, for me, if I want screenshots to behave like they did before I played with lenses, I select "None." I have only created about four or five test lenses, so I am not claiming expert knowledge; just saying that at this point for me I don't fully understand what's going on, not that they are seriously messed up. They might be, but based on what you wrote about having to choose "None," it sounded very much like my initial experiences. Apologies if you have been more thorough in your explorations of lenses and have indeed uncovered some "bugs." *ADDENDUM: It might have been one or more of the posts in this thread, or a restatement of similar ideas.
  3. Nice tips here, @Gswitz and thanks for raising the question, @Mandolin Picker. On my overly long list of potential projects are several specific and general music + VO narration projects. Even though the topic asks about audio books specifically, it seems these (and maybe forthcoming tips, including tips/suggestions from others) would apply to many forms of "spoken word" projects.
  4. I tested this briefly on my tower as well as testing the use of Ctrl+[the numbers 1-5] on the top row v. keypad mentioned in the other thread re: modulation. I get differences I don't understand yet--but the keypad numbers definitely function differently than the top row numbers. Not a priority for me to sort out at the moment since I was just exploring the Virtual Keyboard and Computer Controllers based on the initial post. And I only took a very brief look at the sections that start here.
  5. I have been playing around with both D and Shift+D and they seem to work with some screensets but not others. Mag levers = magnification sliders. Makes sense!!! (Those sliders that change the sizing of the tracks--height and length.) Thanks for the clarification.
  6. Does "D" to make the Multi-Dock shrink and expand help? I am not sure what the "mag lever" is?
  7. Does it stay in the same place inside of Cakewalk when you resize Cakewalk? Or, does it stay in the same place on your computer display? Mine stays in the same place on the display. See below (marked in a blue box). [image showing ghost line removed - no longer needed] UPDATE: As long as I had Cakewalk running, I had the Ghost Time Marker--even after resizing, moving, minimizing and re-opening Cakewalk. After I shut Cakewalk down, I could not reproduce it myself (even trying to follow the same steps that caused it).
  8. I was trying to figure out why someone wasn't getting to see Virtual Controllers and I got something that looks like a Ghost Time Marker. Has this issue been solved? If not, does someone need to reproduce it intentionally? If so, maybe the steps I used will help. I should add that today I used my Dell Display Manager to make visual zones and am not sure if that is the cause.
  9. Below are pix of what I see when I select the Piano Keyboard and the Computer Keyboard from the Virtual Controllers menu. Do you have them listed in the views menu (see below)? If so, I am not sure why nothing happens when you select either of them. Page 1664 of the 1724 page Reference Guide has this: "Note: If you do not see the Input control, click the Track Control button at the top of the Track pane and choose All. For more information, see “Configuring Track view controls” on page 282. Also, make sure you have expanded the track fully by dragging it down." Maybe you need to do that? UPDATE: I don't think that's it. I switched from "All" to other options and I could still add them. I was able to create a Lens that doesn't have "Virtual Controllers" under "Views," but it sounds like you have them listed. Also, I created a Track Control called "NONE" (no nothing!) and the Virtual Controllers still show up. So, there must be some other reason why you don't get the Piano Keyboard or the Computer Keyboard virtual controllers. Lens w/o Views > Virtual Controllers Update: I found it also worked for me by opening a --blank project--, adding a midi track, and pointing the track to "Virtual Controller" in the track itself (pointed to the MS GM Synth). Not sure why its not coming up for you. Maybe others have suggestions to things to try. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Views.51.html
  10. I prefer non-virtual controllers!!! But just to clarify, when you used the virtual keyboard, was it pointed to either a hardware synth module or a software synth?
  11. Purely out of curiosity, I looked at the manual a few days ago. From the block diagram, it looks like the usb out from the PC has a path to the speaker. Diagnostic question: Does the path from the aux in work as expected? If so, I would take that to mean the Cakewalk audio out from the usb doesn't have the audio you are looking for. BTW, based on the diagram, I assume you have the guitar output potted down and are using the usb/aux output knob. Just based on that diagram, it would seem if you had both up you might hear both. I have no experience with this unit; just trying to make some guesses based on the diagram. Also, I see that Jim's reply showed an example with ASIO4ALL. Are you also using ASIO4ALL or does Yamaha have its own drivers and I/O ports? From the diagram it seems there are there are both pre- and post-THR 10C FX virtual paths through the usb connection. This suggests to me there are probably Yamaha drivers that show multiple I/Os. Also, just wondering if it has a configuration utility. (I didn't see it mentioned in the manual.) BTW, under Features, the manual states: "playback audio files on a smartphone or other audio playback device connected to the AUX IN jack." Since the usb audio and the aux in appear to be summed, if the usb has the Cakewalk audio output, I'd think you should hear it. It looks like a handy unit; hope you can get the output from Cakewalk (including its FX) going to the amp. Steve
  12. I just tested this on my laptop which has a touchpad. If I had the left click button down using my left hand and a finger on my right hand was on (or barely touching) the touch pad, sometimes I had an increment. So, then I moved the right-hand finger up and down and discovered with the left click button down I could slide the selected value up or down very easily (i.e., very minimal finger movement). Possibly you are indeed moving the mouse ever so slightly to cause the increment at the same time as the left click. If so, perhaps adjust mouse sensitivity in Windows. Steve
  13. If you used the shortcut (Shift+Alt+0), did you use the zero on the keypad or the top row of keys? For me, the keypad 0 did nothing, but the top row 0 open it up. Next, I added a new midi track, set it up to record on that track, launched record and ran my mouse pointer over the keys. Note data was recorded on the track. There was no sound because I hadn't point that track to either a hardware sound module or a softsynth. I found the info on page 1664 of the 1742 page reference guide. Hope this helps.
  14. One of the things I was going to add to the first post was a link to the documentation for shortcuts. For example, many times I have closed the Control Bar to work on something and it was easiest to just hit "C" to bring it back and then make it disappear again. ?
  15. Seeking clarification of what you mean by "sequencer." I started with software when a sequencer was much different than today's DAWs. Cakewalk has a Step Sequencer, but I don't think that's what you mean. Sequencing can be done in the Track View by placing, arranging, and tweaking clips. Maybe that's what you mean. The playlist allows users to sequence things as can the Matrix View, etc. I haven't done anything serious editing with the PRV which seems to have become very popular over the years; I tend to do enter note data with a keyboard by recording it and tweaking it in the Event List. Apologies for not asking for the clarification earlier. Steve BTW, thank you for the question--I have used it to explore the playlist, some positioning of Cakewalk's visual elements (Views, Panes, Tabs, GUI controls, etc.) and even explored some potential uses of the Matrix View with a Console Meter Bridge for real-time performances of audio "stuff."
  16. I love Cakewalk's ability to be customized based on out individual needs. There are many. Here are a few ideas for you: (1) You can collapse panels. Play with the double arrows to see how they can be collapse and reopened. (2) Select different screen sets (which are stored with each project and can be imported from one project to another) to see some different layouts. (3) Try the "Basic" lens. Compare with the "Advanced" lens. Then select none and go back to your favorite Screenset because the use of lenses are not (IMO) for newbies--unless you read the reference guide or online documentation and decide you want to learn how to create a special lens that works for you. [More to be added, possibly with screen shots] Footnote to lenses: I believe they can be shared. Since I want to explore them myself (learning experience), if you can clarify what you want in your layout, I'd be interested in seeing what I can do. If the above ideas meets your needs, I will play around with lenses another time. Note about The Reference Guide: There's a lot there and you have to know what key words to use to find specific things. If you don't it can be daunting. But it can be quite useful. For example, I never use the playlist and I was unsure what you were calling the sequencer, so I did some keyword searches! ? Another source to be considered is the search feature of this forum. While playing with "MyFirstPlayListSET," I went here and found recent suggestions and pending changes to playlist feature.
  17. That's why I did strikethrough instead of deleting it!!! Glad you can see the entire interior without having to slide it around.
  18. Long shot, but maybe: In older OSes, if I set the display text/screen in Windows to be > 100%, I would get areas cutoff where things were normally visible at 100%. Any chance you have a Windows setting of greater than 100%? On my tower, I used Ease-of-Access to boost size to 125% and had a visible working scroll bar. So this is probably not the cause of your issue. On your nice, large, clear screen shot of the Start Screen, I see several things that look different than my Cakewalk Start Screen. I am not sure if I picked up son settings from something other than the newest Cakewalk, but mine says "SONAR" where your's says "Let's Get Started." You have an interior frame underneath the title bar (where it says "Cakewalk Start Screen"). I can see where Let's Get Started is now cutoff (as well as the left edge of the interior section with the frame. I assume that is because you had to grab the interior and slide it to the left to see the now clearly visible scroll bar. I am not knowledgeable enough about Windows' GUI (nor how Cakewalk uses it) to make a guess as to why you have a frame inside that you can grab and move, but it seems to me that interior frame should be smaller so it all fits. Maybe there is a setting that makes it larger and that's why you have a frame and I don't.
  19. My eyes can no longer handle tight combinations black, dark grey, medium grey, medium light grey, and light grey, but you are onto something--how different monitors, graphics cards, and various settings might affect the colors and how those colors interact with our eyes (kind of like the optical illusion where some individual's brains "see" dark areas at the intersections of thick lines that are the same color. (Hope that optical illusion sounds familiar.) I looked at my post of the scroll bar from the lap top and at an enlargement from my PC. I see you are right--the "grab here" part is black on a medium grey bar. To the right of the Start Screen is a lighter grey. The main background area of the Start Screen is a different grey and I think the thumbnail and file name are on top of light black that switches to dark black when a user hovers over it. The frame below the title bar where it says "Welcome" on the right and "SONAR" (!) on the left looks to be the same shade of black as the "grab here" part of the scroll bar. On my laptop, I clicked on the grey part of the scroll bar (really as you point out the background) which caused the black "grab here" bar to move. On top of that I was only able to see some different shades at a certain angle of the plasma screen. I just wanted to add that here as it relates to the color/scroll bar issue. It seems that the newer thread is a good place for the discussion the other related issues, including the number of thumbnails and how to actually click on them to open files. WARNING: Looking at the image to see the different shades of grade and black might be hazardous to your eye sight! ?
  20. A New Footnote (maybe something that will work on your laptop): In Recent Projects on the Start Screen, hovering over the files in list mode, I get a circle with three dots. Clicking on that expands the entry to show some project information and a thumbnail. I expanded all 14, got a scroll bar, and found I could scroll with a mouse wheel. Maybe there's a way you can simulate scrolling with the touch pad? Just a thought. I take it you don't have a usb hub to add a mouse; that might work, too. I am learning so much about the Start Screen that maybe I will decide to re-enable it!!!! Anyhow, best wishes on this. Hope you can find a solution / workaround that fits your workflow until such time that an update provides additional options.
  21. Interesting! To help sort it out, here's what I get on my PC: Recent Projects - 14 selectable thumbnails with a scroll bar/grabber that works (again dark grey on black). NOTE: In list mode, I also get 14 with no scroll bar/grabber because it seems to just fit the non-adjustable box. Wondering out loud: Could the different numbers we get be related to the unchangeable size of the selection area? That is, if Windows will only allow 14 in the list because of the sizing on my monitor, are the thumbnails therefore capped at 14? If not, why does one person get 8 and another gets 16? Is there a size setting for the thumbnails we can adjust to test? As for templates (New Projects) has anyone confirmed what I found (at least 50)? I have far more *.cwt files on my PC than my laptop, plus copying to the New Projects/Templates folder adds duplicates--with (n) appended. It should be easy enough to test here. Update: I added about 100 *.cwt files to the Templates and I have over 100 in the New Projects Start Screen Page--some icons, some "cwt" generic icons, and some thumbnails (the latter, possibly projects I later saved as templates).
  22. I played around with the Velocity Compander as a real-time midi processor. It was soooooooo nice. Much easier and far more useful than trying to select from a small set of velocity curves. If you tweak a version to do real-time processing of channel aftertouch, please let me know. A couple of controllers I have that use channel aftertouch that have no flexibility at all--other than painfully trying to develop a personal performance technique to match the hardware. Thank you for the tools you have developed and shared so far and for your willingness to explore other possibilities!!! Ohhhh. Ages ago I wrote a D0/B0 routine (Commodore 64, IIRC) to convert/map aftertouch to a sound module that didn't respond to aftertouch. If you do develop an aftertouch compander and/or a CC compander, the D0/B0 [Dn/Bn] feature might also be useful for others. (Mine was D0/B0 because it was hard coded to channel 1 based on my controller and module.) Thanks. Steve
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