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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. A little something I wrote years ago, never satisfied with it. Finally reworked it. Somewhat biographical, or not... Rock 'n' Roll Ladies Let me know what y'all think. Tom
  2. Just logged in to check the forum before I get to work and lo and behold; a little Batsbrew to start my day. I am now ready to boogie! njoy I did Thank you Bat T
  3. "Someone from Knt Washington just purchased TrueIron" Yeah, I downloaded the demo, but you do that by "purchasing" the demo for $0.00; no money changes hands. I misspelled Kent, Knt, that's how I know that the "purchase" was my download. So they aren't getting filthy rich. I was researching how to authorize the plug, as I too am curious how the licensing works. But, the question remains; what is the authorization and licensing system? Tom
  4. Nice open clean mix on the cans here. I wouldn't call it "lo-fi". Well done. Tom
  5. Don't know what I'm doing wrong here, but I'm getting Lost the Race, Won the Game; but its all good. As always enjoy your stuff Freddy, please keep it up! Whoops! I found it, just had to cursor down; doh... T
  6. DeeringAmps


    More "Classic" Batsbrew. Great songwriting, arrangement, and performance. I'm lovin' it! That bass tone is most excellent, and the clean guitar; very nice indeed. But man, those around you must have suffered some real tragedy to inspire all these tunes... Tom
  7. Gave this two passes; one on the cans, one in the Ford rental. Not hearing any issues. Print it! T
  8. That would work for me. But every workflow is different. The beauty of CbB is it’s flexibility; it’s adaptable to any workflow. T
  9. Generally I send the bass to the Drum buss. Occasionally it’s routed to Guitars. An occasional old project has it routed directly to the Master, but that’s a project that I haven’t opened in a long time. It is annoying to deselect all busses except the Master when choosing “Busses” in the export dialog, it would be nice if the export preset reflected this. T
  10. Please no debate here but, in a friends studio we were regularly running 16 plus tracks to HDD; the drum kit being 12 of those; all at 48k 24 bit; on an i3 system. This to a WD Black HDD. Of course we we’re light piped in via an RME interface, maybe that helped. I’ll stick with the Black drives until Jim assures me “no worries” going with the SSD as an audio drive. One caveat, backup, backup, backup. Redundancy is our friend! T
  11. The kick is good , I was curious if you had added beater to this one. As always, a fan, T
  12. So “main drive”, you had your projects on this drive; multiple writes and re-writes? T
  13. Today I’m listening in a Ford rental, the kick and bass are happenin’! More beater on this kit? or this system is hyping those freqs. I’m not hearing any “issues” , I would not call it “overly” bright. Classic Batsbrew, Print it, move on. T
  14. I see a “proper” DAW needing 3 drives minimum. 250gb SSD for the C drive: OS CbB etc m.2 for your samples; I’ve stated many times Superior Drummer, EZD2, Kontact, all load “yesterday” from the m.2 on my new StudioCat. I’m still using WD Black HDD’s for my projects. It is/was my understanding that the issue with SSD comes with multiple write cycles. Every time I pose the question; “are we no longer concerned about multiple delete/rewrite cycles on SSD drives”, I get no response. A fourth drive, HDD, for general data, backup images, etc. is a must have as well, but it’s your system. Good luck with the new system, I “killed” a cheap Dell laptop once trying to “wipe” it clean and start over, but that’s another story... T
  15. You know how it goes Larry, they always shoot the messenger! T
  16. Bass and drums are solid here, better on the DT-990's and the RME Babyface than the Bose/Logitech (checked both, found that interesting). My tired ears would like a little more beater on the kick, but again; my tired ears. I'd "print" this one. I will "echo" Grem on his eval of the tune overall; as always Well Done! But, I'm a fan so there you go. Thanks for sharing, you are a constant inspiration, wish I still had this kind of energy. T
  17. There's your trouble! I'm gonna pass..... T
  18. So the "blue" SSD's are their "best" SSD then. Thanks Lars T
  19. All true Larry, but I did say the "bulk" of his (or any of guitar god's) tone is in the hands... Clapton sounds like Clapton regardless of which guitar he is/ was using (although arguably the red 335 was his "best"). Just sayin', but as always this is just my nickel98's worth, and what do I know? T
  20. WD Blue? I only buy the "black" hard drives, and only have experience, all good, with Samsung EVO SSD's. At $225 for a 2TB (didn't try the promo code), maybe I'm interested? These any good? T
  21. I would say the bulk of his tone is in his hands! I would still suck if he handed me his stage rig and said "let er rip"... T
  22. Bat, on the Bose cans both mixes are good, I don’t hear any issues with the vocals on either mix. HTH T
  23. Bats, Thanks for the insight into your tune, it certainly drew me in; now I know why. T
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