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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. It seems that between Thursday, when I commented over at BL, and now the mix had changed and my comments there were lost. So: ?'s ? t
  2. Clearly I am a bloody genius! Of course it is "too loud" the genre is Rock. ?
  3. I pulled two mp3's into a project day. I did NOT drag and drop. I went to File>Import>Audio in the project, navigated to the folder containing the mp3's and Bingo into the project they went! Why its not working for the OP; haven't a clue... t
  4. So, $10 Hard Core at Toon, with my BestCoin I could get Big Band EZKeys for $5.69. I think I'll stay with just Hard Core... t I do feel your pain, for the hoops I'd have to jump thru for an additional $4.31 discount, I'm happy enough with the $10. hope this gets sorted easily...
  5. It’s a mono track , record it in mono. I would then put the desired effects on a stereo aux track (use a send from the vocal track). Done! Mono vocal, stereo effects. t
  6. Really like this one! Left my comments over at BandLab. Great guitar and piano work. ?'s ? t
  7. Watch it! I resemble that! t there's more tar heels up in Dave's country, specifically Darington, than are left in NC...
  8. ? ‘s t when you say “Windows UAD ” you’re using the vst plugs, not the UAD card? I tried to “love” the Octo card and the whole UAD eco system, but just never bonded..,
  9. DeeringAmps


    A bit late to the party here. Missed it, then caught part of it when I listened to Harlys, took a bit to get back to it. ?‘s Some really nice guitar tones t
  10. DeeringAmps

    Cold Wind

    Nicely done! ? t
  11. Only because you mentioned the occasional “weird” results I think. t
  12. Solid tune here! Nice variety of tones on the guitar, all from the Tonex; cool! ?'s ? t
  13. Like Ravi Shankar with 3 fingers at about the 1:20 mark? Very cool overall, video and music. t
  14. At this point it sounds to be a "piano/vocal" demo (yes I realize there's more). Lots of potential. I'm sure this one will evolve so I'll hold my "like". t
  15. or not... (perhaps I should rephrase that; "or maybe some do/will...") t
  16. Always enjoy your work P! Loved the integration of the Hendrix footage. She did look to be enjoying herself... so on final analysis; ?'s ? t Listening on the DT990's here there is a lot of bass "buildup". Take this with a grain of salt though as these soon to be 71 year old ears are pretty knackered! If I was enterprising I could route the audio thru Cake with the SonarWorks correction for the 990's on to see if that helps; but that would require "effort" ?.
  17. Yep, had another listen, somehow I missed it the first go round. t
  18. DeeringAmps


    Tasty licks and tone to be sure. Personally I've never delved into BandLab at all, and have no idea what "forked" means. Pretty sure though that @Keith Wilbywas just trying to get some collab going and did not mean to be disrespectful. (I'll get me hat as they say...) t
  19. Route all to a buss. Then bounce from the buss. You can use an existing buss, just make sure anything you DONT want is muted. Kind of counter intuitive, but that’s how it works. t
  20. I like and use the Celestion Speaker Shaper, the rest I can't comment on, nor am I attracted to... t
  21. Yes, inquiring minds want to know; no? t
  22. I understand the frustration many feel and why some have “washed their hands” of Toon. I’m embedded in the eco system and have followed the upgrade path on SD, EZD, and now EZK. The SD3 upgrade was far and away the most expensive. SD2 is a powerful program, shame to let it just sit… but we are drifting off topic so let’s return to the program already in progress… t
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