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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Toon set an end date for upgrading from Superior 2 to Superior 3. Their product, their option. Some were late to "pull the trigger" and upgrade; then when the couldn't they were pi$$ed; snooze you lose! @Wookiee totally legit to sell, or give away, "unregistered" serial numbers. I have done it myself... t
  2. DeeringAmps

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    Yeah! Last purchase was in the mid $80’s. $108 (fixed) today I think. (Boy are we spoiled!) t
  3. DeeringAmps

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    We all knew this... Should I be the first to say "all in"? t
  4. The inevitable; Death, Taxes and IKM will run a sale. I can wait... How does the pedal integrate with the computer, can you use the librarian from the computer and NOT use the pedal as an interface? What I'm thinking is, using the pedal (coming in thru my UFX interface) when a project has swelled to the point that I can no longer track at 64 samples. Ran an AXE FXII for a while, I'm running a Strymon right now, but I'm a "sucker" for processors and DI's. t
  5. Got it! Thanks! Trouble is I'm running Tonex CS and it is ignoring the IR's after I select them and install them. Also I have 6 user Tone Models installed and Tonex says I'm "full"; should be 20 user models, eh? It's IKM; why am I not surprised... t
  6. What about the IR’s included in the tonejunkie package? TIA, t
  7. Be still my heart! Damn I might resemble that remark ?
  8. I resemble that remark... One can only hope... I don't work for free! Should Toon? (I don't think so...) EZD3 was a bargain when released... again, one can only hope... t
  9. Who put the dong in the rama lama ding dong?
  10. Boy, there's a lot here to digest Colin. My guess that is why so little response to the thread. I'll be back now and again to complete the journey. t only wish that I were so prolific...
  11. Radio friendly, or radio fiendly? Spring has sprung! Roll, roll, roll... t merrily, merrily, merrily
  12. Left my like, ?'s and ? over at BandLab... t
  13. You'll need a 4mm brad bit (to slide thru the body to mark the neck; its in the manual) and an 1/8" brad to drill the neck. Shown is a 3/16 and 1/8. the 3/16 is a little "proud" of 4mm and might bind in the body. You can see the point on the 3/16, its there on the 1/8. Yeah, good luck with that ? t
  14. Their product, their business model. I bailed on WAVES years ago; never looked back... t
  15. You can have links to both. And I agree that leaving the prior mix up is a good idea. t As to editing the title (had to jump in the way back machine to find a thread I started). Hit the "edit" cue. The "Title Box" will be at the top of the page, type in the new title. This is only available on the initial post; simples!
  16. Not my genre, but I 'get" where you're coming from... t
  17. Hey Jack, What VSTi's on this one? If I'm honest the sound quality, length and repetitive nature of the melody made it impossible for me to stay with this one. Sorry, but I'm keeping it "real" my friend... t
  18. Enjoyed the listen. One note, after On a sweet spring night in New Orleans the next line walks over the top of Orleans. I think maybe I'd put a measure in there to separate those two lines. Your song, your production... t
  19. DeeringAmps


    Nicely done Rik! t
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