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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Sounds like an unauthorized plug to me. Have you updated anything lately? As Chuck said add plugs one at a time, or bypass all plugs, and turn them on one at a time. Tedious but... T
  2. Interesting tune, I think the vocals are fine, as are the guitars; you didn’t ask but the kick and bass seem to be working well together on the Bose cans. The synths are not at all in my wheelhouse, so I can’t help there, other than it lends an interesting texture to the song. “Two sisters, one with child” I like your story line. T
  3. Ok, I live in a little piece of unincorporated King County wedged in between Covington, Black Diamond & Maple Valley; but my mailing address is Kent. Go figure. I can neither confirm nor deny I was anywhere or anything during the 60’s. After all anyone who remembers the 60’s wasn’t there..... T
  4. Listening on my phone thru Bose headphones (yeah, not the best for critical listening) the kick is lacking just a bit. If this is what I was hearing on my monitors I would bring up the beater on the kick to better define it. Again iPhone, Bose headphones. Love the tune, recognized it right off from when you had it up in March I think. That middle eight, then the breakdown; well done Bat! As always such a pleasure, thanks so much for posting. I’m a fan, what more can I say. Tom
  5. Yikes! I knew this was a “rabbit hole”...
  6. I say, I say, it was joke son...
  7. Long Beach Island? Everyone knows that Long Beach is in California; hell, I was born there! Forget "pretty impressive for a tablet". That was very nicely done! FL mobile huh? T
  8. Quick question, does it have D and D# below E? The acoustic sample set did not. When tuning to D or G, you gotta have the D... T
  9. When using WDM drivers you have to set the Record Latency manually. Its on the Sync and Caching tab as shown below You'll have to send audio out and record it, then move the recorded clip until the two "sync" up. That becomes your "offset". I have a cwp and instructions for that here: In sync with Sonar T
  10. Very poignant! Your reference to “Ohio” is spot on! Many thanks for sharing. T
  11. Kick and bass are right there on my Bose cans which tend to hype the low end. Seems like both are working well together, each having their own “niche “ so to speak. Levels on the vox and guitars is such a “season to taste” thing; nothing seemed “off” to me. Your use of the wah is very “tasty”. As always, I’m a “fan”! T
  12. Damn Jim, my GAS is killin' me! $3500; this bad boy better "walk on water"... Thanks a lot! T
  13. Best move overall. (But I would have popped the cover) let us know how it turns out. T
  14. Spent a few minutes looking for a schematic for this bad boy (to no avail). My guess is the attenuator (the load) is just fine. Something must be "wonky" in the tap, or the level pot, for the "Studio" setting. I'd tear it apart, they are pricey; but hey, you bought it used, hence no warranty; whadda ya got to loose? Just my nickel98's worth....
  15. What I'm seeing is that all the categories go back to late December; in other words, to this forum's inception. T
  16. Sounds like the "Crusher" is maybe shorting the signal to ground; this would not be good. IF the "load" is suddenly a "dead short" you're going to damage the output tranny, 6L6's and accompanying circuitry. As to handling the "tubes" (these are electron valves, just so you know). They are not "fragile", BUT best practice; let them cool before handling. If the "valves" are cool then the B+ voltage will most likely have "bled" off. Best not to insert or pull tubes with the B+ at 400 volts. T
  17. Tascam 688 synced to Cakewalk 3.0 via MOTU midi interface Then onto Pro-Audio via Sound Blaster Echo Layla Tascam FW-1884 RME UFX
  18. I just took another listen, "fake and plasticy", doesn't come to mind at all. T
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