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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Similar story here, always a Paul man, still have the '68 GoldTop my father bought me for my sixteenth birthday, "seduced" by a PRS '93 Custom 24 (goldtop) back in the summer of '94 (do we see a "trend" here?). There are 2 PRS' on the tune; an HBII (Amber) on the rhythm track and my "main squeeze" (Anna), a Santana II, on the lead tracks (very '59ish neck on this old girl). Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, it means a lot... T ps: biggest disappointment of my "big guitar hunt" life was a 2003, "we finally got it right!" Brazilian board R7, just not a "real" Paul, and trust me I've been chasing LP's since the late 60's, I've played, and owned, a ton of "Golden Era" Kalamazoo, MI. Gibson's.
  2. No stones to throw here! Maybe a few to "roll" just to keep the moss off (mybad, couldn't help myself). The guitar seems a bit ahead of the beat in the intro, is the Floyd original that far ahead? Not a criticism, just an observation. Fine vocal man, I love it! Take care my brother, and keep them deals coming, but don't let that interfere with your studio time. Tom
  3. For some reason I'm thinking Huey Lewis and the News on this one; that kind of vibe anyway, I like it! Print it man, move on to the next tune; all good here. Tom ps: that B3 on Hard Landing, WOW!
  4. Lovely ambiance on this one. At the 0:30 mark that sudden "depth" is gorgeous. Very well done! I can see this as the trailer out on a feature film. Tom
  5. Quite a lovely tribute to your auntie Betty. She is indeed very talented. Thought I saw one pastel in there, the skyscape maybe? Kudos on ya and a big thumbs up! Tom
  6. Here's the link, its $224,600 USD
  7. Blues Deluxe has been around long enough for a "reissue"? Seriously? (this is the one with "bad drive" and "more bad drive"; right?) Jim please stop! Talk about the "rabbit hole", now I need a TAE; you're killin' me here, killin me... ? I did look at the Neve Shelford, Yikes! I am kind of drooling for a 517 though, got a 20% offer from Guitar Center; I gotta quit... please help me!
  8. Generally I freeze EZD or SD3 when I'm done tweaking the track. There was a time when EZD would fall out of sync during playback. I freeze Trilian when I'm done with the bass track; audio loads faster than samples. Of course with the m.2 sample drive I don't have to "wait" anymore, but I'm a "creature of habit". I always freeze all my synth tracks before final export, but again creature of habit; just me. YMMV Tom ps: Once the project is "finished" and sits for awhile, synths are updated, patches change, etc. If I want to revisit the mix, I want audio tracks, not synth tracks that are no longer the same...
  9. Sidney, you have moved to the kicks that came with SD3? T
  10. “Overall my right hand holds much of the secret to my tone and phrasing. This is a big reason I ditched modelers and went back to using real amps a year ago .” This is so true, it really is the picking hand that is “driving” the car! I tend to use software, but there really is no substitute for a responsive tube amp. Tom
  11. Steve, ToonTracks is all midi based. As far as I know they have no audio loops. EZKeys is highly customizable, so yes changing keys, minor major, very easy. No EZGuitar yet, far as I know. Tom
  12. Not quite ready for prime time. But you’ve sketched your tune out, now we need to build a solid backing track. If I was producing I might try slowing it down a bit. You’re trying to deliver a lot of words and struggling a bit to my ears. Tighten up that drum track, get the vocal together, and bring it back. Stay with it. Tom
  13. 3am Text message “Your flight is cancelled!” Frantic search for alternate flights. Fitful two hours trying to get back to sleep. I was not looking for “relaxation”. You kicked my sorry ***** into high gear and I thank you. Well done my brother, keep it coming, I’m inspired! Just hoping for some serious studio time when I finally make it home. ?? up on this one. Tom evidently $ is recognized by the forum software as an s. My bad...
  14. DeeringAmps

    Love is Like

    Again a tune for someone special in your life, and you’ve hit the mark. Reminds me of John Denver a bit. Nicely done. Tom
  15. I missed it last year so I can’t comment on 50% more scary, but I can say you hit the mark. Tom
  16. As always Bat this is brilliant! The writing, performance, production, the video. I’m a fan, what more can I say. Thanks for posting, and keeping the bar high. Tom
  17. Pedal steel from BIAB, very nice. Tell me you did the swells on the Tele not the Paul. Beautifully done, kudos to ya. Very much enjoyed this. ?? Tom
  18. Lovely guitar tones indeed! Clever changes throughout. Well done, a Big ? here. Tom
  19. Well sung, excellent job on the harmonies, vocally and note selection. I might let the acoustic push a bit more, maybe spread it across the sound stage or bring up the verb on it on the right side? Just some things I would try if I was mixing it. Overall a big? Tom
  20. DeeringAmps

    Blind Boy Blues

    I love me a heap of slow burnin’ blues. Tastefully done. I too will send some positive energy your way. Safe journeys to ya brother. Tom
  21. DeeringAmps

    Rocky Flow

    Enjoyed this for sure. That little “dive bomb” bit, around 2:00ish, is pretty cool. If you put a rock drummer behind this I think it could pass as an ELP track. Very cool. Tom
  22. DeeringAmps


    I think bjorn gets the credit for “moodscape”.
  23. Brian Wilson used the Wrecking Crew, Berry Gordy had his house band, how many hits were the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section on; the list goes on. It’s your vision and creativity that counts, then if you can’t play it, you hire someone who can. If that’s a loop, so be it. Loops are tougher to manage than A list studio pros. I like the delicate feel, you’ve done a fine job of getting the loops to tell your story. I say say well done. Print it and move on. Tom
  24. Hey Rex, first impression was “I love the sparse instrumentation”, but then it dawned on me you and the acoustic were not “alone”. Very nicely done. I would bring the single note lines up just a bit, just me. And that ringing note (open g I suspect) is just a bit loud. I am not a disciplined acoustic player, and that battle between the wound and plain strings drives me nuts, muting the low pretty easy, taming the high side; not my forte. Certainly not a “deal breaker” and I’m thinking that it’s kind of a pedal tone. I’m guessing you wrote this for someone special and it comes across as heartfelt. Please don’t take what might sound like negative comments too much to heart, the “technician” in me tends to over analyze, the “listener” in me was indeed very pleased. Tom
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