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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Try to sign in manually first through your browser and then open the DAW and click refresh. Use chrome or miscrosoft web browser. It doesnt matter which browser to use though, these two are just more secure.
  2. You need to sign in to your bandlab account. Open the DAW, go the the HELP tap and click sign in. That should re-activate your account.
  3. All previous versions yes. Not the new release. This last release will run on the same servers as Cakewalk Sonar and Next will run on. It was the reason why this EA was only release this month.
  4. I will definitely make a video. It happens randomly. Almost as if a constant focus are locked in on the previous node that was tweaked. Give me a day or two, it always happen in my projects. As for my configuration settings, mine is pretty much the on default settings.
  5. Well, im pretty sure the average person understands that if you service your vehicle regularly, you wont have any issue with it for that time period until its next service. How tedious the wait might be.
  6. Seeing that this is the final release of CbB ever, can we please hold the final drop for another 30 days so that we can do more tests on the EA before the final product comes out permanently. This product still have some minor flaws to already great and very old working features. Heres what keep happen with editing daily within my workflow. Automation nodes: Nodes for some reason keep linking themselves as a group when moving one during editing. There are times when creating a new node, or when going back to a previous one earlier in the project to make changes - all of them get selected. So when you move the current one, others on the same track/clip move as well. I Beg!!! Can we please get a pitch envelope automation filter on the track, PLEASE! bakers. If placing one on tracks will be too much work and hold back production, can we then get one for the pitch button in the Loop Construction? Let us use this time to properly and thoroughly test the last EA for stability and bugs before releasing the FINAL product ever of CbB. Pretty sure there will be many users and new beginners using this version - 10 years from now. I dont believe Windows 11 will change anytime soon. So far OS10 is better than OS11 according to gamers and other companies in this department out there.
  7. When last have you done a clean install of Windows and CbB? You might have some registry files that are corrupted in Windows of all the EA updates and other installations. Example: I'm a big believer of not having my DAW system connected to the wifi. I will only connect it to the internet when i do a clean install of my OS which i do every 3rd month to keep my system up to date with new Windows updates. Its a tedeous job everytime, but it keeps my system running smooth with no issues. It works for me, i'm happy to do it this way. It also allow me to get the latest updates of all my effects,instruments and drivers as well if there is available. To this day, i have had no issue with CbB anymore for two/three years now (and I used to have a lot of problems with CbB.) I download my EAs on my laptop and install it on my main machine without internet. I dont want that unnecessary downloads windows 10 does with certain installations to its reg files. To me when I do it this way, its only the app installation that updates my OS reg files to itself within the app alone and not reg files that dont need updates at the moment. Hope you get your issue resolved very soon. Cakewalk Sonar and Next will be on Par with the rest. I just wish they cater more for EDM and Hiphop users. Its where I live within the mainstream industry.
  8. Are take lanes not tracks then? Like I said, im not home to test this. I know, i have done something similiar before with a short which i have stumbled on by accident. It was a hd down and a drag or double click that expanded all take lane to fit the screen.
  9. Dont SHIFT+Drag do that? Might be wrong here and i'm not at home right now to check this. Basically you would just highlight all the tracks you want to expand/fit
  10. Strange, mine wasnt in the toast at all. That could also be that I literally checked the DAW 9mins after the EA dropped. Didnt see it so, i downloaded it from the google drive link that was attached in announcements.
  11. Whatever you do, dont save that project in its current state. You might lose the data to the project even if it has been backed up in the project folder. Run the install again.
  12. Been like this for quite some time. As mentioned above, yours was probably turned off. The last new update probably turned it back on as the default option.
  13. There is no rollback for this version, though, but you can install the old update. Link ?? All other version can be found here. A guide on how to rollback and links to previous versions
  14. Still seem to be doing it, unless this was a different bug report than what i'm thinking of and testing right now. There is still that 3db increase when exporting mono tracks with source clips. This is expect of course, seeing that it takes the left and right channel and collapsing it to one. I think the DAW needs to treat this like how it treats "split to mono." This should include the interleave, bounce to mono, sends and of course export to mono. One i forgot to test, is the drag and drop from the TV into the Browser. Should do it right now.
  15. Sounds like your USB cable might be the culprit here.
  16. How will you accurate snap/quantize or stretch to the tempo then? Certain genres requires this. Especially in EDM and Trap.
  17. Balance is off. What monitors are you using?
  18. You cant crop clips smaller than an 1/8th note. I have requested for this to go smaller, but was told that it doesnt not make musically sense Not sure why limitations was placed on the snap loop markers.
  19. Apologies then. Appreciate your input. I do agree with that actually.
  20. Uhmm! When did i say they were the same? Best you read that post again.
  21. Will.

    RIP Avid.

    Hang in there. I'm in a debate about what these AI technology means for us - the project home based producers that are linked to major studios. Theres a group of 100+ producers, singers and song writters in all corners of the industry that wants to protest for awareness for this. AI has already killed few careers out there. Its a tough one.
  22. Will.

    RIP Avid.

    For the love of Bugs Bunny! Why? Have you tried to venture into different aspects of the production side? Dont give up on being part of it.
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