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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. My studio rig I shutdown when I'm done; but I might not be back for a while. My office rig runs 24/7, always has; so I don't think its an issue at all. YMMV Tom
  2. I've been back to listen 3 times ( and thought it had a Beatleish vibe as well. Someone mentioned Ringo). Classic Daryl performance (I jumped on the Forum Monkeys link to refresh, of course regulars here are all familiar). Daryl keeps the bar high for the rest of us... Tom The Do Dah Dog Band, now that's a blast from the past.
  3. Thank you Daryl. Wish I could say I played the piano, I'll have to admit to it mostly being some more shameless appropriation. Tom
  4. Yeah, I was thinking Brian Setzer Orchestra, Cherry Poppin Daddy, etc. Thanks BassDaddy, T
  5. Man, so well played by all involved; that piano into especially! And I assume the same player on the Hammond? Guitars, Harp, Bass, Drums; all so tight. Whoops, almost left out the vocal. Great mix, puts me right in the room. Can't wait for the video... Tom
  6. So would this be appropriate for some Brian Setzer action? T
  7. Thank you Bats, You are one of the voices I respect most on this forum, it means a lot. Tom
  8. Hey Bob, I missed the first mix so I can't comment on the changes. But I can say this, I love that "in your face" (or should I say chest) kick drum. I can hear the "Southern Rock" influence, but tonally this is "modern" rock all the way (not a criticism). Lynn commented on the change going into the solo; I'd call it a "middle eight", but I think I counted 9 measures there; well done! There were a couple of times I sensed some Eddie V coming in the solo, but you kept it to a nice ascending melody line: less is more ofttimes. You've obviously spent a lot of time honing your skills, craft and promotion; 3 albums on CD Baby is a testament to hard work. "brain bolts", I love that; I think I've experienced it as well, just wish they'd come more often... The one thing that has evaded me is the "craft" of songwriting, scheduling time, sitting down and "honing" the craft everyday. There are several hard working young artists I follow on the forum, (at age 67, everyone under 50 is a kid) I only wish the modern "industry" was geared to the Ertegun, Wexler, Davis school of music production/promotion vs. the pure "bean counter" business it is in the modern era. Those men "shaped the times", this new breed just copy the latest "trend", and consequently music languishes. Keep on aRockin' Bob, Tom
  9. Hey Bob, thanks for stopping by! "This sort of gave me a cool Georgia Satellites vibe" As in I shamelessly appropriated the riff from Keep Your Hand To Yourself? Actually I'm a little surprised no one else has mentioned it... But in my defense Picasso famously said "Good artists borrow, great artists steal" Its doubtful I make the list as a "good" artist, so I'll stick with shamelessly appropriated. But lets remember, the 7 note riff in Layla, is the melody line from As The Years Go Passing By; a tune that Layla's writer has undoubtedly played many times. And, if I'm not mistaken, has admitted that the chord progression in Tales Of Brave Ulysses is Summer In The City. Now this does not dismiss plagiarism, but I do believe that the riff in question is/was used somewhere in Blues or Rock. Obviously if I were releasing this as a single I would change the riff, and actually have played around with a couple of different substitutes. But, it just "fits" the tune and the era that the story line depicts. So I'll stick with shamelessly appropriated. Again, many thanks for your critique, and I will pass along "that super tasty blues harp really put the icing on cake" to Jeff "All In" Lee; he will certainly appreciate that, and needs a little affirmation once in awhile to keep himself on track. Tom ps; is that a couple of PRS's on your album covers?
  10. Check this out, both clips are Joe Pass Yowser! I'm off to get me some Midi Guitar 2! Thank you Kenny, T
  11. Robert I have to disagree with using the M.2 drive as the boot drive. The M.2 "shines" for your sample libraries, as I like to say "Superior Drummer loads yesterday from the M.2". But keeping the C drive "lean and mean" is, for me at least, just good management. C drive, SSD for sure; OS, programs, vst dll's etc. But I do believe that if you keep the C drive "clean", 7200rpm drives work just fine. Samples on the M.2. Projects (per project folders) I'm still running WD Black drives. In addition I a have a couple of drives (all conventional) for "data", backups, etc. Guys (and gals) get an M.2 1TB, put all your ToonTrack, NI, IK etc samples on it; you can thank me later. You boot once a day (well in the studio at least) maybe twice if an "issue" arises, I'm loading samples every time I open a project... T
  12. It is Saturday, and yes, there is a big smile on my face! So what's the signal chain on the guitar if you don't mind my asking? Tom
  13. Funk Me Up! My man, that is bad *****. I'm gonna have to get me some Midi Guitar 2. T
  14. Kenny, There was a time when rock ruled the world, I too remember it well. Kevin, I was nervous when I realized I was going to have to move the tune that far, when I ran the tune down to Jeff he said "you gotta let me have this", so the harp had to carry the tune; but it worked! Arlen, Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it. Bjorn, you are much too kind. Thanks to all for taking the time to listen and comment. I've passed your praise on to my good friend Jeff "all in" Lee, you really brightened his day. I might even be able to get him down to the studio to "blow" a little harp. Tom
  15. First let me say this is not my genre, but you wanted some feedback on spectral balance and I think I can comment on that. Here on my cans it sounds just fine. I'm not a "gamer" so I can't comment on the current state of Video game music production; but, I do wish you well in your endeavor. You say "I turned a 1 minute ditty into a ..." That's how it works, a moment of inspiration, then a ton of perspiration. Stay at it! Tom
  16. K.M. I definitely see this opening, or running under the credits, of a film. Good solid mix here. Showcases your style and vision quite well. You say its "your most ambitious" to date; keep it up! all the best, Tom
  17. Thanks Steve, and please feel free to. Tom
  18. High output buckers have never worked for me. Lindy makes the best, to my ears (same caveat as above). But I will admit, once I put a set of Fralins (8k, 9k) in my Paul, I’ve never looked back. I’ve got a good story on that one if anyone is interested. Maybe there’s something out there... Tom
  19. "they are what I consider to be the third/final portion of the general equation in setting up an amp sim rig" Great amps stand on three legs; pre-amp, power amp, and speaker. So Christian has nailed it there. With speakers it comes down to "excursion", and to my ears, this is why 100 watt (or 50 watt) single speaker combos never can/will sound "right" (please note the caveat "to my ears"). You got to "spread" the load and "move" some air. Guitar amps are all about harmonic complexity, and just like the pre and power amps, that complexity is all about "pushing" things a bit. I bought the OX Amp shortly after it first came out, great idea, but in demoing it I found it not mature yet (again same caveat). I think as time goes the OX or software will get there, I just hate buying in early and then having to update, update, update. Updating software, no issue; hardware, ouch! I've been using Two Notes with some success, just need to dig deeper. Now onto the subject of DI, oh man... all I will say is right now it’s Little Labs, wish they had a 500 version, I am kind of "jonesing" for the Neve 517; I gotta stop or I'll have one coming... All the best to all in their "quest" Tom
  20. Amplitube has been a "workhorse" for me, but I'm always "looking". I'm more a 4 input Marshall kinda guy (read that JTM-45 or the Super Lead 100). Had a plexi full stack back in the day so that probably explains that. I do have the S-Gear and consider it top notch. Although I had a 2210, I mostly bought it to be sure I was getting the more "modern" Marshall sounds in my amps; so not sure the MRH810 is in my "ballpark". I'm getting some mileage from the UAD '57 Deluxe, but some of their Marshalls leaving me yawning. Really wish I could find an emulation that nails the EL-84 amps that are more to my liking than the 6V6 small combos. I will have to d/l the demos from Kuassa and Nembrini, thanks Christian for the heads up! T
  21. What do ya think? Is this the "no-brainer" price, do I/we wait? Samsung EVO 2TB T
  22. DeeringAmps


    Well Freddy it seems we have more than a few things in common (and if you don't mind me saying, we old guys gotta stick together). This song says "I love you", sounds like you're a lucky guy (and she's a lucky girl {hope that isn't sexist }). I get it, been there, been doing that for 46+ years... Off topic, is that a Vox Phantom in the Went to the Well image? Vox used that body shape a lot and there's not quite enough detail for me to suss the exact model. All the best, keep it up! Tom
  23. The only thing I'm not hearing is the hi-hat or ride cymbal. Kick, snare and bass are all well defined. Otherwise I think its balanced just fine. If I'm producing this one, I'd let the guitar and/or bass fade into the vocal on the breakdown at 2:38. Or fade out and bring the vocal in a moment or two later; just kind of an abrupt change there. Just me. I know how it is "trusting" these ears that have been abused over the years; I feel for ya. Print it, move on, certainly nothing glaringly "wrong" with your mix. Tom
  24. Freddy you’re too kind, thank you. Hidden, thanks for listening, Ozone 8 gets all the credit. I don’t know what’s up with my website, I’ll rattle some cages in the morning. Well that was odd, somehow the .com in the link went away. I guess it was Rockus and Rollus (the gods of rock music) having a little fun at my expense again. All is now well. Tom
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