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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Liked it then, no reason to change my mind now (actually have the single). t
  2. Get it at PluginBoutique and get a little "Virtual Cash" (I had $0.63) or direct from UAD. Appears the offer expire January 31st. Maybe @Bapu will let us know if its a must have, no brainer! Quick Update: Authorization uses iLok Cloud (you MUST be online, or a physical iLok. Mine is “missing”) Gawd I hate iLok…. t my apologies if someone has already listed this; I did so a search, but we all know how that goes...
  3. Still not having issues with 44-16 wave files here. Just sayin’… t
  4. @Marco Sequeira Checkout the link below, Mike at Creative Sauce explains in all in great detail in his CakeWalk You/tube series. This will be time well spent believe me. You can thank me later... t
  5. The VSTi has to be "selected". I always "bounce" the mix to a new track and export it as an mp3, et cetera. HTH, t
  6. Downloaded, I'll have to get back to you with an eval later; lots on my plate right now... t btw, tried to buy a vodka, stripe wanted a cc, no visible way to use PayPal.
  7. One here! I guess I need to install your app and give it a look see t
  8. In the Beato conversation (really these really are more like conversations than interviews) he talks about singing Old School live with SD. t
  9. @RexRed and @mark skinner Gentlemen, You're working waaay tooo hard, and leaving yourself open to problems. DO NOT PUT ANY CORRECTION SOFTWARE ON THE MASTER BUSS! I send the MASTER BUSS to, in my case, the ARC (IK's ARC) BUSS (which is routed to the monitors). All export's, mixdowns, et cetera, are taken off the MASTER BUSS. SIMPLES, you can thank me later... t I also send the MASTER to the CANS BUSS, that has the SonarWorks Headphone Correction on it. Once again, it is NEVER involved any any bounces or mixdowns... I send the i SEND THE master TO MY
  10. Check add/remove programs (I think that's where it will be, if not, someone will chime in) and delete the Steinberg driver. t
  11. @Michael Fogarty Contact Jim Roseberry from Purrrfect Audio. Unless something has changed he consults. There's a recent thread in Computer Systems about the coming Win 11 native ASIO drivers so you can PM him from there. I have two of his machines (both too old for Win 11), he's the best... t
  12. Thanks @BTP, the link worked a treat! t
  13. Just updated the studio rig (normally it’s offline) no issues with uJam here. t
  14. Comments and like at YouTube. 👍‘s 👏 t
  15. Day 1 Deals, Monster Midi Packs 1-4. because inquiring minds want to know... t I don't disagree but; Their sale, their rules...
  16. Bunch of midi packs, but they have expired… t
  17. What I’ve found to be most effective is rereading my comments before pulling the “trigger”. YMMV, t
  18. Or are others doing this as well... t
  19. Yep, and we all love it every year… 👍’s 👏 t
  20. @GTsongwriterif you are looking for an instrument and not an amp sim, there you go. Good find treesha! useless and weak! (My new signature)
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