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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. I thought it was odd, too. I have MiniFreak V presets as well as Acid V presets in Analog Lab w/o owning the instruments . But I can listen to all the Synthx V instruments in the standalone Demo. Maybe that's by design--get people to try out the demo and then maybe they will buy it if they like the sounds. Maybe enabling a subset of presets in Analog Lab comes later in their marketing plans. Dunno.
  2. I thought this [full version] meant that those of us who have Analog Lab Pro would have playable (but not editable) presets for Synthx V even if we have not purchased Synthx V. But unless I have done something wrong, the current update ( doesn't let Analog Lab Pro play Synthx V presets. So far as I can tell the support added is just for Synthx V purchasers. I guess full version refers to Arturia's Synthx V. Installing Synthx and activating it in Demo mode works, but even that didn't let the updated Analog Lab play Synthx V presets; synchronizing doesn't help either.
  3. I have Mine still does the login and synchronization, but I did not deactivate and reactivate my licenses. Is there any reason why I should (or should not) do that (deactivate/reactivate)? (Mine is dated 13 Sept. 2024.)
  4. Why not just send the Bank Select / Program Change command directly to the synth in real time with MIDI Echo on? Or am I misunderstanding what you are trying to do, your setup, or the capabilities of your controller? For some software synths, I need to use the VST2 version because the VST3 version might not work with Bank Select / Program Change commands in Cakewalk.
  5. Good question. Also, since I have I already have Cherry Audio's Elka-X, I looked for comparison's yesterday and found this:
  6. Just in case you think the conclusion I made was made in haste; it wasn't. I read the posts in this thread over a span of time since yesterday.
  7. Various syllables [Doo Doots] . . . . Coach's whistle. . . . "I'm losing status at the HIGH SCHOOL. I used to think that it was MY SCHOOL." (From Status Back Baby)
  8. In before the lock. JMO: People who want a feature for their own personal benefit and claim they are suggesting it because everyone would want it are the ones who lack empathy. 🤷‍♂️
  9. ooops. hit submit instead of next.
  10. RIP. In addition to all of his other talents and accomplishments, he was brilliant in one of my all-time favorite comedy sketches: Waiting for Pardo.
  11. Your oversimplified answer helps me more than the Wikipedia entry did a few hours ago. For theirs I would have needed a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology (or the equivalent in field experience) to understand all the complexities. So, thanks for the condensation!
  12. Using the Browser's PlugIns Tab dropdown menu for Audio FX, did you accidentally switch to a custom plugin layout? I almost always use the Sort by Manufacturer as my default, but when I switched to one of my older personal plugin layouts, I was able to get a layout that has a smaller subset of my Audio FX PlugIns in the list. Switching to Sort by Category, Sort by Manufacturer, and Sort by Type each gave me more complete lists than my custom layouts. Not sure if this is what happened in your case, but that's one place to look. On second thought, your list is showing MIDI FX (as well as FX Chain and External Insert). I have never seen that, so I defer to others on this.
  13. As a long-time Cakewalk/SONAR user I am not familiar with the Keystation series, but if it is a controller it probably doesn't make sounds until you send data (e.g., MIDI data) to something that does make sound (a hardware or software sound-producing device such as a sound module, a software synth, etc.). In a word, YES, troubleshooting and narrowing down why your "synth app" is not making sounds can definitely be done, but it depends on a number of factors (some of which are mentioned above). With more information, other users might be able to help. Assuming by synth app, you mean a standalone software synth / virtual instrument, I sometimes get that. Usually in my case, Windows has not seen my usb keyboard. Not sure if that's from a lengthy Windows boot process, from a failed device manager process, a Windows so-called energy-saving feature. My go-to diagnosis tool for years has been been MIDI-OX (personal preference). That will tell me if the computer is receiving MIDI data from my controller. If it isn't, often power cycling my controller will trigger Windows to see the device (or take it off energy-saving mode). Over the past several months I have switched settings in the softsynth (e.g., audio driver) and that has triggered Windows to see the device. There are other things I sometimes do, but for me, these are often successful without requiring rebooting the entire PC. Maybe these methods will work for you. Based on your "1 in 20 times" experience, I'd say you probably shouldn't need to reboot the PC; but everyone's system is different. Hopefully this helps before your damage your vocal cords from too much screaming.
  14. Thanks for sharing the song; very nice cover. Special thanks for the details of your collaborative process. When CbB started the integration with Bandlab (BLX export/import) I saw great potential for possible collaborations with my own musical building blocks. So far as I can have seen, this forum has not had much discussion of and insights into collaborative processes (options for making it work, strengths and drawbacks of various choices, etc. Thanks also to Wookie for his comments and for your response it inspired regarding the different recording skills and choices made by your collaborators, including some of the methods you are considering working with an all-in-one *.wav file. Please feel free to share the results of your attempts at working magic. What you find works and doesn't work as hoped might be useful to others. For my own personal music-making goals, I am optimistic about what the new software might offer longtime Cakewalk/SONAR users esp. with project-sharing with collaborators and potential collaborators. Even though this project was mixed and mastered with CbB, I assume the experiences you have shared (and might continue to share) will be applicable to collaborative projects with the new software.
  15. Just saw that Ed Mann passed away in June.
  16. Is your MIDI device powered up before you power up your PC? Sometimes (with some gear) that makes a difference. Is the device accessible to other software? I often use MIDI-OX to check for incoming MIDI data, but you can use other things as well. Is the device/interface and all of its ports shown under Preferences? Is the device you are using checked? Is there any other software using the device/port? Is there any pop-up message saying a device/port is no available? Maybe you could clarify what you mean by "Pull overt VST instrument." There are a number of ways to Insert a software synth/instrument, etc. Does "Not registering anything" mean that the device appears and is selected in preferences but MIDI data is not being recorded either on a MIDI Track or an Instrument Track? Sorry for all the questions, but these are the kinds of things I do when diagnosing an issue. Maybe you did some or all of them and maybe other diagnostic things, but I couldn't tell from what you wrote.
  17. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43588/dover-beach PS: The Fugs took "poetic license" in adapting Matthew Arnold's poem to fit the music. 😉
  18. I hope you didn't think I was disagreeing with you. In fact, I was agreeing with you. I guess it wasn't obvious, but when I said "Yes" that was intended to cover the "crossed wires" comment as well as the "pffft forums" comment. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify any possible misunderstanding.
  19. Yes. The internet (especially forums that allow participants to interact) is notorious for having the potential for misinterpretations. JMO: That's why I think the rules that say things like "No attacks" etc. are good. It's also the reason why when someone unintentionally misreads my intent, I usually apologize.
  20. I can see the potential for Misha's reading, but the way I parse the post is as follows: **I read this as Wookie saying, "They are clearly saying, 'You will be better off buying the annual subscription . . . ." After that the "you" seems to me to be a comment on the DAW maker under discussion , not Misha.
  21. A few weeks ago APD [Audio Plugin Deals] had Harmony Bloom ($12 USD IIRC**). While it has gone back up to the "List Price," APD lists the Base Price as $19. So, if you are like me and have amassed APD Rewards (i.e., their "Wallet"), so far as I have figured out how those work, you can use those rewards to lower the price to $19 USD. Or you can wait until APD has another Buy-Anything-At-Base-Price Sale (which they have had several times over the past year or two). Caveat: I have never used my APD Wallet (or bought anything on the Base-Price Sale). In case my understanding is wrong, I defer to others who have. Disclosure: I have played with Harmony Bloom, like what it does, and see potential for working it into one of my performance modalities. I have no financial interest in either Harmony Bloom or APD. **More Disclosure: Based on my receipt, it looks like I paid $12 minus $1.20 probably with one of APD's product-specific loyalty bonuses they send out midway through Deal sale for some products. So, $19 might not be the best price in the future; also, I have not looked around to see what other vendors are selling it for.
  22. Yes, it was. Here's what happened. I suspect it was related to a spam attack from earlier today. I think I reported two or three dozen that seemed to be coming from the same source, albeit under different names. When I saw the spam had taken what seemed to be a legit statement (the first quote I posted) and inserted words that tied in directly with the spam (the second quote I posted) and also added a Sad emoji, it seemed to me like an escalation of the attack. Instead of just posting spam, there was the making of a quote, adding in fake wording, plus the adding of an emoji on the original post that was quoted. While it could have been done by a human pretending to be either AI or a bot, my concern was that if it were algorithmic, it should be stopped before more damage was done. Tamanna Bhatiya was one of the names used for the spam. There's been at least one new set of 5 spam posts added as of 10-15 minutes ago. This one uses an account in the name Neha Kumari. See PM for some more details.
  23. Notice that the spam attack has started to insert fake quotes in legit quote boxes. and has given the original post a Sad emoji.
  24. Maybe the team already thought of that, might have considered it, and might be working on developing a tool that among other things can play GM sounds which could be made available sometime down the road as an add-on. Maybe they have considered offering this and other add-ons for a charge to help out the people who have never paid anything for CbB (or any of its antecedents). I don't know; I don't have any inside information on what I hypothesized here. From the get go (i.e., from the original post) I have seen your emotionally charged wording. At first I wondered if you intended to be insulting. My children have filled me in on an abbreviation I have seen SJW--Social Justice Warrior (people who ardently argue to rectify what they see as issues for other people). Maybe we can agree that in this case, you are acting as an SJW-Sonar Justice Warrior (or maybe CbBJW, since you are really talking about the most recent builds of CbB). 😜
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